As she reached the bottom floor, the clacking of her heels echoed in the enormous room, silence filled the ballroom as everyone stared at her, in disbelief yet amaze at how the rumored lady was actually beautiful!

Who said that the first Lady of the house of Del Montague is born as a monster? Because of that rumor, they had lost their chance to ask her hand in marriage! If only that rumor didn't exist.

"Thank you, kind gentleman." Felicia thanks the Herald who escorted her down the stairs, smiling at him sweetly that earned a lot of envy coming from most of the men in the crowd.

At that point, everyone wanted her.

Amidst all of the ballgowns that were big and glorious, her dress appeared humble, hugging her curves and even letting them know that there were no such thing as corset existing in her body.

Which means, her curves are natural.

Soon men began to flock as the floor earned a lot of gossip and murmurs, their eyes focused on Felicia who are now stucked in front of men trying to ask her hand for a dance, making everyone deal with jealous.

Some women, specially those who believed that conservatism should be maintained, looked at her with eyes wanting to throw wine at her. Some were amused, applauding her bravery for wearing something new, sparking a lot of interest mostly from the young noblewomen.

"My Lady! I am Gaston Demlin Eustaf from County Eustaf—"

"My Lady, I am Wilbert Sahilim from Baron—"

"My Lady, I am—"

She was getting annoyed with these men, trying to ask her for a dance. Yet she kept her smile, trying to push her way out of these men pushing themselves to her. Goodness lord, her popularity for the first time in front of all the nobles is soaring high.

She was about to decline then when all of a sudden, a loud overbearing voice suddenly erupted from the whole room, followed by Constantine walking towards her with his eyes glaring at everyone.

"WHO DARES TO INTERRUPT MY FIANCÉ?! I WILL HAVE YOU ALL REMINDED THAT SHE'S MINE!" He claimed, making everyone suddenly went quiet at his exclaimed. It's as if he did not just the Saintess whom he escorted earlier.

Didn't that mean that their relationship has failed? Didn't that mean that they still have the chance to ask for Felicia's hand?

Everyone was frowning but those who were hopeless romantic and addicted to romance novels squealed at how the Crown Prince openly claimed his fiancé, making their excitement and standard increased.

However, it was different from what Felicia felt like. She wanted to puke or laugh in his face and remind him that he escorted her half sister. How could he be so smart and dumb at the same time?

As soon as men disperse through the crowd, Constantine bent his body, reached for her hand and kissed the back of her hand, staring at Felicia who kept her demeanor calm and collected.

She really wants to puke directly at his face.

"Greetings, Your Highness." She returned his greeting by bending her body and bowed her head, keeping her face straight in front of this thick faced scum who only thinks about himself.

"You look... Exquisite, Felicia. As expected of my future wife." He said as he clasped his arm around her waist, making her jolt in surprise and disgust yet kept her facade calm. Goodness gracious, please don't allow her to suddenly punch this man's face.

As Constantine led her to his new friends, her eyes spotted Alexander walking towards her, followed by Liam behind who kept his eyes on her, while secretly glaring at the arm wrapped around her waist.

"Your Highness." Alexander called, his face void of emotions, as well as his tone being ice-cold. It reminds her of the past where Alexander would treat her crap and bully her.

"Ah, if it isn't my friend and my future brother in law!" He exclaimed, pretending that he was ever closed with Alexander. Alexander and Liam both nodded their head, acknowledging his presence as someone of royal birth, still devoid of expression in their faces.

"Would it be possible for me to talk to my sister? I believe that the three of us still have some quite the catching up conversations." Alexander asked, holding Felicia's hand as he tried to pull Felicia out from this asshole.

Seeing that the two seems to be stopping him from staying with Felicia, Constantine smiled at the two and tightened his gripped around her waist, not allowing for Felicia to leave his side.

"I'm afraid, it won't be happening Alexander. My future wife stays with me. After all, it is our engagement party. Whatever you three talks about, can be done tomorrow. There's still plenty of times for the three of you to meet." Constantine replied, disapproving of Alexander's appeal to talk to Felicia.

"Your Highness, if I may—"

"Dear me, Felicia. Are you hungry? Let's go and fetch some food for you." Constantine cut her off, squeezing his hand around her that made her curse in her thought. This asshole is keeping her!

