[26] birthday bash

probably the longest chapter just because i didn't want to have to break it up...



so much for a slow morning.

i pulled my blanket up so that i'm covering my face but i knew they wouldn't stop until i got up. i tried to tame my hair as much as possible under the covers because i just know it looked awful and i just know they're recording and i really don't wanna look bad.

i sit up, only to see gavi, pedri, salma, jana, sira, ferran, ansu, and xavi who's holding a mini cake.

behind them, there are metallic colored balloons with the number 18 and i can't help but smile widely.

their little song ends and xavi brings the cake closer to me, only to have everyone follow him. "pide un deseo cumpleañera." i close my eyes and make a wish that i'll definitely be keeping to myself even though the first thing ansu said was, "you can tell me your wish, i'm really good at keeping secrets."

i find that hard to believe.

i shake my head and everyone sits on my bed, coming up to me one by one for a hug.

"you're finally eighteen!" sira tells me while ferran rubs her back. "she cried on the way here." he whispered to me and i whisper an 'ohhh' because it makes sense as to why she can't let go.

ferran had to pull her off himself before it was pedri's turn.

"happy birthday, kid. well technically not anymore but, you get what i mean." i thank him as well as ansu, jana, and salma who were so eager.

when they're finally off of me, it's xavi's turn.

"feliz cumpleaños, mija." xavi has been a parent to me while i'm far from home. he gets emotional every year. "gracias, pa. por todo." i only really called him my dad on occasions like these where it was nothing but right.

unfortunately my actual parents had called exactly at midnight for them but i was too tired to call back.

i'll make sure to call back as soon as i get to the person who's been waiting the entire time.

the excitement of seeing him got to me and i jump into his arms in which he returns the same energy of seeing me. my arms wrap around his neck and his scent sinks in. "happy birthday, beautiful." it's nothing but butterflies by now. he kisses my cheek when i lift my head to see him face to face.

i can't lie and say i didn't want just a kiss on the cheek, but because of everyone in the room, i'll wait it out.

xavi's clap snaps us out of it, "let's go eat breakfast, yeah?"

everyone agrees and i ask for a few minutes just to get myself together. everyone exits the room and said they'll meet me downstairs.

i run into my bathroom and turn on the cold water to splash on my face and rinse my tooth brush.

good thing i didn't wear any of my embarrassing pajamas. that's the first thing they would've seen and i would've never recovered if they did.

i brush my hair for now until i can shower after breakfast.

i run down the stairs and because they enter straight into the kitchen, i can see the beautiful layout. there are dozens of bouquets of the most beautiful assorted flowers and not a rose in sight because i think i've mentioned it more than enough for people to know that they just aren't my thing.

"who are these from?!"

i go around seeing every note. "the whole world, apparently."

the kitchen is practically flooding in them.

my favorite and biggest one though is the one on the island. "and this?"

i grab the note and open it up to familiar hand writing.

para mi amor, feliz cumpleaños.
- pablo

just as i was reading it, he wraps his arms around my waist from behind me rests his chin on my shoulder. "do you like them?"

"like? i love them." i turn around and because it's so huge, it blocks us enough for him to finally kiss me, making me lean onto the island, melting in his touch.

it doesn't last long though.

"a little warning!" ansu's being a little too dramatic. i roll my eyes and i grab the last of the plates on the counter and both of them follow me out to the dining room. from what i can see, theres pancakes and waffles, various fruits, eggs, bacon, breads, and so many other things i can't name because i'm already digging in.

gavi takes his seat next to me which is also next to xavi.

"i never got to thank you." i nudge his elbow with my own. "for?" i smile as i take a bite of my food. "if it weren't for that little scandal you put us through, we wouldn't be here." gavi must've caught onto what i was talking about when he placed his hand on top of mine.

the table quiets down as soon as i say that and i look around.

"he was really playing cupid." salma tells him which i know is the last thing he wanted to hear.

it's really crazy how it worked out. now he hardly wants to know a thing about our relationship and gets disgusted at the sight of us near each other.

the party is apparently only beginning.

sira has blocked me off from leaving the room which is fine because i'm still getting ready.

after the breakfast, i took my shower and everyone went to get the last of decorations and brought them here. gavi also took me to a botanical garden but told me we had to get home before 4:00 pm which was an order from sira because everyone else was told to come at 6:30 pm and they've been setting up since.

as soon as i walked through the door sira followed me up to my room and said to find entertainment till then.

gavi came up every once in a while, but i was so bored out of my mind i was so close to throwing myself out the window and gavi had to shut my crazy talk down.

it's 6 on the dot and i'm deciding between two dress options.

my makeup and hair is done, it's just the dress and shoes that i always have a hard time picking out.

one was a short satin strapless white dress with a giant bow in the front and gloves to my elbows to go with it and the other was similar but without the bow and was a tighter fit.

