[32] gold rush

if u don't like the dress.. idk what to tell u!


i was all alone in my room.

the same room i was presented with by xavi who's given me nothing but a place i can actually call home far away from home. not only did he give me this place, but he's given me a second family and a chance i would've never dreamed of.

i've met people of my dreams, but no one has come close to the happiness gavi has brought me.

our encounter and first time was rocky but nothing we couldn't move past from.

so as i'm tying my dress up from the back, tightening it so it hugs me nicely, all i can think about how this is the first date of many and theres no one better than gavi to have it with.

we're walking there since it's only ten minute's from xavi's place.

i'm putting on the necklace gavi gave me and a few rings before looking at myself in the mirror one last time before my phone chimes, saying he's five minutes away and reality is only setting. i turn off my phone before chucking it on my bed because i refuse to count down those five minutes no matter how much it's killing me not to.

it's nothing but nerves.

the knock on my door startles me until i realize there's no one else but xavi in the house. "you're ready, huh?"

i just know my face turns red because he knows this has been the only thing on my mind all day. "tell me what you're here for before i throw up all over you." i picked at my food for dinner so even though i'm really nervous, i don't think i could do that. "i'm just checking up on you. can i come in?"

i turn my head back, looking at the mess i have going on. "just don't say anything about it." he gives me a confused look before i open the door all the way and make room just for his expression to go blank. "i won't, just this once."

the way he's scratching his head says otherwise.

he sits on my bed and pats on the spot next to him and that's my sign to join him. whatever he says, i don't know if it's gonna help but i hope he makes it quick.

"we both know i'm new to this. but i really never imagined being a parent at all, but all you've shown me are snippets of the life." i really cannot tell whether that's a good thing or not. "are you liking it?"

"every bit of it, y/n."

a smile is put on my face because although i thought he came in here to tease me about the whole thing, he's doing the opposite. "all i need from you the moment you leave this house is to come back with every rush you left with,"

oh trust me, i probably will. "i have no real love experience, but i know that no one will ever make you feel like this unless it's pure, so enjoy every second of it. me lo prometes?"

"i could keep it forever."

he brings me into a hug before another knock interrupts us, but we both give each other a look because we know exactly who it is. "well, don't keep him waiting." i grab the small beach bag i'm taking and swing it over my shoulder before running down the stairs.

i take a deep breathe like this is the first time i'm seeing him and open it all the way.

we both kind of stare at each other in awe.

he's in all black. dress pants with a leather belt and gold accent to the buckle and a button down in which he didn't button up the first two, just like last time.

xavi was right. a feeling like this is only ever so pure. gavi raises his right hand slightly, the same one holding a small bouquet of flowers with some i've never even seen before. "te miras hermosa." and yet, he can't manage to break eye contact with me as he hands me the bouquet.

"they're beautiful, thank you."

in his other is a small picnic basket. "you ready to go?" i nod and he reaches out for my hand before we hear the quietest steps approaching.

"sorry, i just... i just wanted to wish you guys a good- great time."

i had already turned around and mouthed a thank you. "muchas gracias xavi." we wave goodbye before i take gavi's hand and shut the door behind me. as soon as i turn back around, his hand drops mine and makes it's way behind my head, pulling me closer so he can finally kiss me.

"ready?" this time, he breaks the kiss which is something new because it's always me.

"more than anything."


the walk to the beach itself gave me an idea of what the rest of the night would look like because i could not take my eyes off her. not even now that we're walking onto the sand trying to find the perfect spot.

we end up close enough to the ocean and each take two corners of the blanket and lay it down. thankfully, we chose one of the best days to come out because it wasn't as cold as it usually gets in the evenings. i take the basket i once had and place it down in between us now that we've taken our spots.

i can only thank my mom and sister for the help.

if i'm being honest, this is only my third date ever and even then i still can't seem know how to plan one of these without help. but i know i should learn, knowing y/n will be the only girl i'll ever wanna take out.

"i might've asked jana and salma what you liked, so blame them if you see something you don't like... please." now thinking about it, i should've gone to sira. last time i remember they don't really like me. i don't know if that's changed but i'm starting to regret things.

who cares, it gave her a laugh. the same laugh i love the most.

i take out strawberries, blackberries, mangos, and cherries for fruits and the main dish is paella and empanadas my mom helped me with in which she thought i couldn't even make.

