Jiang Shen can't laugh or cry.

This little fox of his family, no matter how he looks like a big monster when he casts spells, he is still a little fool at heart.

It was clearly discussed before going out just now.

"Hurry up, don't laugh." Li Ruan urged, frowning unhappily.

Jiang Shen coughed lightly, and said seriously, "Ask him first, if he knows what is the cause of the strange disease in the village."

Li Ruan looked at the village chief again, and asked the exact words.

Village head Li sat there, listening to the words, slowly shook his head: "I don't know."

Jiang Shen continued to ask: "Then do you know why the government locks up those patients?"

Village head Li still shook his head: " I don’t know.”

Jiang Shen frowned, and asked again: “I learned that the government is imprisoning patients without treatment, why didn’t I stop them, why didn’t I save them, and why did I help the government to hide the villagers?”

He asked several questions one after another, and Li After Ruan repeated it, he saw that Village Chief Li's expression changed.

The old man suddenly began to tremble all over, and his eyes were covered with red. He said in a trembling voice: "How to stop, how to save people, that's the official..."

Jiang Shen was startled.

That's right, they are just a group of ordinary people. They were even taken away because the young and middle-aged people in the village were sick, leaving only the old, weak, women and children at home.

Facing the government, how could they have the confidence to resist.

The vast majority of people can only choose to help the government hide it together in order to protect themselves and the only remaining family members like the boy in the village.

Jiang Shen closed his eyes.

He's still too limited.

The hand on the table was gently held by someone, Jiang Shen opened his eyes, and met the worried look of the young man.

"It's okay." Jiang Shen patted his hand, thought for a moment, and continued to ask: "So, before you reported to the government, you didn't expect that the government would lock them up." Village Chief Li: "...Yes.


Jiang Shen took a sip of his tea and fell silent again.

I don't know where the strange disease came from, I don't know why the government concealed the news, and even before reporting to the government, I didn't know that the government would do this.

This Village Chief Li, does he really know nothing?

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

No, not right.

How could he not know anything, he clearly—

Jiang Shen's eyes darkened, and he asked again: "Since you don't know where this strange disease comes from, why didn't you tell the villagers when you invited Cao Xianqing to treat the villagers?" All the symptoms? Why did you hide the illness of the villagers’ confusion?”

After hearing this question, Village Chief Li trembled again.

He trembled extremely violently, as if he was struggling with all his strength, trying to break free from something.

Jiang Shen looked at Li Ruan: "What's wrong with him?"

"He wanted to hide this secret, so he wanted to break free from my control." Li Ruan looked at the trembling old man in front of him with a sullen face, and the red light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. .

"Village Chief Li, you promised me that you would not lie to me."

Li Ruan spoke softly, his voice almost bewitching: "It's okay, tell me, I want to know." The

trembling body of the old man stopped.

Under the control of psychedelic art, the old man's expression became even more numb than before, and even his tone of voice seemed a little indifferent.

"Confusion...it's not this disease...I don't know, it shouldn't be because of this disease..." Village Chief Li murmured.

Jiang Shen frowned: "Do you know what is the cause of the villagers' confusion?"

"Yes." Village Chief Li nodded slowly, "It's the magistrate, he gave me the medicine."

Jiang Shen: "What medicine? "

They said that it was a forbidden drug from a foreign country. After taking it, people would be full of energy, and they would not feel tired after doing any amount of work.

" Take it easy when you guys are working."

Master Zhifu also brought some new things to the village before , seeds of vegetables, fruits and grains, or new agricultural tools. I found a few people to test the medicine, and after taking it, they can do several times more work than usual, and they are full of energy and don’t feel tired at all.”

"The only disadvantage is that when the effect of the medicine is about to wear off, the consciousness will be a little confused, but it will be fine soon like drinking too much wine.

" The village head thought that maybe some people had taken too much medicine, and it would be fine when the medicine's effects wore off.

But later, the condition of the villagers became more and more serious, and other symptoms began to appear, so the village head had to ask for a doctor.

When the magistrate gave him the medicine, he told him that it was a forbidden medicine from a foreign country and that no one should know about it. He was worried that Dr. Cao would find out the banned drug, so he dared not mention the previous symptoms of the villagers.

Until the condition deteriorated, even Dr. Cao could not cure the strange disease, the village chief had no choice but to ask the government office for help.

The result was that the government took the patients away for unified treatment.

