[33] the perfect pair


"is that everything?"

gavi's loading my last box into his car after taking it from my hands. "yeah i think so."

gavi and i have been together for a little over a year. this was our last big step into it. our first was the cavapoo dog he got me. now it was the apartment we got together. we both got a lot of input on this move whether we wanted it or not but we knew it'd be right for us because we've grown inseparable.

not in the annoying-clingy couple kind of way, but the way where we feel nothing but safe and loved by each others company.

but now we're in the garage of xavi's apartments, who's standing against one of the pillars.

mars, secretly named after gavi's middle name even though i lied to him saying it was for the sea, is barking but although he's very quiet about it; it's literally ricocheting off the walls down here.

gavi closes the trunk and it's somewhat quiet enough to where i can finally go up to xavi without bawling even though he seems ready for a fond farewell.

our new place is only a twenty minute drive, but that doesn't mean i won't forget my first home when i came to barcelona.

"not so easy being an adult, is it?"

definitely not. the past two weeks we were trying to set up the new place and we got most of the work done thanks to everyone who pitched in so that today we can say we've settled close enough. but this was the last thing i had to do on my own. "thanks for the love, home, and opportunities. i really don't know where'd i be without you."

i'd probably still be in the states and i would've continued playing as a hobby and on a random high school team, rather than making it my whole life.

"you would've made it just as far. anyone could see your potential and talent from miles away. but i knew it in my heart you'd be a star. i only gave you a push, you did the rest."

he gave me a chance and a whole other perspective, making me look at the bigger picture.

that bigger picture being the world and where these talents could take me at any second.

i sigh but i can't just stand here any longer without bringing him into a hug. "i'll still see you at my games and practices, right?"

"i'll find any and every way to be there, don't worry."

hearing that from him doesn't make this move so difficult anymore. i give him one last squeeze before i hear the car start up and he rubs my back and i make my way to the passenger seat.

i didn't realize xavi was following but stopped right at gavi's window to which he rolled down.

the moment i shut my door i felt gavi tense up. "take care her for me. don't do anything stupid, or something you'll regret. no shoving or pushing, and most of all no tears because if she turns up at my door one day i swear i'll-"

"xavi, you're gonna traumatize him."

"who said he already hasn't?" gavi pitches in and puts his hands up in defense at xavi who gives him a snake eye. "she'll be safe, i promise."

"keep it for me." they shake hands and finally backs off the car, waving us a goodbye as soon as gavi starts backing up and the garage doors open for us.

gavi's had a habit of driving with one hand and his other would find it's way to my thigh if it weren't for mars who now occupied that spot and barked at him whenever he would try. "it's not fair he likes you more when i literally bought him!"

"he's a dog, gavi."

"who needs to know his place." he looks over to mars who has his tongue out and i know gavi can't resist his smile because he truly is the cutest. "you guys are a perfect pair."

"mmm no i think that's still us."

by now mars had settled down and gavi took his chance to place his hand on my thigh in which i placed my own on top of his. the promise ring he got is for our one year anniversary shinned from how bright the sun was hitting.

"can't argue with that."


the plates i was taking out were clinking, mars is barking which is nothing new, and y/n was stirring our first meal we'd be having since we've moved in.

we're having it on the balcony, though.

the living and dining room can wait to be set up tomorrow.

i didn't exactly know what y/n was making, but she mentioned it also being one of the first meals she had with xavi when she got here. so i let her take full control while i took everything outside to the table we bought to have out here, making sure to close it behind for mars' sake.

by the time i came back in, she was making her way back out. i ran alongside her to slide the door open again because of the small pot she was carrying. "thanks. that should be all so you can just close it again."

the second i did, mars started scratching the glass.

"actually, go put food and water in his bowls."

"always giving the orders." she rolls her eyes at me but i oblige and walk past him, scooping from the bag in the pantry and getting water from the fridge. "quédate quieto por favor."

no doubt he will now. he's wagging his tail and i can't help but kiss his head and scratch around his neck before i walk back out. "smells good."

"better taste too good because i burnt myself twice." she lifts her arm and shows me the two spots. "pobrecita la niña." i love teasing her but i can't lie and say it didn't look like it hurt. "looks like xavi's gonna be seeing me soon."

