The Last Experiment

It was the day of Olivia's last experiment. Bucky has been pacing his room for the last hour unable to stay still for too long. He feels guilty somehow, like if only he had gone home instead of helping Steve take down hydra. They would have gotten married, Bucky would have given her his mother's wedding ring. It wasn't much but it meant a lot to him. They probably would have had a few kids and grown old together.

He'll never know what that's like now, he's not even sure he can have kids. Even then, there's no point if Olivia doesn't remember. He's decided if Liv doesn't get her memories back, he's going to let her go. She doesn't need to be another pawn between hydra and the Avengers. She should get a chance to live her own normal life, the one she was robbed of.

Bucky looks at the old-fashioned clock on his nightstand. Shuri should be done by now. He hasn't heard anything which makes him feel anxious. He decides to go check in on them, just in case.

Bucky walks out of his room and down to the Lab Shuri has been working in. He sees Steve in the same place he was earlier when they were starting the procedure.

Steve looks up as Bucky walks in. "Hey, they just finished up."

"How is she?" Bucky asks walking over to Steve.

"It went well, I think. She did good but we won't know if it worked until she wakes up." Steve sighed. "I'm Scared Buck."

Bucky placed a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I know, I am too. But she's a tough girl... she's my girl... she's gotta pull through." Bucky wasn't too sure he believed in himself but Liv was his best friend and he needs encouragement.

Shuri stepped out of the room and looked at them hopefully. "She did well, there weren't any major complications. Now we wait.. she's still asleep but she should wake soon if you want to keep her company."

Steve pulled Bucky in for a tight hug. "Go see her."

Bucky pulls away and nods. "Okay." He thanks Shuri and heads into the room where Liv is sleeping.

She looks peaceful.

That's his first thought as he walks in. He wishes this was a fairytale and he could just kiss her and she'd wake up and magically be okay. But this isn't a fairytale... it's real life. He also thinks it's a little creepy that a man would kiss a girl he barely knows while she's asleep but that's a whole other story.

Bucky grabs a chair from nearby and pulls it beside her bed. He's determined to wait here until she wakes up.

"So Shuri said you did great." He sighed already feeling the tears in his eyes.

He had promised himself he wouldn't cry. But since when has he been able to keep a promise?

"I- I don't know if the surgery worked or not... I don't know if you can even hear me right now but on the off chance that you can, I just want to say... I love you Liv. The last time I said that you tried to kill me. But that's okay! I don't hold that against you. I've done worse trust me." He ran his hand through his hair anxiously.

"Fu- I'm bad at feelings." He groans. "I guess I just want you to know that whatever happens I always love you. Even if you don't know who I am and you forget me. My heart beats for you okay? I'll always watch over you and protect you even though I couldn't keep my promise before." He took your hand in his and kissed it softly. He was about to let go when he felt a soft squeeze on his hand.

"Liv?" His eyes widened. "Baby, can you hear me?"

She mumbled in a soft voice. "James Buchanan Barnes, has anyone ever told you you're extremely cheesy?" She blinks tiredly looking up at Bucky a grin pulling at her lips.

He lets out a sigh of relief, "oh my god." He pulls her into a tight embrace. "You're okay?" He pulled back to look at her.

"I think so..." she blinked trying to piece together her thoughts and memories. Liv gasps sitting up. "I tried to kill you! Oh, Bucky I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, hey. Don't worry about it ... everyone does." He chuckled tucking in a strand of hair behind your ear. "So.. how much of my little speech did you hear?"

Liv grins. "Your heart beats for me huh?" She runs her hand through his messy hair.

"Only you." Bucky presses his forehead against hers. "I don't think I'm ever letting you out of my sights again."

"Marry me." Liv grins.

"W-wait I'm supposed to ask you." Bucky laughs feeling the tears in his eyes again.

Liv shakes her head. "You've asked me twice now, I think it's my turn."

"James Bucky Barnes..." Liv slides off the small bed and stands in front of Bucky in nothing but her hospital gown. "I have loved you for 76 years, and all the torture and pain Hydra caused me couldn't erase you from my heart. And if that isn't love I don't know what is... so James, will you do me the honor of making me your Bride?"

"Yes, a million times yes." Bucky grins picking her up. "Can I kiss you?"

"Always." She grins and meets him halfway. Finally in the arms of the man she loves.