"Master Zhifu said that this strange illness is not caused by that medicine, but by another reason." Village Chief Li looked distracted, but tears kept pouring out of his eyes, "There must be another reason for the strange illness, not me... I didn't intend to harm them, it wasn't me..."

"Very stupid." Jiang Shen looked at him coldly, "What about the medicine, is there any left? Hand over the medicine." Village

Chief Li shook his head: "Master Zhifu The medicine is only given once every three days, and since the villagers started to get sick, the medicine has been stopped...there is no medicine, no more."

Jiang Shen helped Village Chief Li lie back on the bed. The latter's eyes were closed tightly, and he looked like he was asleep, but he didn't seem to be sleeping peacefully, and there were still some tears on his face.

"He will be fine once he sleeps." Li Ruan explained, "I just changed his memory. When he wakes up, he won't remember that we have been here, nor will he remember what we said to us. But ...When he wakes up, he should surrender himself to the Ministry of Criminal Justice." Jiang Shen replied in a low voice, and returned to the table. "Are you tired?" Jiang Shen asked. Li Ruan was still sitting in the same place, looking up at him, his expression finally revealed a bit of fatigue: "A little bit." The consumption of psychedelia depends on the mind of the person being manipulated. Some people who are not firm enough can get out of the way with almost no effort, but some... are really tiring.

People controlled by psychedelic techniques will act according to the wishes of the controller, and Li Ruan just implanted the idea of ​​"surrender to the government" in his subconscious mind. So he will do it when he wakes up.

Li Ruan buried his head in Jiang Shen's arms, and rubbed it lightly: "He seems to be unable to accept the fact that he has harmed the whole village." The

village chief subconsciously does not accept this truth, nor does he want to tell others the truth, It took Li Ruan a lot of effort to lure him to tell the truth.

Jiang Shen bent down to hug him, touched the back of his neck, and said in a low voice, "Let's rest for a while, I'll take you back."

Li Ruan was so tired that his eyelids were clenched, but he was still worried and held on to his spirit Ask: "Do you already know what to do? Do you want to try someone else again? The magistrate..."

Jiang Shen said: "I will think of a way, don't worry."


Li Ruan responded just now As soon as he said it, his body suddenly went limp, and he fell down as if he had no bones.

Jiang Shen quickly caught him.

Looking again, the boy had closed his eyes, breathed evenly, and fell into a deep sleep.

She fell asleep in a second, and she seemed really tired.

Jiang Shen sighed lightly.

Li Ruan fell asleep for a long time, and when she woke up again, it was almost dark outside.

He rubbed his eyes and realized that he was back in the same room as last night.

Jiang Shen lay beside him, seemingly still asleep.

Li Ruan raised his head and looked at him secretly. It has been said in many story books that it is fate that two people can get to know each other many lifetimes ago. Recently, Li Ruan occasionally feels that he and Jiang Shen should be destined. That's why at that time, Jiang Shen was so just right to go to Changming Mountain. Therefore, even if they almost separated halfway, and ended up with a strange combination of circumstances, they still came together. Maybe they really met Jiang Shen in his previous lives. It's just that Li Ruan lost the memory of the past, and he couldn't remember it. "If that's the case, you are actually very important." Li Ruan muttered softly. Ascension has always been his long-cherished wish, but maybe Jiang Shen is too.

The more he looked at Jiang Shen, the more he felt that his luck in choosing the furnace was really good, and he could wait for such a good-looking furnace just by waiting. No, it should be said that Ah Xue's vision is really good, if he hadn't let Jiang Shen in, they wouldn't have known each other.

He didn't remember why he wanted to ascend, and he didn't remember if he had met Jiang Shen before, what if he had met Jiang Shen before?

What if...he really owes Jiang Shen the fate of the first life?

He used to try to ascend once every few decades, and those times were just the lifetime of a mortal.

If you miss one ascension, there will be another one, but if you miss this person, can he still wait for the next one?

Li Ruan once heard that the reincarnation well in the underworld is very crowded, and it may take decades or even hundreds of years for a soul to reincarnate once. After a long time, some souls will even dissipate directly beside the reincarnation well, and they will never be found again.

"What should I do..." Li Ruan was a little distressed.

"You should kiss me." Jiang Shen said suddenly.

There was a little smile on his face, but he didn't open his eyes yet, and his voice sounded a little sleepy: "Why didn't I take the initiative to kiss you,

I'm not like you." Is someone cheap?" Li Ruan was dissatisfied, "I'm clearly thinking about business."