"you and these 'jokes'!"

i put quotes up in the air because she loves doing that just as much as i love teasing her. "they make me laugh so they are jokes." she's talking while she's serving me my plate so i can't really be mad at her.

on the way here after xavi's, we picked up red wine so that's what i was pouring.

the second i place our cups down, we pick it up at the same time to taste test it.

our grossed out expressions after the clink said what we needed it to say. "maybe we're just not wine people."

"well, there's always white wine." i tell her. there's many, actually.

we just haven't found the one.

"yeah no i give up."

the city lights are so bright and we have nothing but the perfect view of it. i know she fell in love with it the second we stepped in here so i knew i had to do everything to get us this place even after there were so many other offers. "i really didn't think we'd be here one day."

i was already looking at her while she turned back to see me.

i kept quiet even though i heard everything she said. "what?" she goes, knowing i have the feeling of being lost in time whenever i look at her. "you just look so beautiful."

"you've told me that even before we got together."

and i'll continue to remind her. that's now my only mission in life.

we smile at each other before she nudges her head at our plates. "before it gets cold. not to mention you were the one who wanted to buy the cake mixture so that's what we're doing after."

"good, that way you can see me in action."

"a chef and a star futbol player, how'd i get so lucky?"

her sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed but the second i take a bite of the food she made all on her own after she blocked me off the kitchen was so worth it. "take it back because how'd i get so lucky?" she laughs at me, meanwhile i can already imagine myself getting seconds.

"slow down. you forget it's now responsibility if you choke."

"mi amor, it looks like a five year old frosted this."

i actually thought i did a good job.

"it's not about how it looks, it's about how it tastes." she gives me an uncertain look before going to the counter and grabbing one of the big knives. "well, time to find out." i let her cut it and i have faith it'll taste good especially because we got the birthday cake mixture.

there's no messing up birthday cake.

she puts it onto the plate and we both take a fork and grab a piece.

the second she takes a bite, she smacks her lips as if the taste is setting in. when i go in for my bite, i understand what she means now. "so... clearly i didn't read the instructions right."

i guess i'll take the blame for it.

"or at all but it's okay!"

okay, i skimmed them, but that's because i thought i had the hang of it. i sigh and we drop everything onto the plate. "i'm gonna microwave the popcorn, just go to the room." she smiles at me and honestly, maybe tonight was just her night to take full control.

i nod and walk past mars who's fast asleep in his little bed.

the second i walk into our room, it feels like a much different environment than the one outside of it.

y/n obviously put a lot of attention into detail.

i sigh and plop on the bed because i was definitely a little tired but we both agreed to push through to watch a movie before bed. as i'm laying on the pillows, though, i can't help but think back to our conversation at dinner.

there's nothing more i love than being able to talk to her about anything and everything.

she comes back in with a bowl in hand and closes the door behind her, yet leaving the smallest gap in case mars decides to come in throughout the night into his other bed.

i originally got him one, but y/n went out to get another one.

something about "what if he gets scared at night?" he's a dog. i think he'll be alright.

"you're joking." i smile because i already have rio 2 propped on the screen. "it's your favorite!" if we were to watch any other movie, she'll find a way to cry to it so we might as well watch one she'll already cry to. then again, they aren't even all that sad.

"the little boy finally found a home in the last scene of the first movie. what do you mean not sad?!"

"it was heartwarming, that's all."

she scoffs while i make room and dig my hand into the bowl while pressing play. "if you're lucky enough, you'll fall asleep." she looks up at me and shakes her head. "we'll see."

i sort of forgot how the second movie plays out.

all i know is that ugly white bird needs to go.

as we're watching, her eyes are glued to the screen while mine are glued to her. "the movie's right in front of you." i guess she caught on when she looked up at me to tell me that. "i'm well aware, i just like this view much more."

she smiles and i bring my head down to kiss her to where she cups my face.

and guess what? it's that same loving feeling every time. she smiles within and i take my chance to remind her. "i love you in ways you could never imagine. you know that right?"

"how could i ever forget?"