"look who proved me wrong."

i know she's saying that for my sake but it does feel good to hear.

i shoot a smile at her and take out the plates. on the way i also stopped by our bakery for churros and baked cookies. i was glad i did because they were fresh by the time i got them, plus it surprisingly didn't take long like the other times. "so?"

while pulling everything out, i tried to get glimpses of her reaction but i suck at reading faces. "everything is perfect, gavi."

"just like yourself. so i knew i had to do something big." and by her response, i'm more than happy that i got almost everything right.

i take out our plates and we start serving each other while trying to make talk. "i forgot to tell you," she starts off and all my attention goes to her. "remember that day of your practice? well, i got something in the mail that morning," i can't tell where she's going with this, but i let her continue. "it was from the us women's national team. they want me to go train with them for their upcoming season."

season? as if the world cup isn't right around the corner. not to mention... she's amazing at what she does. no doubt they want her.

i go quiet and she notices.

all there is the sound of waves crashing on the shore. i know i shouldn't do this. i have to say something. "i couldn't be prouder of you, and i'm not surprised honestly." it's just... sudden. i couldn't even say that looking her in the eyes.


she lifts my chin and i take a deep breath. "i'm not going. you would've known if you had let me finish." the smile she's trying so hard to keep up only makes me feel guilty. "but why? it's such a big opportunity and-"

"jeez it's almost like you want me to leave."

"what?! anything but!" theres no way she could ever think that either. "i was joking!" well, it wasn't a very funny joke. "gavi, i'm not going because of everything i already have going on here in barcelona. plus, i have time to think it through."

that's what we all assume though. but i know she'll make the right decision when her time comes.

but still, "it's something big you're passing up." i can't even care about myself and my feelings for her anymore. i need her to take full advantage of it. "oh trust me, i know. but can i be honest?"

"of course. how could you ask that?"

all i'll ever need from her, really. "there's no doubt you took part in making this decision. you've only made me want to stay more. i can't imagine leaving any time soon."

as i'm staring into her eyes, and as soon as she tells me that, i know no love will ever be as pure as the one i have for her. no feeling compares to the one she brings me. it feels like a high i'll never get from anyone but her. so when i look at her, i can't comprehend how someone like her could be so beautiful down to every detail from her smile, to the smaller things like the way her hair falls so perfectly into place.

there's no point in dreaming anymore when she's right in front of me.

she always has been.

"y/n?" it wasn't easy to get where we are now. it still isn't easy knowing there are so many other people who want her the way i did, and do. "yeah?"

but i of all people was lucky to have met her. "i really love you. te amo con todo que tengo en mi, and if i knew how to tell you i loved you in every language, i would. i can't imagine how it feels to grow up as beautiful as yourself and there's nothing more you deserve to hear than that. if i could've told you the second i figured everything out, i would've."

i can see the way her chest rises and falls way differently now that i've poured a quarter of my heart out.

her mouth opens but nothing comes out of it. but the glisten in her eyes are clear. "i said that for you to feel like the best version of yourself that i see you as, not bring you into tears!"

"what'd you expect!" i have a very crooked smile before i can't take it anymore and cup her face. "no llores, corazón."

that's the last thing i intended.

she places her hand on top of mine and my mind spins from the way she looks at me. "me haces perderme en tu mirada."

"you always no what to say, it's crazy. i love you just as much because i truly would do anything to spend every second of everyday with you because you're the only person i'll ever and have ever felt like this towards, gavi."

just when i thought i couldn't take it, now i really can't. "come here already." i pull her into a kiss.

sure, we've kissed numerous times, but the feeling will never get old. if i could stay like this forever with her and with her only, i'd do it in a heartbeat. "solo tu y yo, amor." it's just a reminder when we both pull apart.

i need her to know i'll always be there. that i plan to be there.

"i wouldn't want it any other way."

i smile at her while going back into our kiss before she breaks into laughter. "maybe people were right."

i furrow my eyebrows, so confused as to what she's talking about. "about?"

"we really couldn't help but accept the fact that we were nothing but the perfect pair. that we'd eventually end up like always even after everything." whenever she says everything, i know she means the fight.

"i wish we'd known from the beginning."

"we know now, pablo."

"and we figured it all out together, y/n."

