At dawn the next day, Li Ruan went to Lin Jianxue's cave with the cub in his mouth.

But he didn't think about how to speak to Ah Xue.

If it was before, when he didn't know what it was like to like someone, he might not hesitate so much. But it is because he has a concern in his heart now, and he knows how difficult it is to let go of that concern.

At least, if it happened to him, he would definitely not be able to be as decisive as Ah Xue.

After all, I used to like it so much.

The little fox hesitated, didn't rush to knock on the door, and walked back and forth in front of the cave with the cub in its mouth. The cub was not fully awake when it was taken out of the nest. At this time, its expression was dazed, and its short limbs swayed back and forth as the little fox walked.

When the little fox walked for an unknown number of laps, a hand suddenly grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up.

The little fox was startled, subconsciously let go, the cub in its mouth slipped down and was caught by the other hand.

"What are you doing so early in the morning?" Lin Jianxue held the little fox by the back of the neck with one hand, and supported the dumb fox cub with the other hand, shaking it in front of the little fox, "You don't want to You can give it to me if you want

it." He was joking, of course, but the little fox didn't respond

. A fox entered the cave.

"What, did you quarrel with your Jiang Shen?" Lin Jianxue put the little fox on the soft chair, and returned the cub in his hand.

The little fox hugged the cub, rubbed it, and whispered: "No, Jiang Shen and I didn't quarrel, I am... I have something to ask you."

Lin Jianxue rarely saw the little fox so hesitant , smiled and asked: "Then tell me, what's the matter?"

Li Ruan hesitated, observing Lin Jianxue's expression, and recounted Emperor Chongxuan's plan last night.

But Lin Jianxue's expression didn't change at all, he leaned on a soft chair, and after listening to him finish speaking, he still smiled and said: "You asked me what to do, didn't I just come according to the emperor's plan? That guy He is a fine person, and he is the best at this kind of thing.”

Li Ruan asked: "Is it really possible?"

"What are you thinking?" Lin Jianxue tapped him on the head, and said, "Jiang Chengzhou has done so many wrong things, the emperor wants to get rid of him, that's his own fault, it's embarrassing. If it doesn’t work, will I still protect you from letting you deal with him? If I really wanted to help him, why did I report him in front of the emperor?”

Li Ruan lowered her head: “…that’s true.”

Lin Jianxue looked away and lightly Sighing lightly: "The only question is, are you sure you can lure him out this way?" Li Ruan

: "Why not?"

It's no worse than Emperor Chongxuan." Lin Jianxue said, "Even without these things, I haven't wanted to see him for so long, and suddenly I ask him to meet at this juncture, anyone will feel that there is a trap." Knowing that it is a trap

, A Lin Jianxue, is it worth him to drop all his plans and take the risk to come here?

"I don't know either." Li Ruan rubbed Zai Zai, "But I have to try." "

Then let's try." Lin Jianxue said, "I also want to know how he will choose."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked into the depths of the cave, and when he came back, he had an extra jade pendant in his hand.

He handed the jade pendant to Li Ruan, and said: "You hang this thing on the first tree outside the city gate together with the letter that tricked him out, and he will see it." Li Ruan: "This thing...


" He gave it to me." Lin Jianxue tilted her head, a mocking smile appeared in her eyes, "A token of love."

As for the tree, it was the place where they met for the first time in this life.

This is a secret that only the two of them know.

Only in this way can Jiang Chengzhou believe that it was really Lin Jianxue who asked him to meet.

Lin Jianxue hung the jade pendant around Li Ruan's neck. The latter looked down at the jade pendant on his chest, and then raised his eyes to Lin Jianxue: "A Xue, are you really alright?

" Pushing forward: "If you are not happy, I will lend you Zai Zai to play with. If you play with him, you will be happy."

Zai Zai raised his head, although he didn't quite understand, he still cooperated and said: "Wow."

Lin Jianxue burst out laughing: "Stupid fox, do you really treat your cub like a gadget?"

