When Jiang Shen arrived at Qionglin Garden, the imperial garden where the banquet was held, all Jinshi had already taken their seats.

He wasn't thinking about it, he said a few casual words, and then announced the opening of the banquet, wishing he could finish eating early and leave early, and go back to hug his little fox.

His Highness the Crown Prince was lacking in interest, but it did not affect the liveliness of the banquet.

This banquet is called the Luming Banquet, and the protagonist of the banquet is naturally this year's new Jinshi, Jiang Shen can only be regarded as a companion. Especially the three in Yijia, people kept coming to greet and toast, and they stole the limelight.

Jiang Shen was happy to be at leisure, while drinking, he sat in the main seat and quietly observed.

The day before, the Holy Majesty granted official positions to all Jinshi, but they did not wear official uniforms because they had not officially reported to the various ministries. That Scholar Wen was still wearing the plain clothes of the imperial examination. As the champion of the new department, there were people around him to congratulate him, but not many.

The most eye-catching one is this year's No. 2. Jiang Shen remembers that his name is Qi Qiuming.

The ancestor of the Qi family was granted the title of Marquis, and then retired from officialdom to focus on business, and successfully became an imperial merchant. The Qi family is a well-known family, and Qi Qiuming, as a son of a family, had a strong reputation among the sons of a family in the capital long before he took part in the imperial examination.

Such a family background, even if it is not the number one scholar, will become the object of everyone's pursuit.

But this is too high-profile.

It is not a good thing to be the second place in the list, dressed brightly, and steal the limelight from the number one scholar at the Lu Ming Banquet.

Qi Qiuming lived in the capital since he was a child, and there are not no elders who are officials in the side branches of the family, so it is impossible to understand these things.

He understands, but doesn't care.

He didn't take the prince Jiang Shen seriously.

Or, the Qi family didn't intend to put the prince Jiang Shen in their eyes.

Jiang Shen thought of something, sneered, raised his head and drank a glass of wine.

Halfway through the banquet, Jiang Shen felt that the performance was about the same, so he got up and left with an excuse. He had just left Qionglin Garden, and before he had gone far, he was suddenly stopped by a voice.

"His Royal Highness, please stop."

Jiang Shen turned his head, and it was Wen Liangchu, this year's new champion.

Completely different from Qi Qiuming, this Wen Liangchu didn't move much throughout the Luming Banquet, except for getting up to deal with the officials who came to entertain him, most of the time he sat with a few Jinshi who were also from poor families, obviously not quite used to it this environment.

Jiang Shen didn't expect that he would come to find him alone. He became a little interested, and asked: "It turned out

to be the number one scholar. He didn't continue to drink at the banquet. Why did he come out?"

His Royal Highness."

Jiang Shen: "Tell me."

Wen Liangchu glanced at the two young eunuchs behind Jiang Shen, seemed to think for a moment, and then asked: "My minister... have you met His Royal Highness?"

Jiang Shen frowned.

He vaguely realized something, and his voice sank: "When did you see me?"

Wen Liangchu: "Three months ago, in winter."

In the imperial garden, Jiang Shenping retreated to both sides, and led Wen Liangchu to the middle of a lake gazebo.

As it was getting late, Jiang Shen lit the palace lantern under the eaves of the gazebo, and said in a low voice, "Go ahead."

Wen Liangchu: "Three months ago, my wife accompanied my minister to Beijing for the exam, but she didn't want to catch a cold and almost died. When there was no way out, there was a doctor Fang outside the capital who pointed out the way for me, saying... that on the Changming Mountain outside the capital, there is a life-sustaining herb that can revive the dead, so I went to the mountain to find the medicine."

" Changming Mountain..." Jiang Shen's eyes moved slightly, "Is that the forbidden area of ​​Changming Mountain?" "

Yes." Wen Liangchu said, "I know that the royal family does not allow anyone to step into Changming Mountain, so I found herbs and went home Afterwards, I never mentioned this matter to anyone, including my wife."

Jiang Shen: "Then why did you talk to me again today?

" Unfamiliar memory. I seem to have met His Highness on Changming Mountain."

Jiang Shen did not answer.

He lit several palace lanterns under the eaves, sat down in front of Wen Liangchu, and said, "Continue, what do you remember?"

Wen Liangchu said: "In Weichen's memory, Weichen should have passed out shortly after entering the mountain. When he woke up, he was holding the life-saving elixir in his hand. But in that brand new memory, it was not like this."

"At that time, I was searching for a long time in the mountains, and when I was almost freezing to death, I met His Highness." "Your

Highness asked me where I came from and why I came here. I thought His Highness was a fairy living in the mountains, and I knelt down I beg Your Highness to give me the medicine."

"Later... Later, another immortal came and gave me the herbs and cast spells to modify my memory."

Wen Liangchu said all the things he remembered, but the young man originally He didn't know much about the events of that day, so Jiang Shen was in a fog.

But he didn't show anything unusual, but asked casually: "At that time, was there anyone else beside me?" "

Yes." Wen Liangchu said, "His Highness was accompanied by a young man in red, but... ..."


