Chapter 20


I stood outside me and Arsa's camp, too nervous to sleep. There was a groove in the grass about a foot to my left from where I'd been pacing. I heard a twig snap and was armed in an instant with my bow pointing straight at Arsa

"Watch the arrows"


He walked up to me and put my bow and arrow away then I started pacing back and forth again

"Oh, are you the cause of the sinkhole back there"

"Yes" I sighed

"You're worrying again aren't you"

I sighed again in return. He knew me too well. Even after five years of dating and waiting for this day, I still wasn't really ready, then again can you ever be completely ready for a wedding? ever? I shivered at the cold breeze or maybe it was because of the dream again. I'd never told Arsa about the dreams but he knew me too well

"Are you alright you look a little shaken"

"I'm fine"



"You were having dreams again"

I looked at him funny

"You mutter names in your sleep"

"What kinds of names"

"Umm normally Masha, Kaila, and Terrla"


He looked at me like he knew I was hiding something and his look made me tell the truth

"I've been having strange dreams"

"Since when"


"You've been having the same dream every night since graduation. About?"

"Two girls twins actually"

"Who are the parents"

"I don't know"


I started to sway with exhaustion and Arsa slowly guided me back to the tent. When noon came the next day I was hyperventilating. I was wearing a beautiful wedding dress. I wore the circlet from graduation and Leerah's necklace to think she was 6 now and Rea's earrings I also wore a hairpiece from Allora that was set with diamonds and turquoise. The ceremony passed so fast and the after-party was bizarre. I had a blast after both were done, Arsa and I left to go back to the forest with rucksacks packed. We left Iralea for a new adventure. 
