Li Ruan couldn't wait, he was almost driven crazy by that uncomfortable feeling.

Almost as soon as Jiang Shen kissed him, his eyes turned red. When Jiang Shen continued, he couldn't help crying.

Even when they practiced together for the first time, Li Ruan didn't feel this way.

He had spent too long in patience, and he was many times more sensitive than usual, but even so, he still insisted on enduring it, so as not to let his true energy leak out in advance.

The premise of using double cultivation to fill up the spiritual power is that Jiang Shen must give him the essence, otherwise he will still change back to his original shape due to the leak of true energy.

Li Ruan didn't think of this until halfway through.

If he had thought of it earlier, he might not have waited for Jiang Shen today.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Frankly speaking, Jiang Shen is not a very perfect double cultivation partner. Because he was really slow, the previous few times in Changming Mountain, Li Ruan couldn't bear it and vented his true anger several times, Jiang Shen would only give it to him once.

Later, he had to ask Jiang Shen to seal it for him, so that he could barely absorb more essence at one time.

But in today's situation, it is more difficult and uncomfortable to seal the true energy than in the past.

At the end, Li Ruan cried so hard that he couldn't even speak, intermittently gasping for breath while begging him. I begged him to let himself refine the essence first, and then continue.

Seeing that he was crying pitifully, Jiang Shen had no choice but to comply with his wishes.

After one round, the boy fell into Jiang Shen's arms, his body still trembling unconsciously. Jiang Shen stroked the back of his neck and back to help him calm down.

"Is the essence refined?" Jiang Shen asked him in a low voice.

"Hmm..." The young man's voice was hoarse from crying, he sounded like he was half awake, "Hurry up..."

Jiang Shen couldn't tell whether the other party was refining well or not, and how much he had refined. All he knew was that although the young man didn't return to his original shape due to the release of his true energy in the end, his ears and tail couldn't be taken back either.

It doesn't look like he has practiced well.

He waited patiently for a while, but the boy was completely silent.

"Little fox?" Jiang Shen called him in a low voice, "Little fox?"

The young man leaned on his shoulder and muttered something, obviously fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang Shen: "..."

"I knew I couldn't trust you." Jiang Shen gritted his teeth, "I've agreed to do it again, I'll sleep when I'm comfortable, you little liar who doesn't talk." He sighed

. Tone, after all, I didn't have the heart to wake up the boy and force it to do it again.

Jiang Shen hurriedly washed the boy and himself, wiped his body, found a clean velvet blanket and wrapped the boy tightly from head to toe, making sure that the ears and tail were not exposed, and then carried him out the door.

Several palace people stood guard outside the hall, and when they saw Jiang Shen coming out, they knelt down and saluted without daring to lift their heads.

Jiang Shen took a glance and saw that the faces of those people were all red, and the roots of their ears were also hot.

It's all because of the little fox crying too much just now, I don't know, I thought Jiang Shen bullied him.

Obviously very comfortable.

It seems that in the future, no one can stay near this bath.

Jiang Shen hugged the boy and strode towards the bedroom, thinking in his heart like a sigh.

Back in the bedroom, Jiang Shen hugged the boy and lay down on the bed.

As soon as the boy got on the bed, he kept pushing into Jiang Shen's arms, almost making Jiang Shen angry again. He wrestled with the young man for a while, pushing him into the bed and confining his hands and feet, and the other party finally calmed down a bit.

The candlelight in the bedroom gradually dimmed, Jiang Shen took advantage of the moonlight and dim candlelight to look down at the person in his arms.

The boy cried so much tonight that even the tip of his nose was red, and there were still some crystal tears hanging on his eyelashes.

Jiang Shen stared at him ecstatically for a while, then gently kissed away the tear.

He had a vague feeling that he remembered something tonight, but it was so vague that he couldn't remember it clearly. Jiang Shen only knew that according to his own memory, it should be the first time he did this kind of thing with someone tonight, but he didn't feel strange at all.

It was as if he knew what to do innately.

He knew where the boy was the most untouchable, and he would choke and cry when he touched it. He also knows where he likes to be touched the most, and when he is satisfied, even the base of his tail will tremble comfortably.

The little fox didn't lie to him, they should have done this kind of thing before.

And about more than once.

When the little fox first came to the door earlier, what Jiang Shen was most suspicious of, and also the most incomprehensible, was that he never liked to get close to others, let alone fall in love with anyone easily. How could he love someone so unreservedly in just three months.

But now...

he and the little fox met again, and it was not even a month ago.

He's been screwed over and over.

This kind of liking is not the kind of vigorous and unswerving love described in folk tales. There are not so many love-hate entanglements, and there are not so many ups and downs.

It was just that the young man stood in front of him, which made him happy and excited.

It is very unreasonable, but there is no need for any reason.

Kissing away the tear, Jiang Shen was still not satisfied, and kissed the boy's cheek bit by bit.

The young man seemed to be a little itchy from his kiss, he flinched and moved, raised his head slightly, and Jiang Shen held his lips again.