"But that boy has animal ears and a fox tail behind him, so it doesn't look like..." Wen Liangchu hesitated, and said in a low voice, "It doesn't look like an ordinary person."

Jiang Shen narrowed his eyes.

He didn't think Wen Liangchu was lying.

Not to mention the little fox's secret is well protected, no one in the entire imperial city will know that he is a demon. Even if Wen Liangchu really found out about this secret by accident and had other plans, he should not have dared to deceive him with such a cheap lie.

But... why did he come to talk to Jiang Shen about this?

Jiang Shen propped his chin, with a half-smile: "Are you trying to say that His Highness is with demons?" "

No, I dare not!" Wen Liangchu's legs softened and he knelt down in front of Jiang Shen, "I... I just want to I know if it was His Royal Highness who saved the lives of my wife and children. If it is His Royal Highness, I should have died to repay my deep kindness, but I don’t know why I forgot my benefactor. It really shouldn’t be.” Jiang Shen remained silent


It's not like the young man is pretending.

According to him, Jiang Shen should have been in Changming Mountain for those three months.

This explains why after he returned to Beijing, he sent people to search everywhere outside the capital, but they couldn't find the place where he stayed.

Because he didn't go into Changming Mountain to search at all.

Thinking about it carefully, he was attacked outside the capital, and there are many places where people can ambush on the official road to Beijing. Only the forbidden area of ​​Changming Mountain is a relatively safe place.

He changed his way to Changming Mountain, which was quite logical.

But this person said that he wanted to come to Baoen...

"I'm afraid Zhuangyuan Lang has admitted the wrong person." Jiang Shen smiled, "My Highness has been touring the south of the Yangtze River in winter, and he just returned to Beijing until the beginning of February. The whole world knows, how could it be possible? Go to the forbidden area of ​​Changming Mountain."

Wen Liangchu raised his head, with a puzzled expression: "But..."

"Not only has my Highness never been there, but you haven't been there either." He stretched out his hand to help him up, and said calmly, "Your wife's The illness was just saved by a wandering genius doctor, who disappeared after healed your wife, remember?"

Wen Liangchu, the folks commented on him as a noble character with a heart for the world.

But Jiang Shen had only met him twice, so he couldn't trust him so quickly.

However, it doesn't matter to Jiang Shen whether Wen Liangchu really has a sincere heart, or he wants to use this as an excuse to get close to him, but he actually has other plans.

Jiang Shen arranged for Yu Xiu to pretend to be him and go south, and there are all the witnesses and material evidence. As long as he doesn't admit it, even if he was witnessed in Changming Mountain, he still has a way to get rid of the suspicion.

He can't threaten Jiang Shen.

On the contrary, it was Wen Zhuangyuan who foolishly admitted in front of Jiang Shen that he had entered Changming Mountain, which was equivalent to giving Jiang Shen a handle for nothing.

After hearing Jiang Shen's words, Wen Liangchu quickly realized that a cold sweat broke out on his back.

He lowered his head and said anxiously: "Yes, I have made a mistake in my memory, I have not been there."

Jiang Shen let go of his hand, sat back at the table, and said: "His Highness should not have heard of today's matter. Zhuangyuanlang should speak carefully in the future, if these words fall into the ears of others, it will not be so easy."

Wen Liangchu said: "Yes, I understand."

"Sit down, don't be cautious." Jiang Shen said, "Since my Highness has named you the number one scholar, I appreciate your talent. But you have to understand that if you want to gain a foothold in this court, only talent is not enough. "

Wen Liangchu lowered his head: "My minister knows."

Today's Luming Banquet is an example, Jiang Shen doesn't believe that Wen Liangchu himself didn't notice it.

Before the imperial examination, Jiang Shen did intend to win over Wen Liangchu, and worried whether he was already attached to others. But judging from today's situation, this young No. 1 scholar is really a stickler who only knows how to read. If he had any backing in the court, he would not be like this today.

But now, it's not Jiang Shen who wants to win him over, it's Wen Liangchu who wants to prove his worth to Jiang Shen.

The Qi family needs to take care of, and the second place needs to be beaten, but the official affairs must be left to Wen Liangchu to solve by himself.

If Wen Liangchu couldn't convince all the officials, even if he really used the name of the top scholar from a poor family to make his way to the top, for Jiang Shen, it would be of little value to win him over.

He doesn't raise trash or nerds around him.

If he can mention a few words to him today, it is Xie Wenliang who has solved his doubts for him.

If Wen Liangchu hadn't told him about Changming Mountain, Jiang Shen didn't know how long he would have to ask before he could get it out of his little fox.

Jiang Shen thought for a while, and then asked: "I heard that the Holy Majesty named you the editor of the Imperial Academy?"

Wen Liangchu: "Yes."

"Master Ge, the head of the Imperial Academy, is a good scholar and a good person. He came from a poor family with you, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask him.” Jiang Shen got up, patted Wen Liangchu’s shoulder, and said with a light smile, “Learn more from him, he’s just an old fox "

Wen Liangchu was stunned for a moment, but saw that His Highness the Crown Prince had already walked out of the gazebo, and hurriedly bowed to send him off.