Although ...it's really fun to watch.

Lin Jianxue rubbed the little boy's body.

"Okay, let's go back quickly." Lin Jianxue said, "Jiang Chengzhou is not difficult to deal with, but the Taoist priest next to him is the most difficult to deal with. Why don't you go back soon and send the news to your prince, let him make arrangements in advance, here What's the delay?"

Axue issued the order to evict the guest, Li Ruan didn't stay any longer, and left with his son in his mouth.

The gate of the cave was slowly closed, and the smile on Lin Jianxue's face slowly faded.

He turned his head back to the depths of the cave, and lay down on the couch covered with animal skins. The candlelight in the cave dimmed, and his figure was completely plunged into darkness.

After a long time, Lin Jianxue finally said softly as if sighing, "Stupid fox."

He turned over and lay down on the bed, his long hair hanging down, covering most of his face.

"You might as well not let me know..."

Li Ruan took Ah Xue's jade pendant back to the cave and handed it to Jiang Shen. Jiang Shen wrote another letter and sent the news to the capital with a black eagle.

Three days later, a jade pendant really appeared on the first tree outside the capital.

Today is a market day, early in the morning, the people entering the city formed a long queue outside the city gate. For a whole day, people came and went at the gate of the city, but no one looked up and noticed the thing hanging on the treetop.

It wasn't until night fell, after the curfew at the city gate, that the guards who had been staring at the city gate for a day went to check under the tree, only to find that the things had disappeared.

"My lord, you don't really want to go, do you?"

This is a ruined temple outside the capital. Jiang Chengzhou stood in the courtyard, and an old man's voice came from the darkness behind him.

Jiang Chengzhou didn't answer.

He was still wearing a prison uniform, his long hair was scattered, and he looked a bit embarrassed. But when he lowered his head and looked at the jade pendant in his hand, his eyes were gentle and bright.

"This is a trap!" The voice in the hall said again, "That evil animal clearly conspired with Emperor Chongxuan to take your life, you can't see it?"

Jiang Chengzhou still didn't answer.

The letter he retrieved with Yupei had been thrown aside by him, and he only glanced at it and then didn't read it again. He looked down at the jade pendant in his hand, and stroked it very gently with his fingertips.

Footsteps came from behind.

A figure walked out of the ruined temple.

Shen Wuwei was still wearing the light blue Taoist robe, but he could no longer see the original appearance. His hair is gray, his face and hands are covered with wrinkles, like an old man who will soon die.

"Jiang Chengzhou, wake up!" Shen Wuwei stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Chengzhou's collar, and said in a cold voice, "Look at how I was ruined by those two beasts, my Tao of Longevity was broken, if I don't get it again I will never be able to help you with that thing in the future!"

Jiang Chengzhou didn't look at him, as if he didn't mind the other party's offensive behavior.

With his eyes downcast, he suddenly said softly: "He keeps this thing all the time."

Shen Wuwei: "What?"

Jiang Chengzhou took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and there was a little smile on his face: "I'll give it to you." He always keeps his jade pendant by his side."

Even if he left so resolutely at the beginning, even if he didn't even let him see him in these years.

But he still kept their pledge of love well.

Jiang Chengzhou stroked the jade pendant repeatedly, as if as long as he did this, he could feel the temperature belonging to another person from the jade pendant.

"You lunatic..." Shen Wuwei let go of his hand, tilted his head and coughed a few times in a hurry, his voice was hoarse and old, "Why do you have the appearance of an emperor..." He seemed to be

aging from the inside out, even There is no strength to speak. Shen Wuwei sat down on the stone steps beside him, and persuaded leisurely: "You listen to me, we will go to Changming Mountain after I recover a little bit. After getting that kind of thing, no one in this world will be mine anymore. Opponent, when the time comes, I will make you emperor and bring that little fox demon to your side."