"honestly, i'm thinking the plain one."

if i wear the one with the bow, i just know i'll regret it some day no matter how cute it is.

maybe i can just put a white bow in my hair. "i say so too, you should wear the gloves though." that's actually a great idea. i slip it on and sira helps me with the zipper. "can i at least know who's coming?" that's the thing with gatherings. i need to know i won't be put into an awkward situation. "almost everyone on both teams."


when sira told me it'd be a dinner, i just thought of a handful of people. not people from both teams.

good thing that dining room fits so many people.

that's the thing about being a coach. your players are a second family and xavi took that in count when he bought this home.

the last thirty minutes, i picked out my accessories which included diamond earrings my parents gifted me last year with the smallest pearls surrounding it and the matching necklace. the heels were also white with a square opening.

i applied some lipstick before but i had to reapply when sira told me we could finally go out.

"you look gorgeous. i'll wait for you downstairs." she kisses my cheek, making sure it doesn't stain and i wait for her to go down because she wants me to have a mini entrance.

i've seen these people a million times, but i'm still pretty nervous. i take a deep breathe make my way down, making sure not to miss a step.

i can already see everyone looking at me and it causes my heart to beat a little faster but the room is packed full of the people i've only grown close to just by being here and in barça.

everyone cheers and confetti is thrown everywhere the second i make my way down.

some of the wives are even here and i love that.

everyone wishes me a happy birthday and sira even has a gift table set up to which i excuse myself to because i'm accommodating too much that i can't hold them any longer.

i swear they forget i have two hands.

though, a pair of hands find their way to my waist and twirl me around.

the kiss was so sudden because i didn't even get to see who it was. but i know his lips better than anyone's i've ever met. "te miras hermosa." he tells me in between the kiss to which i smile at but i know i have to break apart because i love nothing more than seeing him. "you look cute too i guess."

sira told everyone to dress formal so he's swearing black dress pants with a white button up but the first three are unbuttoned which makes him look so perfect.

"you guess?" i nod because he hates when i mess with him like that.

we both know i'm lying so we laugh it off before i tell him we should go back. "tell me... do you want your gift now, or later when everyone's gone?" he asks me before we go back out and i don't really know what to make of the question.

"maybe after if i'm not too tired." i doubt that. i can only imagine how long the night is about to be.

"would the birthday girl like to share some words?"

xavi knows i'm not made for speeches, or so i thought. everyone bangs on the table and starts hyping me up. i can only look to gavi for reassurance before he places his hand over mine and rubs it with his thumb. "no te preocupes, i'm right here, okay?"

i knew he was the right person to go to.

i nod and slide my chair back before clearing my throat. thankfully everyone was still settling down so they didn't get to hear that or the things i was saying about xavi under my breath.

"honestly, i have so much love for everyone in this room-"

"especially a certain someone." ansu mumbles which made me stop and stare him down.

if it weren't for everyone who shared a giggle, i wouldn't have joined, but i did. "like i was saying. thank you for even showing up and just being there. you guys truly are my second family, maybe even close first and i'll always have you guys in my heart, les amo tanto." i then turn to sira because she deserves nothing but her own thank you.

"and to sira, who made this all possible, i love you lots even though i opted for no party at all. and obviously everyone who helped out."

everyone starts clapping for me and i feel as though i can sit back down.

"anyone else?"

without hesitation even though we're one of the same when it comes to speeches, gavi gets up.

everyone starts clapping and cheering again, "yeah gavi!" now i'm dying to know what he has to say. "nunca me imaginé está con alguien tan perfecta como y/n, but because i am, i can only wish my love the best and the happiest of birthdays."

i'm still sitting but the second everyone starts chanting, "beso, beso, beso," i can only oblige and he pulls me in by my face.

everyone aw's and starts taking so many pictures that i have to pull apart.

"te quiero." i tell him while we're still close enough before xavi announces that he too has something to say. he tells me to stay standing and i look around the room to see if anyone else knows what's happening.

from the looks of it, we're all clueless.

he pulls out a box with a bow and places it right in front of me.

"it's a small gift from me, but i know you'll do incredible things with this. the other one's for  once you... well, i'll let you find out. point is, te amo como hija mía y solo te deseo el mejor."

i pull him into a hug and rub his back because that crack in his voice was more than clear when he spoke.

i can feel a shift in the table from everyone trying to get a closer look.

i unwrap the brow and open the lid only to receive the last thing i expected. "but you said-" i don't even let myself finish before i hold up my own jersey, but instead of my 30, it's a 10. "fully registered." he tells me and i turn the shirt around to clear the faces of every confused person.

"no way!"

"you're literally messi now!"

10 to me has always been associated with messi, another big reason i began to play. i got to meet him and got close to him before he left. hell, we even had a few training sessions so it was heartbreaking to see him leave.

we're in close contact and i catch him up, but things will never be the same.

it's been an empty slot for a while. but now i've taken it and i'm already thinking of my future games with it. "we're twining!" ansu yells out and we both get overly excited.

i was too distracted that xavi had to remind me of the other present which was in the same box, just smaller. i pick it up and lift the lid and my hands start to shake the second i pull the keys out.