But Jiang Shen didn't take two steps, suddenly remembered something and turned around.

"You said earlier that in your memory, there was a third person who gave you the fairy grass?" Jiang Shen asked him.

"Yes." Wen Liangchu quickly responded, "He is a young man in white, with a refined temperament, who comes and goes without a trace, unlike ordinary people."

Jiang Shen pondered for a moment: "Is he fierce?"

"To me...to that person who looks like me?"

"Is that boy in red afraid of him?"

Wen Liangchu: "?"

Wen Liangchu looked a little bit At a loss, I tried to recall: "Look... it's a bit fierce. To His Highness, no, the attitude towards that person is not good. Others... I don't remember." Jiang Shen nodded: "Got it

. , you go back."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked into the imperial garden.

The little fox should have lived in Changming Mountain before.

After Jiang Shen was attacked outside the capital, he changed his way to Changming Mountain, but accidentally fell off the cliff and was rescued by him. While he was recuperating, they fell in love.

But he is not the only monster on Changming Mountain, there is probably a group of monsters there. As for the one that Wen Liangchu met, with high mana and powerful medicine, he was probably the elder of the little fox clan.

Could it be... is it the one who erased his memory?

Is it because shemales can't fall in love?

This kind of thing is indeed very tricky, especially since he is just an ordinary mortal, and he has no means of resisting the demon clan's spells.

It's just that he wronged his little fox, and in order not to worry him, he refused to tell him the truth.

But he won't just admit it.

Jiang Shen looked up at the sky, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that he has to think of countermeasures in advance.

It was already late when Jiang Shen returned to the bedroom, and just as he opened the door and walked in, he was surrounded by a bright red figure.

Hanging on his body, the young man took two deep breaths before saying, "You are so slow to come back." "

Some things delayed me." Jiang Shen walked in with the young man in his arms, and at a glance he saw the place full of things. Dinner On The Table.

Didn't move a sip.

Jiang Shen asked: "Why don't you eat?"

"I don't have an appetite." Li Ruan buried her head in his shoulder, "You're not here..."

Jiang Shen hugged him and walked towards the table: "Then I'm here now, can you have something to eat?"

Li Ruan still didn't seem to think much about it, and didn't raise his head: "Let's just eat Jingyuan, for the monster It’s all the same!”

“If it’s the same for you monsters, you won’t be clamoring to be hungry every time you finish.” Jiang Shen mercilessly exposed his lies, “Eat a little, or you’ll be hungry.” It will be uncomfortable if you are hungry at night."

These dishes have been served for a while, and they are already completely cold. Jiang Shen called the palace servants to remove all the food, made them cook some light shredded chicken porridge again, stared at Li Ruan and drank a big bowl full.

"I really don't want to eat anymore." Li Ruan put down the porridge bowl, "If I eat any more

, I'm going to throw up." Jiang Shen wiped the corners of his lips for him, and didn't force him anymore, just sighed: "In a few days, I won't have any appetite anymore , I really want to ask the imperial doctor to show you, but if you really can’t see it, go to the folks and ask a doctor who can treat animals. I don’t feel relieved if you don’t check your poor appetite." "Got it.

" Li Ruan responded perfunctorily, then raised his eyes to look at him again, his eyes full of expectation, "You just said that I will be rewarded after eating."

Jiang Shen: "Yes."

Li Ruan: "Also, you can He said he would compensate me."

Jiang Shen: "...um."

Li Ruan asked expectantly: "When will it start?"

A little monster with a mind full of filth.

Jiang Shen felt helpless, before the little monster started to seduce him, he said sternly: "Little fox, we have to talk about this." " What are we

talking about?"

So diligent."

Li Ruan looked at him suspiciously: "Are we very diligent?"

"But you asked for it five times yesterday..." Jiang Shen hesitated to speak, "You can't stand it later, can you? "

Li Ruan lowered his head thoughtfully.

After a while, he suddenly thought of something and got up: "Wait for me a moment."

He quickly ran into the hall, rummaging for something inside, and came back after a while, with a green jade bottle in his hand.

"Do you think you don't have enough essence?" Li Ruan said, "You take this medicine every morning and evening, so you don't have to worry about it." Jiang Shen asked: "What is this, the fairy medicine of

your monster clan? Li

Ruan: "No, this is a tonic that is very common in the world."

"Tonic? Isn't that..." Jiang Shen realized something and frowned, "Why do you have such a thing?" "

Because you I need it." Li Ruan explained, "You used to eat this often, I was worried that I didn't have it when I needed it, so I brought it from the mountains." After explaining, he looked at

Jiang Shen proudly.

When he left Changming Mountain, he didn't bring anything with him, he only took this thing with him, just in case he needed it.

Jiang Shen couldn't believe it: "I used to eat this to satisfy you?"

"Yes, I eat it every day."

He poured one out of the bottle, fed it to Jiang Shen's mouth, and thoughtfully said: "Eat it, eat it. It will be all over."

Jiang Shen looked at the boy's serious expression, and then looked down at the elixir that was close at hand, his heart was cold.

...has he already reached this point?