"It doesn't matter whether you want to treat him well, comfort him, or lock him by your side...it's fine." Jiang Chengzhou shook his head without looking back, "But

he wants to see me now." "

... This is the first time he said he wants to see me, and if I don't go, he will be angry."

"Jiang Chengzhou!" Shen Wuwei shouted, coughing violently again, "Just to see him...you don't want the throne Is it? After so many years of planning, you don't want it?"

Jiang Chengzhou finally turned to look at him.

His eyes were a little cold.

"From the beginning to the end, didn't you always want me to take the throne?" Jiang Chengzhou said coldly, "What's so good about being emperor, do you think I haven't been enough in the last life?

" Only then did he fall into a bewitched state, and... hurt his A Xue like that.

How could he still want the throne.

A hurricane suddenly blew up behind him, Jiang Chengzhou was swept away by the wind, and slammed into the mottled earth wall of the ruined temple.

He fell to the ground, coughed violently, and tasted a little blood in his mouth.

"Jiang Chengzhou, do you know what you are talking about?"

Shen Wuwei stood up staggeringly, his voice extremely hoarse: "I have already killed Emperor Chongxuan for you, and now in this world, only you and the prince have the destiny of emperor. If you If I don't inherit the great line, I'm going against the sky."

"...Jiang Chengzhou, you can't harm me."

On the contrary, if Jiang Chengzhou obeys the destiny and becomes emperor, Shen Wuwei will be his hero.

So Jiang Chengzhou not only wants to be the emperor, he also has to be a good one, make meritorious deeds, and be a wise king.

Only in this way can Shen Wuwei's sins be washed away.

Jiang Chengzhou suddenly laughed softly.

He held the jade pendant tightly in his hand, couldn't breathe from laughing, and coughed up a mouthful of blood: "I harmed you? Murdered the emperor, disturbed the capital, and caused the princes to kill each other. Which of these things is not yours, Mr. Shen?" Planning? Your own skills are inferior to others, and you have fallen into such a field, how can you blame me?"

"Jiang Chengzhou, you—"

Jiang Chengzhou slowly got up.

He patted the weeds and dirt on his body, wiped away some blood from his lips, and raised his eyes to look at the old Taoist priest in the distance, as if he had turned back into the gentle, calm, and aloof Prince Su.

"Mr. Shen, this king has never been afraid of death." Jiang Chengzhou smiled, "But if I die, where will you find a third man who is appointed by the emperor to inherit the throne?" "You threaten me with your life?

" Shen Wuwei narrowed his eyes, "Just for this trap full of mistakes? If I don't let you see him, would you rather die?" Jiang

Chengzhou: "Yes."

"They just want to lure you over!" Shen Wuwei seemed to feel extremely Absurd and extremely ridiculous, "As long as you go, you will fall into their trap, he may not even show up to meet you, he even—" Shen

Wuwei didn't finish his sentence.

Because Jiang Chengzhou was always watching him quietly.

The person in front of him has memories of two lifetimes, and he joined the emperor's family for two lifetimes. He has never seen any schemes and schemes. He knows a lot more than Shen Wuwei, who studied art in Xianshan since he was a child.

He understands, but he still wants to go.

I can't persuade you.

"Crazy." Shen Wuwei shook his head, "You are really a lunatic..."

He staggered, stumbled back to sit on the stone steps, and said wearily, "Go, go if you want, I won't stop you." "

Thank you, Mr. Shen .” Jiang Chengzhou bowed to him and walked towards the ruined temple.

When passing by, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head to Shen Wuwei and said: "By the way, help me find clean clothes, I want... blue, he likes me in blue." Jiang Chengzhou

smiled , holding his precious jade pendant, turned and entered the ruined temple.

Shen Wuwei was left cursing in a low voice behind him.

In the forged letter, Jiang Chengzhou was asked to meet at the foot of Changming Mountain at dusk two days later. According to Emperor Chongxuan's plan, Jiang Shen sent people to set up an ambush nearby.

