Chapter 2

// I am going to start putting picture often in the media box . i don't know if i am going I stick with it but yeah . //

- The next Day

Malia's POV
I woke up in Kalin's huge stussy worldwide red shirt . I heard Andrew crying so i ran to his crib and saw him just weeping with his eyes closed . He's just having a bad dream . I pick him up and rock him .
" Kalin ! " I said as i was walking into our room .
" Yes ." He said coming out without his shirt and just basketball shorts . I just stare . Wow , my husband got a dang mighty fine body . ( A/n i laughed when i said that . 😂😭 )
" take a picture , babe . " He said . I got out my phone and took a picture .
" There !? " I said showing him the picture .
" Omg babe , really ? I was joking , but send me that picture ." I laughed and Kalin did too . Today was just going to be another family day .

Jake's POV
I woke up to hear Dom in the bathroom throwing up . I ran to her and rubbed her back for reassurance .
" Babe , are you sick ?" I said . She looked back at me with puppy eyes .
" No Jake . I'm pregnant ." She said . I was so shocked . I'm in my 20s and I am having a kid . This is all news .
" That's great babe . I am so happy , how far along ?" I said sounding weird .
" 2 weeks . " Dom said before she threw up some more . Today was just going to be me taking care of her for the next 9 months .

Myles' POV
I woke up to go get present for Elizabeth and Jacob . I didn't want to wake them to i got up really early . I got into my range rover and drove to the mall . I went to the jewelry store and got Elizabeth her birthstone on her necklace . Then i bought her a Michael Kors purse in the color white with gold chains . I got everything gift wrapped . Then i went to the baby store to buy Jacob clothes and a new baby blanket .

Tyler's POV
I woke up Yezii and Aria because we are going to the bay this whole week . We come back after christmas . I am so excited to let my family meet Aria . They haven't met her yet because we haven't been really caught up with the rest of the family and it hurts , but thats life . Malia went to the bay with Andrew and Kalin to let them meet Andrew . I just need them to know i can be as well as Malia is .

// I know i should be at school , but i am very sick so the updates will be coming a lil slower than the other book so yeah . CFC weekend starts and i am very hyped for all the videos . I am obviously going to be jelly , but its all good . //
