The Talk

"So how have you been feeling overall?" The therapist asked me toward the end of our session.

"Kinda great?" I chuckled.

"Really?" He asked. "How so?"

"Well, I've been working on getting some memories back but I haven't yet. At least none of the big ones, just some random day to day things. Which is progress so that's good."

"That is good to hear, Olivia." He smiled.

"Also... Bucky and I have been working great together." I grinned.

"As teammates?" He asked

"Well yes, and also he's just been so supportive and has been helping me train and maybe soon I can help with missions..."

"That sounds like a great idea." He smiled.

"I've been helping them with intel, but until their friend from Wakanda comes to examine me and hopefully erase any trigger words I have, I'm going to be stuck on the sidelines." I shrug.

"Well," the doctor closed his notebook and looked up at me. "I've got some news for you."

I gave him a worried look. "What's wrong?"

He chuckled. "Nothing is wrong. I was just going to inform you that, this will be our last official meeting together."

"Why?" I furrowed my brow.

"You seem to be improving tremendously. I see no reason to have you come in every day. We can meet once a month and you can call me whenever you need. But I'm officially giving Mr. Stark my stamp of approval."

"Oh! This is amazing!" I jumped up and hugged him. "Thank you so much, doctor." I grinned. "I have to go tell Bucky."

"I hope things go well for you." He said.

"Thank you." I grinned and said my goodbyes before rushing out to go find Bucky and thank him.

Aside from my therapy sessions, Bucky has been helping me talk through my feeling and dreams and he's just been so helpful. Without him, I'd probably have quit by now.

I walked through the hallways and checked his room. It was empty so I went to the next place I thought he'd be. The gym. I rushed in and saw him taking a drink of water. He looked over when I walked in and I ran over to him. He grinned and caught me when I ran into his arms.

"He cleared me. I'm officially cleared." I grinned into his shoulder.

"What? That's amazing!" He spun me around before putting me back down gently.

"It's all thanks to you." I smiled up at him keeping my arms around his neck.

He smiled. "It was all you doll." He watched me for a second before we heard someone clear their throat.

I looked over and Steve was standing on the mat chuckling. "Hello Olivia."

I blushed. "Hey Stevie." I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Congratulations." He chuckled.

"Thank you." I pulled back and looked back at Bucky. "I'll let you both finish up your training." I smile softly.

"Nah, don't worry about it." Steve chuckled. "I'm gonna go hit the shower." He squeezed my hand softly then nodded toward Bucky and walked out.

I looked back over at Bucky. "I should probably let you shower too." I told him.

He smiled. "How about afterward we go on a walk."

I grin. "That sounds good."

"Alright then." He rubbed the back of his neck, which I've noticed he does when he's nervous. "I'll see you in a few minutes." He smiled before walking off.

I smiled to myself and waited for Bucky. I was messing around with the remote to the tv when I heard footsteps. I turned and saw Bucky standing there, his hair was still wet but he was wearing sweats and a tight-fitting T-shirt.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

I nodded and walked up beside him. I grinned at him. "much better."

He laughed. "what?"

"you smell much better now."  said.

"so you're saying I smelled bad?" he asked.

"Maybe..." I teased.

He wrapped an arm around me teasingly. "You're so rude."

I giggled wrapping my arm around him. "So what if I am?"

I heard footsteps and looked up seeing Steve grinning and shaking his head. "You two planning on going on a walk or do you guys need the room?" he smirked.

"haha, very funny Steve." Bucky slowly released me.

Steve just chuckled and went on his way.

I blushed and looked down.

"Come on." Bucky slipped his hand in mine and led me outside.

Once we were outside I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I felt the cool wind blow through my hair. After a few moments, I opened my eyes and saw Bucky smiling. "what?" I asked.

"you look at peace." he said.

"I think I am. Everything has just been going great recently. " I leaned my head on his shoulder. "did we go on walks before?" I asked tilting my head to look up at him.

"We did, yes." he smiled reminiscing. " I used to walk you to work and back home almost every day."

"really? How chivalrous." I grinned as we walked around the compound.

"It was definitely the highlight of my day." he squeezed my hand lightly.

"Bucky, can I ask you something?" I said softly.

"yea, of course. Anything." he said suddenly giving me all his attention.

"Are we just friends?"

He looked slightly taken aback. "w-well, yes? Not exactly... I'm not sure."

"It doesn't feel like we're just friends..." I sighed. "I'm sorry I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining but I know how I feel about you, and in pretty sure you feel the same way, what's stopping us?"

"Well, it just wouldn't be fair... Your memories..." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"What if they never fully come back? Are we just going to waste our lives waiting on nothing?" I looked up at him.

"I see your point, but look T'challa will be here in a few days and it'll all be sorted out then okay?" he smiled hopefully.

My shoulders fell slightly. " I understand... I'm feeling a little tired, I think I'm just going to go lay down. Goodnight James." I didn't look him in the eyes as I walked off toward the guest room, Bucky could have his room tonight. I just wanted to be alone.
