Chapter 24

Jake's POV
I headed to the hospital and went for my medicine .

" Jake parrish , called into Dr. Reed's office ." Said one of the desk ladies .

" Right here ." I said .

" Okay just head straight down and turn left it should be that first door ." She said .

" Thank you Katerina ." I said headed to her office . I knocked on the door and heard her said ," Come in ."

" Mr. Parrish , nice to see you , so we just found out that the things isn't back . It was just a miss seen thing from the back ." As she said that , u felt a relief wash over me .

" So no more medicine ?" I said in a questionable tone .

" Nope , you're free of it ." She said . I gave her a hug and walked out . I texted Dom ,' Babe , it isn't back . I love you , see you soon .'

I got into my car and got some food .

Myles' POV
The kids and I are headed to Downtown LA for just a day with the family . Cam and Kaylan , Kalin , Malia , Andrew , and Anastasia , Tyler , Yezii and Aria , Jake , Dom , and Adriel , then us . I took a group picture and captioned it ,' Spendin' a fam day . Love the fam ❤️ ' I wrapped my arms around Elizabeth and thought of every moment we spent together . gosh this is my wife , my keeper , my heart , my number one . She gave me the most beautiful kids ever . To think I never saw this future for myself . Elizabeth smiled and kissed me . Everytime we kiss , even until this day , i still get the same sparks . Elizabeth is just the best .

"Myles , I love you too . Babe please stick with me forever and always ?" She said .

"I will babe . I will ." I said kissing her forehead . We interlocked hands and walked with the rest of the family .

Kaylan's POV
We are current still walking Blvd and I see a few things i want to capture . I took cam's camera and took a picture of everything .

" Woah there lil fairfax ." Cam said laughing . I blushed and covered my face .

" Shut up ." I said slightly punching his arm . I turned around and saw everybody . To see that we've all grown up . Even though, I haven't been apart of this family , I've been here long enough to know whatever happened we all stick together forever .

// Hey , I am sorry for all the slow updates , but busy month . I end school in may and the school is trying to get everything for us done . After schools over , i'll be more active . I'm sorry for the inconvenience . Its been a hectic couple of months . I know my excuse is always school , but it really is . I rarely go on my phone . Thanks for still reading . i love you guys . Short Chapter I know , but i really promise the other chapters are going to be long - Mary💛❤️//
