Chapter 27

- A couple years later

Elizabeth's POV
Jacob is now 13 years old , Gianne is now 10 years old , and Keira is 18 years old . ( let's just pretend that they are those ages lol 😂😭) Me and Myles thought it was best if we split up because we fought almost everyday after he cheated . I just couldn't trust him , but I still co-parent with him .

M- Myles E- Elizabeth

M - Hey , do you want to come with us to Great America for Jake's birthday ?

E - Sure . I get them ready now .

M - Okay see you in a bit .

I clicked off my phone and just got the kids ready .

" Hey Keira , do you want to come with us to Great America ?" I asked my sister who is a Senior in High school .

" Sure , can I bring my friend Briana ? She's got her season pass ?" Keira asked me .

" Sure , I'll tell Myles ." I said back as she nodded her head to get ready and tell Briana .

E- Myles , Can Keira being her friend Briana ?

M- Sure just make sure she has her pass or ticket

E - Okay she does .

M- Okay bye .

I got their extra clothes , and many more in a bag . Jacob has is trunks on and Gianne's bathing suit is on under her light clothes . We all bring our bags downstairs and wait for Myles .

" Hey Liz ." As briana walks in .

" Hey briana , Keira is upstairs ." I said as she smiled at me . She waited downstairs for Keira .

" hey sis , is Myles here yet ?" Keira asked walking downstairs .

" He'll be here in a few he's pumping gas ." I said .

Myles' POV
I am pumping gas . It fills up to $30.00 and i stopped it . I shook off the excess and closed the pump . I got into my car and drove to Liz's house . Its been a rough couple of years with the divorce and all . I've been a reck , its been hard to let go of someone who meant the most to you . I pull up to her house and honk . They all walk out and I noticed that Liz is looking nice .

" Hey liz ." I said to her . She smiled and gave me and tight hug . She whispers in my ear ' I still love you , just know that .' That broke me a little because I wished we could've worked it out .

" Dad ! " Jacob and G said in unison as they ran to me .

" Hey meelzzzz ." Keira says .

" heyy lil k ." I say back with hyphy hands . Keira and Briana sit in the back , Gianne and Jacob sit in the middle and obviously We sit in the front .

" Myles , I know it's been hard , but I still love you ." She kissed my cheek and intertwined our hands . I heard camera sound and look at Keira . She tagged us and I looked ' The best people still have that love 💗 #goals @ElizabethB @yourboymyles forever and always 💙 #mylizabeth ' I showed Liz and she smiled .

@yourboymyles : @lilkeiraaa that's wassup lil K 🙏❤️

We headed to Great America after the twitter thing . As soon as we got there , we saw the gand and their kids . Yezii and Tyler had another baby a few years back and named him Ryan Joel . Kalin and Malia were still together and happy . Kaylan and Cam had their kid(s) . They had twins and named then Aaron and Jennalyn . Jake and Dom had their second kid and it was another boy , his name was Gavin Alexander . We are all just still one big happy family .

Kalin's POV
I noticed Liz and Myles holding hands . I texted Liz and she replied ' No Kalin 😂😭' I turned back and laughed . She did too , Malia and Myles looked at us like we were weirdos . We walked around and just had fun as a family even though some of us aren't on good terms .

Kaylan's POV
we just kept walking and we saw Ana .

" Hey girl ." She said sweetly . I mean mugged her and she got mad .

" What do you want , Ana ?" Cam said getting in front of me .

" Well I want you to leave this troll and come back to me ." She said .

" Listen here you little freakin' ugly low life musty smellin' stalker , I want you to leave my family alone and I swear to god if you lay a finger on me , you won't have one by the time I am done with you . So got take you fish smelling donkey kong self outta her . We don't want your bull . So see ya , and I'm sorry , My man is off limits ." I said smiling and we all walked away .

" Ayyy get it girlll ." Dom , Malia , Keira , and Liz said clapping their hands . We all kept walking and having a good time .

Malia's POV
Kalin and I decided to branch off since the kids wanted to go swim already . We went to the kids sections and watch the kids play .

" Babe , after this we are going on a date ." Kalin said .

" Okay lover boy ." I said back . I smiled and laughed . the kids came to bring us in and we did . We all had fun .

Dom's POV
I decided to sit down and eat . Jake and I started to get tired so we just sat and ate .

"babe , we are going to dinner after okay ?"Jake said .

" Okay babe ." I said kissing his cheek .

Yezii and I had to go home because the kids were feeling it . We plopped onto our bed as the kids went to sleep and we watch Ride Along .

// Hey guys , so this is the last chapter . Yes , I know its early , but I actually planned it to be up to 27 chapters . I know its an odd number and what not , but its okay . I really hope you guys loved this book . I know the POV's are short , but i needed to keep it as short as possible . 😍💗 so one last time , Much love - Mary 💗 //
