Chapter 2

He stood in a corner for who knows long before I noticed him, his piercing gaze cut through me like I was butter, his eyes were a midnight blue that no human could have then again so were mine. His hair was so deep brown it almost looked like chocolate. His skin tone was a tan color and he wore the 'I'm trying to inconspicuous' look then he noticed me looking at him and approached slowly. there weren't many places to hide in the North American Bear Center in Ely where we live so I stood still glaring at him but nothing slowed him when he finally got to me he asked

"This you?"

He was holding the news article where my smiling face was the headline being YOUNG GIRL MOVES JUST AFTER BEING ACCEPTED TO HARVARD my family didn't want me to go somewhere where I would get attention and yep, a 13-year-old accepted to Harvard University I was a senior in high school at 13

"Yes it is," I said in a strict voice that my math teacher used. I grabbed my bag and started walking toward the door with him questioning me the entire way. when I reached the door he stepped in front of me and asked

"What is your name?"

"That is none of your business and please get out of my way"

"No, I want to talk to you"

Now I was mad and had enough I struck him in the face with unbelievable strength that could have killed someone but he just jumped up and laughed

"Proves that theory"

"What theory"

"How old are you then I will explain"

"I'll tell you my age if you tell me yours and we have to go into the parking lot"


We stepped outside and went to the most desolate spot in the parking lot

"Your age," he asked

"13 yours"

"Same," he said "name?"

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours and then the theory whatever that means"

"Ok can you also tell me your grade"

"Fine my name is Keriane and I'm a senior in high school who are you" I demanded

"My name is Arsahas," he said " you can call me Arsa and I don't know how to say this but you're not human"

"Ha not human"

"You're an elf"
