
Later @ avengers tower.

Bucky knocked on his bedroom door. "Hey Liv, I'm back. I brought donuts!" He waited for a reply before frowning and opening the door.

He set the box down before checking the rest of the tower. "Friday, where's Olivia?"

"She exited the building earlier today. She hasn't been back."

"No, no." He groaned. "Please tell me you didn't run." He ran down to get Steve.

Steve walked out from his debriefing and saw Bucky running toward him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"She's gone." He said.

"What? Dammit Bucky. Who's was watching her?" He asked already grabbing his tablet to check security footage.

"No one Steve, she's not a child." He glared.

"No, just a Hydra agent." Steve glared back. "We don't know her intentions. She's been here only a few days Buck, we can't just trust her because she looks familiar."

Steve played back the surveillance video. "It  doesn't look like she's running.." Steve mumbled.

"She might have just gone out on a walk, right?" Bucky asked.

"She didn't steal anything, besides my hat. But she knows she can use my things.  I mean we're just friends obviously but-" bucky rambled before Steve cut him off.

"Buck, you're getting off topic. We need to find her. And quick. Hydra is definitely on the look out for her, and If they find her..."

"Yeah, I know!" Bucky sighed. "Let's go."


I felt myself slowly regain consciousness. My surroundings are blurred but I can make out what looks like a cell. I try to rub my eyes but I feel the ice cold chains around my wrists. I tug against the chains in hopes of getting them off but they only tightened against my wrists. They dampened my powers. Great.

"Good, you're awake." I know it's him but I don't dare look up. "We've missed you Liv, that's what you go by now right?" I could hear the smugness in his voice.

I kept my gaze focused on the dirty concrete floor.

I felt a tight grip on my chin. "look at me when I'm speaking to you!"

I sighed. "yes..."

"Yes what?" He all but growled squeezing me tighter.

"Yes, sir." I said through gritted teeth.

He smiled. "I've missed you. I truly have."

My skin recoiled at his touch.

"At least you managed to complete your mission before being taken." He smirked.

I glared at him. "I won't kill for you anymore."

"We'll see about that, doll." He winked.

"Don't call me that." I said through gritted teeth.

He rolled his eyes. Suddenly there was chatter coming in through his coms. "You'll have to excuse me. I'm needed. But don't worry, I won't forget about you." He chuckled and left the room.

I let out a breath I never realized I was holding and looked down. I took a few deep breaths before trying to pull at my chains again. They wouldn't budge. I never should have left the tower. They probably thought I ran away and aren't even bothering to look for me.

Just as I'm thinking up an escape plan, the door opens and I'm met face to face with the one and only James Buchanan Barnes. My face lit up. "You came for me."

"Liv." He breathed out my name in relief. "Of course i did." He rushed over to break the chains and release me. "I got worried when I got to the tower and couldn't find you."

The chains hit the floor and I stood up wrapping my arms around him tightly. "Thank you." I said softly in his ear.

"Let's get you out of here." He hugged me tight then pulled away. "You okay to walk?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'll be fine ."

He nods. "Take this." He hands me one if his guns. "Follow me." He heads back toward the hallway. The coast was clear so led me all the way outside to his bike.

"That was easy." He said climbing on. "Steve, I've got her. We'll meet you back at the compound."

"Too easy..." I mumbled.

"Come on, lets go." He urged.

I nodded climbing in and holding on tight.

He rode off taking us back to the avengers tower.

Once we got there Steve was waiting by the quinjet. "Liv, I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks Stevie." I smiled.

"Have banner check you, then meet us in briefing room?" He smiled softly.

I nodded. "Okay."

"I'll meet you there." Bucky said softly.

I nod and walk off toward the lab, leaving the boys behind to talk.

Later I was back in Bucky's room looking out the window quietly.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He walked up behind me.

"Weak. Whatever they injected me with really did a number on me." I sighed turning to look at him.

"I'm sorry." He reached over and gently traced over a small bruise on my cheek. "Banner said it should wear off in the next day or two."

I sighed leaning into him. "I know, I just haven't felt like this in so long... it's just weird I guess."

He wrapped his arms around me gently.

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"Just being here." I smile softly. "It means a lot."

"I - I'll always be here." He said softly.

I nod and wrap my arms around him and taking a deep breath. "You always make me feel better."

He rubbed my back softly and I melted into his arms. I tried to imagine what it would be like If I could just remember everything. Eventually I fell asleep in his arms as I dreamed of what could have been.