This kiss didn't have any color of lust, and it wasn't as deep as usual, he kissed him lightly, as if nothing was enough.

As the night darkened, Jiang Shen gradually felt drowsy, so he hugged the boy and closed his eyes.

But his hand was still restless, slowly touching the body in his arms, the feeling was completely different from when he was a fox, but just as soft.

Jiang Shen touched him sleepily, somehow he touched his flat belly.

Then it stopped there.

Today, instead, he began to hope that the little fox's feeling that she was pregnant was not a fantasy. It's not for the boring reason of offspring, but, if this world really can't tolerate the love between monsters, the more bonds they have, the less obstacles they will have.

If he absorbs more of his essence, can a little fox cub really be born here?

Jiang Shen thought in a daze, and put his palm on the boy's lower abdomen.

Then you will grow up earlier.

Fortunately, the wish of the little fox will be fulfilled as soon as possible.

The next day, the sky was dimly lit, and there was a slight knock on the door outside the hall.

"Your Highness, it's time to go out."

The examination papers will last at least three to five days. Jiang Shen just went to the first day yesterday, and it is reasonable to get up early today to go to the Imperial Academy to supervise the examination papers. But because of the indulgence the night before, neither Jiang Shen nor Li Ruan could wake up.

The knock on the door was soft but persistent, as if Jiang Shen answered the door and knocked for a long time.

Jiang Shen opened his eyes unbearably disturbed, the boy was still nestled in his arms, with his back to him, sleeping soundly.

If it wasn't that if he didn't start again, he wouldn't be able to make it to the Hanlin Academy, Yu Xiu really didn't want to come and wake up early.

What His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did in the bathtub last night spread throughout the entire East Palace overnight. After dawn, the entire Imperial Palace will probably know about it in a short time. Although everyone knew about this kind of thing, the movement last night...was really a little bit bigger.

Indulging like that, it would be a ghost to wake up this morning.

Yu Xiu sighed in his heart, raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but the palace door was suddenly opened a gap.

Jiang Shen leaned against the door, most of his body was hidden in the shadows, his expression was extremely sleepy: "If you knock again, you will wake him up." "..."

Yu Xiu said, "Your Highness, it's time to go."

"The chief examiner for this exam, Mr. Ge, a scholar in charge of the Hanlin Academy, is one of us." Jiang Shen's voice was weary, obviously not yet fully awake, "Master Ge has outstanding talent and noble conduct. With him participating in the examination papers, we can Don't worry."

"I went to see it yesterday, and there's nothing to make a decision about, just sitting in the hall and going through the motions."

Yu Xiu: "..."

Yu Xiu heard what he meant, and persuaded: "But Your Majesty, if His Majesty knows that you are absent..."

"Who said I won't go?" Jiang Shen Youyou raised his eyelids and looked at Yu Xiu.

Yu Xiu and him looked at each other for a moment, and they fully understood: "Yes, this subordinate will prepare now."

Yu Xiu, the commander of the bodyguards, is not only responsible for protecting the safety of His Highness the Crown Prince. His figure is very similar to Jiang Shen, and he is proficient in the art of disguise. In the past, he often pretended to be His Royal Highness, and when His Highness was involved in important matters, he would appear in his name and handle affairs for him.

Today... this is indeed an important matter.

It is definitely not because His Royal Highness is willful.

Yu Xiu thought numbly in his heart.

Jiang Shen didn't know what the commander of his own guards was thinking, even if he knew, he shouldn't care. He opened the door of the palace a little, and patted Yu Xiu on the shoulder with a smile: "Although we have been a master and a servant these years, I have always regarded you as my best brother."

Yu Xiu: "This subordinate dare not."

"There's no reason to dare." Jiang Shen said, "You have helped me so much, I have to thank you. I still have a few empty villages outside the capital, so you can go and pick them out. Whoever speaks, I'll see you off."

After speaking, he gently closed the palace door.

Only Yu Xiu was left standing outside the hall in a daze.

Isn't it just to go to the Imperial Academy to guard for a few days for His Highness?

How busy is this?

In the hall, Jiang Shen returned to the bed, lay down again, and hugged the young man with his back into his arms from behind.

"What should I do? You made me not want to do my business. Are you responsible?" Jiang Shen whispered in the young man's ear, but the young man just mumbled something vaguely, turned over, and buried his head into his arms.

Jiang Shen followed suit and kissed his forehead: "But it's okay to indulge for a day now and then, right?"

As he said this, he hugged his little fox contentedly, and soon fell into a deep sleep again.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince really only indulged for one day.

From the second day onwards, I was honest and honest. If I should go to the Imperial Academy, I would go to the Imperial Academy, and if I should prepare for the imperial examination, I would prepare for the imperial examination.

As he said, Emperor Chongxuan had no intention of intervening in this year's imperial examination. Even when Jiang Shen presented him with an excellent essay in this year's examination, he just casually glanced at it and didn't care.