"Felicia, don't you want to know as to why Liam has been out of touch?" Alexander asked, still didn't bother to let go of her arm, making Constantine let out a growl at the two because of their stubbornness.

"I'm afraid that it won't happen, Alexander. Although we three has known each other, but I believe that today is supposed to be Felicia and I's party. Please understand that." He flatly rejected making Alexander's eyes loomed in anger at how Constantine decides over Felicia's choices.

Liam's jaw tightened as he unconsciously curled his fingers, calming himself or he might attack this son of a bitch. He's becoming too unbearing for Felicia that every nerves of him wanted to jumped right into Constantine and punch him multiple times.

"Brother, Young Lord Liam, we can talk while dancing. I can reserve my next dances with you." Felicia decided to meddle with their conversation to lessen everyone's anger arising.

Everyone has not gossiped or tried to listen to their conversation yet she could still feel a few eyes being on her, which she really doesn't mind anyways. Whatever they say, she doesn't care.


"I believe that won't do."

"Shut up, Constantine. What the lady wants is to have a dance with her friend and her brother. Do you think keeping her with you will let her have her own fan? No." Liam couldn't help but to talk back.

Enough is enough, this bastard doesn't know his boundaries at all.

Liam suddenly went quiet as he stared at Liam in awed. Meanwhile, Alexander secretly pat Liam's back, giving him a boost that he did well. Because if it was him, he would've told him how imperfect he is beside her.

Every words hurt after all.

If Felicia could describe Constantine's look right now, he looks like a damn whistle being blown with smoke erupting from his head and his nose. Like a mad bull charging at Liam.

He opened his mouth, was about to reply when the appearance of the Emperor and the Empress suddenly came into sight, as the Herald at the side of the door began to announce their arrival.

"ALL HAIL TO THE RULERS OF PEACE AND FERTILITY, EMPEROR HENRY CHARLES CROMWELL II AND EMPRESS CONSORT ELEANOR MATILDA ARDEN- CROMWELL!" The herald loudly yelled, making everyone bow their heads at the prestigious couple descending at the stairs.

"THE ARRIVAL OF THE SECOND LITTLE SUN OF ELYSIUM EMPIRE, PRINCE FLORENTINE PHILIPP CROMWELL." The herald once again yelled, revealing the second prince's image, descending the stair with a cold expression on his face.

The palace suddenly went wild with their gossips, yet minimal for the Emperor to even hear. The bastard child of the Emperor, the person who had great qualities yet unloved by the Emperor, the child who grew from a maid and raised as a commoner before being a prince.

Curiosity filled her as the second prince arrived, everyone started to murmur about his background, some even dared to mock him in the presence of the emperor. She slowly then turned herself in a secret mannerism, trying to look at Constantine's expression.

As soon as her eyes landed, she wasn't shocked anymore that he was liking the backlash happening towards Constantine, loving the fact that everyone discourages him and talking badly at him.

"Everyone raise your heads—"

Before the Emperor could even command everyone to raise their heads, the door to the entrance suddenly bursted open, revealing a cold and foggy appearance of someone appearing behind the scene.

Gasping at the audacity of the person interrupting the Emperor's command, everyone raised their head, wanting to look at the figure standing above them, blurry and mysterious.

"From the North Imperium, our guest, his Highness, Prince Alistair Venedict Von Tsudor from the house von Tsufor!" The herald announced, even stuttered as he could feel his nieces shaking in fear because of the man's aura.

As the man descended in the stairs, it all came to silent as no one could really bad mouth the people from the North. The savage ice tundra of the north, making everyone develop a resistance of cold.

These people were pale as the snow, yet tall as the trees despite the harsh condition of the north. They were not like the average men in this country, but rather much more powerful than they seem.

"I apologized for disturbing you, dear uncle. However, i had to come and attend this lovely party you held for the future of you son." The man muttered with an annoying smirk crossed in his lip, clearly mocking the old emperor.

But instead of feeling pity and irritated at the person who disrupted the Emperor, she couldn't help but to squint her eyes, hoping that her eyes didn't made any mistakes upon identifying the man in front of her.



There are a lot of errors and I can't check them due to the fact that the wifi suddenly went no internet connection. So I redeemed some promo and obtained 100mb. I'm so sorry for today's quality! I will check this once the internet is restored!!! <<333