"a car?!"

usually you're given a car on your sweet sixteenth.

i was already here when i turned 16, but i told xavi not to make a fuss about it so we took a trip instead. so while i didn't get a car that year, he's been teaching me but now it's a matter of getting my license.

i look closer and it's a BMW.

"you're the best, thank you!" i squeeze him tight and he does the same to me. "lo mereces." i hold it up like everyone asks.

at least now i know there's something to look forward to in the morning.

"thank you so much again, anna. i wish the kids came tonight." lewandowski and anna were the last to go after the long hug she gave me because she didn't wanna let go. "next time, we promise."

lewandowski was already in the car so she finally left after we sent her with leftovers.

everyone took some, actually. sira catered so much that xavi and i couldn't imagine finishing.

i close the door and xavi appears from the archway.

"your boyfriend is waiting for you on the balcony."

his smile is sharp like he's putting it on for me, or he could just be really tired. "do you mind if he stays over?" after all, everyone's gone theres not actually someone to drop him off unless he wants me driving the streets without a license. "only because i'm too tired to argue with you, fine."

why argue at all?

it's about to be midnight so i should hurry so it's still my birthday for the gift he's been holding off.

i thank xavi and hug him goodnight and make my way through the dining room.

i'm surprised i lasted all night with these heels. i still have them on. gavi turns around when he hears me approaching and i can see that the sliding door is wide open so he puts his hand out to lead me. in his other hand is a small box he brings up to me and gently places it in my hand. "i hope you like it."

"gavi, i'll love anything that comes from you."

if i'm being honest, i really didn't need anything from him. he's as good as it gets.

the second i open the box, i'm presented with another one, but not just any box. "gavi, i can't-"

"keep opening it." by now, my hands are trembling the second i see the red cartier box. i'm trying really hard to keep it together just because we're right at the edge. he helps me by taking the other box i just opened so i can lift the lid just to see the love necklace with the two miniature rings interlocked.

i've dreamt of anything from this collection. i just didn't expect right now, from him.


"you've given me so much since the second we started our friendship. and now this?" he takes the box from me and starts removing it from it's holding. "let's see how it looks."

i turn around and push all my hair to the side until i feel him clamp it on.

i wait till i'm facing him to look down at it.

it sits so perfectly i can't get over it.

"you really shouldn't have, gavi."

"but i did. i adore you too much to not give you the best of the best." he kisses my forehead but all i want to do is get to the real deal so i pick my head up in order to aline my lips with his.

because it's january, the weather isn't at it's best and i can tell just by how cold his lips are. "maybe we should get inside." i tell him.

although he isn't too happy i stopped the kiss, i knew the warmth of the house felt much better.

"let's get to bed, you have early morning practice and i can't have xavi getting mad at me for keeping you up."

he follows me up the stairs while i lead this time with our hand in hand, "for the right reasons though." he tries to convince me but i shake my head and open the door to my bedroom. i sigh until i make it to the seat and start unbuckling the strap to the heels.

there's no better feeling.

i throw them aside as gavi also starts untucking and unbuttoning his shirt.

he takes off his belt and just as i ask him if he wants sweats to sleep in, he denies them. "okay but when xavi sees you half naked in my bed in the morning, he's killing us both."

"aw, we'll die by each other's side!"

i roll my eyes at him as if it didn't humor me before i pull my gloves off.

the zipper isn't gonna be easy but gavi knows that by now when he comes up from behind me and his cold hands touch my back, making me flinch just slightly. "sorry, love." there's no doubt i'm forgiving him after he calls me that.

i thank him and hold onto the dress before it falls to the floor.

"i'm not gonna lie and say i wasn't hoping for a show." i turn around and slap him before he goes to sit on my bed while i find at least a tank and shorts.

i walk back out after closing my closet and into the bathroom and start to brush my teeth.

he joins me after i give him a spare brush.

i remember the makeup i have on, but i'm way too tired to do my whole routine so i grab wipes from under the counter, to which gavi takes out my hand unexpectedly.

he also lifts me onto the counter to the point where we're finally the same height. "i'll do it."

i look at him surprised, but i'm more surprised that he seems to know what he's doing.

it's almost suspicious.

i grab a cotton pad and micellar water for my mascara while he does the rest and this could honestly not be more peaceful. "you never told me if you were nervous for la super copa." i mean, as anyone would be, right?

"yeah actually. but there's no doubt we'll win."

it sounds like he's trying to convince himself. but i have full faith in the team. "you guys will, have some faith."

plus, i'll be there for support so maybe it means something.

we finish up and throw everything away until he goes back into the room and throws himself onto the bed, already having the blanket open for me. i laugh at him but i know i'm about to do the same after i turn the big light off.

i go to join him and i can see the smile he holds no matter how tired he is.

"did you like today?" more than anything. "of course. plus i had you by my side. i think it's all i'll ever need." he kisses my forehead and i turn around to get the light before we're in nothing but darkness except for the curtains that are slightly opened, shining some of the building lights but nothing too strong.

as i get comfortable, he pulls me in closer and i can feel myself drifting into immediate sleep.

in his arms, i feel nothing but safe and loved.