As for the policy questions in the palace examination, it was all up to Jiang Shen to decide, so he was sent away.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Li Ruan asked him.

When Jiang Shen asked this question, he had just returned from Qianqing Palace and was having dinner with Li Ruan. But when it comes to His Majesty's attitude, he doesn't look relaxed.

Li Ruan didn't quite understand.

Jiang Shen had previously told him that the purpose of striving for Chunwei's supervisor qualification was to break the stalemate of the various factions in the court, and also to attract more people with both ability and political integrity to join his own faction.

The Holy Majesty has no intention of interfering with the qualifications of the general examination and the palace examination, isn't it more convenient for Jiang Shen's actions?

Li Ruan thought for a while, and guessed: "Among those who will pass the exam, there aren't many people who are willing to support you?

" More than half of the tributes have conveyed their intention to take refuge with the officials of my faction through various channels and methods."

Three days after the announcement of the palace examination, it is now the third day.

Li Ruan: "Then why are you not happy? Those people are not talented enough?"

Jiang Shen shook his head: "No."

If they can pass the imperial examination all the way to the general examination, their talents will not be inferior, and they are willing to rely on Jiang Shen , It can also be seen that he is a person who knows how to judge the situation.

But here lies the problem.

This year's batch of tributes are too good at judging the situation.

In the officialdom, there must be smooth people, but not too many.

Otherwise, they can adapt to the situation and support Jiang Shen now, and they may adapt to other situations in the future and turn against each other.

Moreover, Jiang Shen had no doubt that Emperor Chongxuan had grasped these news early on.

So he didn't care about the essay submitted by Jiang Shen, nor did he care about the content of his imperial examination questions. He didn't express his opinion, but wanted to know how Jiang Shen would deal with this situation.

If he only wants to keep those who are willing to attach himself to him, he will definitely dominate the whole line, not to mention arousing the fear of the Holy One, and he may suffer the consequences of himself in the future. But if they shut them all out and leave some people with unknown positions, not only will they lose their own interests, they will lose the meaning of fighting for supervisors, and they may also lose truly loyal people.

Can’t have both, can’t have none.

However, there is not much time left for him to choose, only the article of the examination, the performance of the three-day tributes, and the half-day strategy questions of the palace examination.

Whether he can appoint talents is the second test that Emperor Chongxuan gave him after last year's southern tour.

Every move of the king who seemed to be running out of time was actually not a waste move.

"It sounds so difficult." Li Ruan sighed, "Your father has a lot of eyes."

Jiang Shen: "..."

Looking at the whole world, there is probably no second person who dares to say that Emperor Chongxuan has a lot of eyes.

Although it is true.

But when Jiang Shen thought of this, a very subtle feeling suddenly emerged in his heart.

Emperor Chongxuan's behavior style is actually no different from what Jiang Shen knew in the past, when he was young. But such a person, why did he become such a resigned person after a year or two of serious illness.

Could it be that he no longer doubted that he was murdered by others when he was reduced to such a situation?

Jiang Shen buried this doubt in his heart, and when he looked up, Li Ruan fiddled with the duck legs on the plate, but didn't eat a bite.

"Is your appetite still bad?" Jiang Shen frowned, "Are you sick, do you want the imperial doctor to show you?" "No need..." Li Ruan

said, "I am a demon, I Won't get sick like you mortals."

That's true.

These days, Li Ruan pestered Jiang Shenshuangxiu a few times, and now his mana has recovered to a point where even his ears and tail no longer pop out from time to time.

Except for the occasional bad appetite, there is no abnormality in the body.

"Maybe it's because the weather has changed a lot recently." Jiang Shen thought for a while, and said, "After the palace exam is over, I'll take you out to relax." "Okay!"


Ruan nodded in response, and said: "I'm fine, It’s just that I don’t want to eat too greasy these two days, this cold shredded chicken is delicious, I’ve eaten a lot. You should try it too.” He put it

into Jiang Shen’s bowl, and Jiang Shen took a sip.

But he frowned.

This cold shredded chicken...has there been so much vinegar in the past?

Li Ruan was observing his expression, seeing his frown, he hurriedly asked: "Don't you like it? I think the taste before is not sour enough, today I asked them to put more vinegar. If you don't like it, I will make it taste better tomorrow. They changed it back."

"No need." Jiang Shen said, "As long as you like it."

Li Ruan: "I like it."

He said, and stretched out his hand to pick up vegetables. In the past, I didn’t touch the roast duck, roast chicken, scallion and fried meat. Instead, I fell in love with squirrel mandarin fish, sauerkraut balls, and even took a few mouthfuls of vinegar-simmered cabbage that I usually don’t even look at.

The more Jiang Shen looked at it, the more surprised he became.

Changes in the weather... can also affect the taste?

When did he love sour food so much?

Jiang Shen looked at him for a while, then shook his head suddenly, and smiled lightly.

I didn't know, I thought I was really pregnant.