The appointed time was approaching, Jiang Shen led Li Ruan down the mountain.

Jiang Shen didn't want Li Ruan to be involved in today's incident, but Lin Jianxue refused to come forward. Jiang Shen searched all the people under his command who could pretend to be disguised. The thousand-year-old monster has half the demeanor.

Even if he could pretend, Jiang Chengzhou was accompanied by a Taoist priest with strong spells, mortals and demons could be seen through at a glance.

In the end, it was Li Ruan Mao who recommended himself and solved the dilemma.

As for Zai Zai, naturally he fell asleep again due to Li Ruan's spell, and now he is sleeping soundly in the cave.

"Be careful in everything, and you must protect yourself. That Taoist priest has suffered from you, maybe he will make other preparations this time, and withdraw if something goes wrong. And—" "Okay." Li Ruan interrupted

him "You've been talking about this since morning, I've remembered it all, don't worry."

Jiang Shen didn't want Li Ruan to come, but even if it wasn't for pretending to be A Xue, Li Ruan would definitely follow.

No one knew how bad the Taoist priest was. No matter how many soldiers Emperor Chongxuan had prepared, they might not be able to deal with him.

If you want to catch someone, now only Li Ruan can.

As for Jiang Shen's worries, the Taoist priest couldn't defeat Li Ruan before he was injured, and now that his injury has not healed, it is even more impossible to be his opponent.

Li Ruan wished to meet him directly and beat him up.

Only Jiang Shen always thinks of him as weak and weak, as if he is vulnerable.

Worried too much.

"Compared to these..." Li Ruan looked towards the forest in the distance, "Do you think he will really come?"

Jiang Shen followed and looked into the forest.

All the soldiers and horses brought had been hidden in the woods, and Li Ruan still secretly cast a layer of magic on them to hide their aura of living people, so that the Taoist priest could not detect them.

"I don't know either." Jiang Shen said softly, "My father was very strict with me when I was young, and he almost never showed a smile in front of me, but Uncle Huang treated me very well. I really liked him at that time. But I found out later that many things are different from what I thought when I was a child."

"Father's harshness is not because he doesn't love you, but the emperor..." Jiang Shen didn't finish, and sighed softly, "I may never have really known him."

Li Ruan squeezed his hand, Jiang Shen came back to his senses, touched the little fox's worried expression, and smiled reassuringly: "But whether he comes or not, you have to be vigilant and don't take it lightly."

Li Ruan nodded: "I know."

They Quickly walking outside the woods where the ambush lay, Li Ruan said again: "I took the clothes from Axue, and I'll show you.

" White gown.

Li Ruan likes to wear red clothes, and the red clothes suit him very well, making him look bright and flamboyant, smart and cute.

Jiang Shen had never seen him in such a white suit.

It's not easy to look good in such a simple white dress. Li Ruan also seemed a little embarrassed. He looked down at his clothes, and asked in a low voice, "How is it? Doesn't it suit me?" The thin white

gauze outlines a slender figure, wearing it on Li Ruan's body, but There was not much coldness to be seen, and there was no sense of oppression like Lin Jianxue's refusal to be thousands of miles away.

On the contrary, it made him wear an exquisite appearance.

"No, it's beautiful."

Jiang Shen was slightly distracted.

He couldn't help getting closer, and raised his hand, trying to help him smooth out the messy hair on his cheek. But just as he touched the opponent's face, the latter suddenly raised his head, and another spell took effect.

That bright and moving face suddenly turned into another face that was not unfamiliar.

Jiang Shen: "..."

The young man blinked at him with a spirited expression that the big demon would not normally have: "Have I become like me?"

Rationally knew that this was still his little fox, but it was true. It has changed into another look. Jiang Shen's raised hand froze in mid-air, he was awkward for a while, but in the end he couldn't touch it.

He took half a step back, silently pulled the too close distance a little further, and said, "Well, it's very similar."

It's just a bit too similar.
