Chapter 8

"We need to get those monkeys under control Kodiac", A female voice said "Oh! Hello", she said coming into the light she looked like a much older version of me and Leerah except her eyes were teal not sapphire blue with purple flecks she was tall and thin with thick long brown hair "My name is Marea and this is my husband Kodiac" Kodiac had dark brown hair and ice-blue eyes and was muscular "you must be Keriane and Leerah"

"Yes ma'am"

"No need to be so polite you can call me Rea do you have nicknames"

"I like to be called Keria"

Rea seemed very happy that I and Leerah were here and Kodiac was more 'more kids why me' Leerah remained quiet as if in thought

"Welcome to Gartherfields Keira and Leerah", Kodiac said

"Thank you, sir"

"May we call you Kodiac ?" Leerah asked in her crystal voice

"Yes you may younglings"

"Oh who is this" Rea asked

"She is our cat, Mara"

"You two like animals?"

"Yes I love animals but I'm not sure if Leerah does"

"Why don't you ask her"

I looked at her a little funny like she hadn't noticed that Leerah was asleep under a strange tree

"Rea she is a year old my friend", Allora said

"oh, sorry it has been a long time since we were around a youngling this young"

"Leerah liked to look at the bears at the North American Bear Center where we lived"

I hoped they wouldn't question and to my relief, they didn't

"Well I must be going", Allora said

"Farewell my friend" replied Rea

Allora stepped into the portal I created and vanished. A few weeks passed and I had not heard from the council or the Lorein's and I was starting to get worried until Rea announced it

"Well, we will be having a visitor in a bit."

"Ahem Marea, Kodiac" A woman's voice came ringing down the fields 5 minutes later

"Oh, Princess Phoenix!" Rea looked very surprised

"Yes, that would be me, who are the younglings?"

"This is Keriane and Leerah Willson"

"Oh my pleasure to meet you"

"Our pleasure as well your majesty" I said

"Please call me Phoenix"

I don't know why but Phoenix seemed to trust us so much that we were on a first-name basis in seconds after she stepped out from behind the tree I saw her she had pale skin eyes like mine and long red-brown hair she was angular and tall almost like me

"Rea I have found an adopter for the unicorn"

"Oh really your majesty"

"Yes, Rea Miss.Loyal"

"Salna ?"(SALL-na)

"Yes Rea"

"Oh my"

"Adoptee name"

"Her name is Magic as far as we know"

"Is that right" Phoenix seemed confused

"We think so"



"Where is my unicorn" came a snotty voice

"Miss. Salna," Phoenix said with clear displeasure

"Your majesty," Salna said, "well where is she?"

"This way Salna"

I followed them leaving Leerah under the Mishi tree and was amazed at what the unicorn looked like she had a silvery coat and a beautiful sea blue mane her eyes were a lovely shade of gold she looked so beautiful I fell in love with her the second I saw her

"She is perfect I will take her"

Apparently, Salna loved her to

"Magic" she cooed "come"

The unicorn ignored her and gazed right at me with her perfect gold eyes then her voice came to me and Phoenix looked just as surprised as me


I approached the gate nervously when Phoenix said

"Speak to her"

I nodded "Hello what is your name?"

"My name is Misty what is yours"

"My name is Keriane"
