Chapter 3

I stared at him like he had bears coming out of his ears.

"What is this theory you were going on about" I asked

"We have been tracking you for a while and- woah where did the plants come from"

"Oh sorry that happens when I get nervous or tense," I said dispersed the plants

"Wow okay we have been looking for you for a while and you need to come with me"

"What makes you think I'm an elf, " I said " and I'm not going anywhere with you"

"I can prove it humans don't have powers or are super fast or strong don't have an ability to sense things like danger at least not right away and roll up your right sleeve to your shoulder"

I did as he said and realized he was talking about my symbol

"When did you get that"

"When I was four"

"Wait you've had powers since you were four"

"Yeah, is that bad"

"Not bad, just irregular," Arsa said "How many powers do you have?"

"4" Arsa sucked in a breath "Is that bad"

"Not bad, just irregular. What are they"

"I can control the elements, read minds, understand everything from baby talk to animals, and teleport."


"Sure" I concentrated "take my hand" I got into the tallest surface possible.

"Don't scream"

I jumped and we landed in a fern brush outside my house.

"cool" Arsa whispered "let me show you what I can do"

He jumped up and turned into an owl and flapped around then faltered and fell landing uncomfortably on the ground then was almost instantly back at my side.

"Ok I believe you but I'm not going anywhere"

"Please you have to if you want to live safely"

"What do you mean live safely"

"Others are after you and they will kill to see what you can do"

The thought made me sick. There were leaves blowing everywhere.

"Umm can you do anything about this?"

"What sorry" I snapped my fingers and the wind stopped blowing the leaves around.

"There are conditions we have to go see my mother Allora"

"Ok" I squeaked "Do you want me to make a portal"

"Will that work"

"Yes whoever goes in first can think of a place and go there" I squirmed "but there has to be physical contact"


"You'll also have to meet the council"


"Don't worry my mom and sister Elarae(e-la-ray) can help make you more presentable"

"Ok- Wait more presentable"

"You will need to look more like you belong but they will know your history and such. You will be tested to enter our most prodigious school for magic Phirebird aka Phoenix. If you don't get into it you will be sent to a less prestigious magic school. My sister and I go to Phirebird. It's named after our most famous warrior"

"Now, now Arsa don't talk her ear off darling" came a rich full voice "Hello youngling my name is Allora"
