Chapter 9

6 months later

Dom's POV
Jake and I found out what gender our baby was and it is a boy ! I am so happy to know our first kid is a boy . to be honest , it wouldn't be bad if we had a girl , but we were kind of hoping it was a boy . Currently , Me and Jake have been shopping for the baby . Jake was on his phone while i go get formula and stuff .

Jake's POV
' Hey Myles we are almost coming home so thanks for house sitting while we were gone .' i text my brother . we had been out for weeks and i didn't want our getting broken into so Elizabeth and myles house sat for us .
' Okay . See yah .' i read the text and i see Dom paying for the stuff . We head out and drive home . When we got home , i unlocked the door to see everything dark . Just then everybody came up from everywhere and said "Surprise !" Dom and I jumped and got scared .
" What's all this ?" Dom says trying to
hold back her tears .
" Its your baby shower . I know its early or some what , but we wanted to do it early ." Malia said .

Kalin's POV
I have the baby , while Malia , Elizabeth and Dom all talk in a room . I mean this is a small party since their family is in the bay . I started to feed Andrew and Myles does the same with Jacob . I then lay Andrew down in a quiet room .
" Some times i wish Kalin would take a break ." I heard Malia say as i walked passed the room . I am not even going to get mad , so i think i will take a break soon .

Malia's POV
I was talking with my girls about life and stuff . I was really getting in so deep , i started to cry . We are just finally doing something happy like doing our hairs . We are laughing and stuff . I miss days like this . I just miss everything before we had kids . I mean don't get me wrong , I love my son and husband , but just those days where we were all chill . Now everything is just about our family now which is amazing .

Myles's POV
I am currently going to the guest room to sleep with Jacob . I lay down and then sleep .
"Hey babe ." some girl that looks like Camilla says . I look around and start to get scared , i don't see Jacob nor do I see Elizabeth . Then i end up in a house . I see a beautiful women cooking and say ," Hey babe ." I kiss her cheek , i realize this isn't Elizabeth . Its Camilla . " What the heck are you doing here ?" I yell .
" Well im your wife and we have a kid named Jacob ." I run upstairs and see Jacob . Then i see people walking . I noticed it was Cam and Elizabeth . i run down the stairs and hug Elizabeth .
" Um Myles what are you doing ?" i kiss her .
" Bro what the heck ? Get off my wife !" Cam says . Then i wake up . Whew , it was just a dream .

Elizabeth's POV
I asked everybody where Jacob and Myles are and they all say the guest room . I walk in to see Myles and Jacob in the cutest position ever . I take a picture and caption it ,' My babies ❤️ forever and always @yourboymyles & Jacob Parrish 🙈😍 ' As i posted it , i got tons of notifs about it . I laughed and laid down . I click my phone off and hug my boys . I love my family so much .

// Hope you guys like this chapter , i know i haven't posted in so long , but here's this chapter , i've been working on , so yeah . Much love - Mary //
