Chapter 25

Elizabeth's POV
I was just laying on my bed , thinking about how life has been for the past years . Through all the hardships , and struggles , we will managed to pull through and love each other .

" Hey babe . " Myles said as he kissed my cheek . I smiled and then replied with a happy tone to my voice .

" Yes Myles ?" I said .

" So today is the day of the radio show about telling the fans we are back ." Myles said smiling from ear to ear .

" Oh my gosh , that's amazing !" I said hugging him knowing I get to go .

" So , we start another tour but it's only for two months ." He said sad .

" Two months is a lot myles , but get this , I get to go ." I said and with an instant he smiled . He kissed my cheek .

Kalin's POV
So we got the chance to talk about it together . Mykes and I are going back on tour and are back in bussiness .

" Babeee ! " I yelled as Malia came running down .

" What ?" She said .

" Myles and I are going back on tour ." I said .

" Thats amazing ." She said back .

" Since its only two months , and the bus is bigger you girls all get to go ." I said . She screetched and ran to me . She kissed and kissed my cheeks over and over again .

" Yasssss ! " She said clapping her hands . I wrapped my arms around her waist . Andrew came down and rubbed his eye .

" Mama .." Andrew said .

" Yes baby ?" Malia said as she picked up Andrew .

" Why were you scweaming ?" Andrew said clinging to Malia .

" Its because your sissy , you , and I get to go on tour with daddy ." She said and then Andrew started to clap his hands . I took a picture and caption ,' My life 💗 ( we are missing stasia 😭 ) @LiaWhite ' My phone started to blow up , I clicked it off and hung out with my family the whole day .

Jake's POV
After the day of the doctor's office , I felt like dancing my butt off . I find out we are going back on tour , oh my gosh . Dom and Adriel are coming so this is basically the returning tour .

" Jake , Can we got to the mall ?" Dom said from upstairs .

" Yeah , let's get ready ." I went upstairs and got ready . I wore a stussy baseball tee , blue jeans and old skool vans . Dom wore a white muscle tee , boyfriend jeans ( ripped light kind ) , and white adidas . Adriel was in a short sleeve flannel , jeans , and vans . We put him in his stroller and we walked around . We got boba and went to the park .

Cam's POV
Today was the day , Me and Kaylan finally got back home . We are moving back home because of loads of stress . I am not going on tour with the boys until the next month . Tyler is going for the first month since I will be moving thinks for a month back home . I found an apartment big enough for us . I woke up Kaylan and we got semi-dressed .

" Babe , the U-haul is downstairs . We better get going . " I said . She nods her heard and walks downstairs with me . I get the boxes and so does she . We load as much as we can , and start the truck .

" Ready , Cam ?" She said .

" Always ." I kissed her hand and we drive off . We are so happy to be going back home .

Malia's POV
I was upstairs , about to go downstairs , when I got a call from Elizabeth . I answered the phone and heard sobs at the other end .

' Elizabeth ? Hello ?!'

' Malia , can you please pick me up ?'

' Yeah sure . What happened ?'

' I'll tell you everything later .'

' Okay , I'll be there in a few .'

' Okay bye .'

" What happened ?" Kalin says coming in the room . As i got changed , I walked out .

" Elizabeth was crying and I bet its Myles . I'll talk to her and you see what happened . I'll get their kids ." I said putting on my shoes .

" Okay . " We get the kids and walk into the car . The kids are all strapped in and we finally head off .

// What did you do Myles ? Hey guys , sorry for late updates its okay because a few weeks more , and I'm out of school . I got my phone taken away for the last 3 days so yeah . - Mary 💗 //
