[22] with you in the crowd


the sound the phone makes after another picture from behind me is taken startles me but this is like the fourth one i've heard.

sira hasn't dropped it the second she picked me up.

"no way. es esa camiseta de gavi que tienes puesta?! you guys are so cute i can't believe he gave it to you!"

the entire car ride was squeal after squeal. all i could do was press my head against the window and block her out.

it didn't seem like a big deal until i took my sweater off and xavi didn't stop giving me looks. plus the camera crews had a blast flashing and taking pics of me at every angle.

"maybe i should put it back on."

i go back to the bench to sira after pacing back and forth.

because i'm here with xavi, sira and i got the chance to be upfront with the rest of the players. as i'm going to reach it, sira grabs onto it and puts it closer to her which only puts it farther from me. "i'm not letting that happen. he gave it to you for a reason!" he hasn't even seen me without the sweater.

when they came out to practice i still had it on and all he could do was glance at me from time to time and he wasn't good at hiding his reaction.

he went in before everyone else and that's when i took it off because of the guilt that got to me.

i sigh and take a seat next to her and just in time because you can hear the crowd go wild which means they're coming back out and the game is about to begin.

although i can't help but keep an eye out got joão felix, the only noticeable person on that team is griezmann who i've gotten the chance to talk to many times. there was doubt in mind his girls won in favor of the neon pink hair he's got.

athético fans do not hold back. their voices fill the whole stadium as players shake hands and wait for barça.

they come out and i've never been so thankful that gavi turned his head back and shot a smile at me now that my sweater was off.

after the last players shake hands, both captains wish each other the best of luck and the game begins.

you can tell how a game is about to go from the first few minutes. and i can't help but see the way everyone is pushing and shoving so i tell sira to sit back and relax after seeing her at the edge of her seat because it's about to be a long game.

"what the fuck are they doing?!"

"probably fighting over their fangirls. maybe even you." i side eye sira annoyed because both joão and gavi's backs are facing us waiting for griezmann's corner kick.

they're are supposed to be blocking but instead they're pushing the hell out of each other back and fourth. "when's half time?"

"two minutes." i answer back.

i'm really happy about dembélé's goal and gavi's assist but i honestly can't wait for this first part to be over.

hopefully the second goes... better?

athlético has shot numerous of times but none have seem to gone in. i can feel their frustration from here even after they add one more minute. it's not like i'm rooting for them but i'm playing fair on both ends.

minutes into the second half, araújo got a yellow for sliding, stegen only continued to block all of athlético's shots, ferran shot an offside kick, pedri pleaded for a red against another player but now we're in the last few minutes before we can get the hell out of here.

i couldn't help but bite my nails throughout the whole game and i never do that unless i'm that anxious.

"i can't watch anymore." sira finally sits all the way back against the chair and i can only join her, but i'm reminded that there was only six minute's left so we agreed to pay attention now that we have nothing to worry about. but just as we look back, my eyes have never widened so big from what's right in front of us.

ferran is in a literal cat fight with savic from hair pulling to biting, and head locking.

"roja," i just barely manage to whisper before sira's head snaps in my direction. "what the fuck. for the athlético player right?!" i immediately shake my head, "what no, for both of them!"

sira gets up from her seat as soon as i say that and makes her way up to xavi. "xavi, no puede ser!"

"sira, he also part took, the ref has no choice." i say to her but clearly the only person she needs to hear it from is xavi who just agrees with me as he watches ferran make his way.

"pura mierda que es."

i move aside because he clearly isn't unless i wanted to get body slammed with his temper.

xavi is still by my side while sira goes to comfort him.

i kinda doubt he needs it.

"so, you wanna tell me about that shirt since we have two more minutes?" i slowly turn to him with a sincere smile, maybe that way it'll ease whatever i'm gonna say to explain myself, "so we don't like the shirt?"

"not unless it has your name, doesn't help that you guys are the same number either."

i groan and try to explain that it's really nothing and that not even i expected it.

"i had to stop him from coming to see you at half time, and i'm surprised he didn't go against me. lo distraes, sabes?"

"i'm not anyone's distraction. we're friends... that's really it, i guess."

xavi, without hesitation, bursts into a maniac laugh and i back up not even wanting to be seen around him like this.

"no estoy siego como tu, y/n. vas a ver."

what exactly am i going to see?

the whistle blows and the crowd goes crazy which only makes me look back out at every one sweating but also proud of their win even if it's a small one.

i didn't notice xavi move aside to shake hands with diego simeone and congratulate the team until i feel two pairs of hands on my shoulder.

they're sort of weighing me down from it's unfamiliar touch.

i turn around only to be met with griezmann and joão standing right behind him. "y/n! i knew it was you."

i must really look unrecognizable from afar.

"greizmann! you played an amazing game, as always," i couldn't tell if i should say something to joão but it would seem rude not to so i peak my head out slightly to meet eye to eye, "you as well! i'm y/n." i smile at him knowing i'll just have to continue dreaming because of the age difference. "very nice to meet you, thank you by the way. i also enjoy nothing more than your games." his accent is so clear it's making me dizzy.

"was that so hard?" griezmann interrupts and joão rolls his eyes. "he couldn't come up to you on his own but then again i couldn't help but say hi also."

we get to small talk between the three of us and turns out, joão's a really good conversationalist.

not a dry moment between us.

i was about to ask joão if he'd actually consider chelsea but the taps on my shoulder stop me to get a look of who it is and it's gavi who's still sweating even after having time to cool down. i can't tell if he's here for me or to congratulate the two other people he just played with.

it doesn't matter, greizmann is too polite and does it for everyone.

"you're an amazing youngster, great game." gavi thanks him but he lacks emotion on his face around others. joão also shakes his hand and i can't help but die inside because can't he look like he's grateful and having a good time just once?

he always has that face it's so hard to defend him.

"well it was great meeting you, y/n. good luck on your game tomorrow."

"yeah we'll definitely be watching." greizmann adds and he brings me into a hug.

although i've shared some words with joão, i can't tell if it's appropriate to do so or not but it's like he read my mind and brought me into one as well and i couldn't help but fangirl like crazy inside.

they walk away and i don't think twice but jump into gavi's arms. "that assist was amazing!"

i don't think he processed what i had done until i stretched my arms all the way, still holding onto his shoulders on each side leaving a gap between us.

it doesn't last, he stared at me for a few seconds before pulling me back into his arms.

this time he made it to my waist. "i'm glad you were here for that." he smiles back at me and i can't help but part his hair to the side because it looks like it's really bothering him. "the team's going out. you're coming with if that wasn't obvious." he informs me and it honestly doesn't sound so bad, at least i'll have sira. "fine with me. but seriously, you were really good tonight."

"i don't think i'll ever take that from anyone the way i take it from you." he moves away some of the hair blocking my frame before lowering my head slightly.

just like last practice, he places a kiss on top like it's nothing, like it's our thing.

i've only grown to love it.

"i really like the jersey on you." that only makes me blush and i can just feel it from the way my cheeks hurt from smiling, "me too." i manage to let out before he lowers his arm again to wrap around my waist and walk us out side by side as close as we could get.

the team is cheering like crazy and i takes everything in me to kiss the side of his face just slightly above his cheek.

i think i would've enjoyed it more if he wasn't so sweaty, but i brush it off even after i feel him staring and continue walking.

i make eye contact with both sira and ferran and i know by the time they have their drinks, i won't hear the end of it.
