Chapter 19

I dreamt of two children, twins with parents I couldn't picture. These children were both female and named Masha and Kaila both had dark hair and beautiful, bright, purplish midnight blue eyes. They had sharp features . both were pale in color kind of like me then the dream shifted to four nameless children with blurred distinctive features of identification. all I could see were the first had red-brown hair the rest had darker hair all had purple eyes. two had brighter than the others, the reddish haired and the one with the darkest hair had bright purple eyes. They seemed to be the older of the four other two had deep blue-purple eyes. The parents surprised me. The female certainly looked like Queen Lotus Blossom but that wasn't possible she only had two daughters Phoenix and her sister Pegasus but the male looked strange he had topaz scarlet eyes brown hair and was as pale as the children then I woke up. Graduation day was finally here. I got up and Rea was sitting at my desk finishing a few stitches I had yet to finish

"Good morning Rea"

"Oh, you're up"

Rea seemed surprised that I was awake like she thought she'd finish before I woke up

"I hope you don't mind me finishing your dress"

"No, I don't mind"

"It is a truly beautiful dress"

It was. My dress was dark blue and simple underneath but the overskirt was icy blue and the sleeves were also dark blue.the dress was smooth not poofy and awkward. It went down to my thighs. I had a pair of navy leggings and a simple pair of silver-blue boots. I also wore Leerah's handmade necklace and Rea's sapphire earrings. I stepped out from the bathroom and Rea gasped. I had put on light silver eyeshadow then I realized what Rea was holding. A small circlet made of silver set with blue moonstones and blue lace agates with a note

"Leerah brought it up it is addressed to you"


"Indeed" she handed it to me I grabbed it carefully and I read the note attached

To Keriane Willson-

It's Phoenix my mother gave one to each girl graduating different stones on each regarding the talent per child I chose blue for you is that all right Arsa is your soldier (no surprise) tell none tap every other boy on the shoulder to eliminate

I finished reading the note when I noticed a second note attached to the first

Dear Ms.Willson,

I hope my daughter made correct stone choices this circlet proves your rank wear it with pride you are a Fighter for your position you start tomorrow congratulations

~Queen Lotus Blossom Qutera Dragonsbane

I was in awe the Queen wrote a note to me I put on the circlet and informed Rea about it then asked her if she could help me do my hair she braided it into a little ballerina bun

"Thank you Rea"

"You're welcome, child"

I hugged her then left for graduation when I got to the barracks I joined the other girls. The other girls wore their color dress and circlets too. Salna had a black iron circlet set with obsidian. Belsa had a gold circlet set with fire opals. Nearey had a silver circlet like me set with rose quartz. Kathria had an iron circlet set with diamonds. And Emmareal had a gold circlet set with garnet. This showed that Salna was a Shadow Weaver, Belsa was a Light Bender, Nearey was an Empath, Kathria was a Polyglot, and Emmareal was a Mind Controller.

"The Choosing is starting soon Emmareal you're up first"


The waiting was the worst part then I heard the announcer call her name

"Lastly Keriane Willson"

I heard the soft clicking of her boots. The others were standing in a straight line about a foot to the left and there were still 12 guys including me. My eyes were closed as were everyone else's who hadn't been picked yet. Keira's boots clicked as she walked from person to person finally the stopped

"Eyes may open"

My eyes obediently opened and there she stood in front of me and she looked beautiful.

"Paired" she whispered over the shouts of excited parents and the screams of rage from the other girls and groans of the other guys