"Really?" Jiang Shen chuckled, turning over and pressing Li Ruan into his arms.

Ever since Li Ruan became pregnant with the cub, she has never been able to return to her youthful appearance. He is very thin now, there is no part of his body that is not soft, and he hardly resists when he is hugged, and he is easily controlled by Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen clasped the back of the opponent's head with one hand, wrapped his waist with the other, buried his head in the socket of the opponent's shoulder with his eyes closed, rubbed against each other, and raised his head slightly to kiss the sensitive skin on the side of the neck.

Li Ruan flinched, and just as she was about to hide, Jiang Shen kissed her lips.

After a while, Jiang Shen was satisfied and let go of him, and then asked, "Are you thinking about those questions that you can't think of at all? How do you think? Let me hear what you think?"

Li Ruan's ears turned red from his kiss , gasped twice, turned his head: "I won't tell you." Jiang

Shen: "Why?" Li Ruan said angrily, "I won't tell you anyway." Jiang Shen pinched his face, "You're still angry, but I'm not." Li Ruan didn't understand: "Why are you angry?" "...it's nothing .”

Rationally, he knew that the little fox was helping, and he had spent a lot of cultivation for himself, but after witnessing the little fox talking to others like that, he was still subtly and very unhappy.

He can't be allowed to cast such a deadly spell in the future.

Jiang Shen knew that he was very naive, so he didn't want to mention it, and asked again: "Are you feeling better, are you still tired?" "

Not tired." Li Ruan said.

He was just a little tired when he cast the spell, but he fully recovered after taking a nap, not to mention that Jiang Shen was always by his side and had a steady supply of essence.

Speaking of this, Li Ruan recalled the information he had just learned at the village head's house, and hurriedly asked: "How is the capital? Has the magistrate caught it? Has it been interrogated?" Jiang Shen looked slightly calm: "Just now

you While falling asleep, Yu Xiu came back."

Li Ruan: "And then?"

"After receiving the news, the Ministry of Punishment immediately sent people to surround the house of the government office and the magistrate, but..." Jiang Shen said, "People Dead." Jiang Shen sighed: "According to the servants in the magistrate's house, the magistrate said that he was unwell after dinner yesterday, and locked himself in the bedroom to prevent anyone from approaching him. When the people from the Ministry of punishment arrived today, kick him Open the door, and the person has already hanged on the beam." Li Ruan asked, "Did he commit suicide in fear of crime?" "It is said that from the scene, it does look like suicide, but the specifics will not be known until after the inspection." Jiang Jiang Shen Dao said, "Now the magistrate's family, as well as everyone in the government office, have been brought back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for trial. Yu Xiu was afraid that I would be anxious to wait for the news, so he came back to report first." "It's so strange ... "Li Ruan wondered, "No one left this village last night, how did the news get to the capital? Besides, we only caught the master in the middle of the night yesterday, why did the prefect seem to know that something would happen in advance Same?" Jiang Shen: "Maybe...someone has been watching this village secretly, knowing that we are investigating this matter." They arrived at this village at dusk yesterday, if it is said that the magistrate will receive some news in advance, only This is possible.

Li Ruan opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Li Ruan still didn't understand: "But, he's so sure, can you find out the whole truth? You...don't struggle anymore?"

Even Master Wu was caught on the spot last night, and he didn't even think of taking the opportunity To run away, the magistrate is too courageous.

Jiang Shen thought for a moment: "From this point of view, Mr. Wu might not even know about banned drugs."

According to the law of this dynasty, he would spend at least several years in jail for reselling banned drugs. In particular, the government knew the law and broke the law, causing so many people to suffer from strange diseases. If this series of incidents are found out, this life may not be saved.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the prefect to commit suicide in fear of crime, but Master Wu now looks more like he knows nothing and is regarded as an abandoned son.

"Then what should we do?" Li Ruan worried, "Psychedelics don't work on dead people."

Jiang Shen was also worried at first, but was amused by his little fox's words. He rubbed the man in his arms, and said: "It's okay, since the matter has been handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, they will be fully responsible for the next matter, and we don't have to do it ourselves."

Li Ruan raised his head: "Then shall we go back to the palace?"

The little fox has been playing outside for a long time, and he doesn't want to go back to the palace anymore .

Jiang Shen actually didn't really want to go back to Beijing right now. Therefore, in the letter to the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, he also specifically mentioned that if you want to report this matter to the Holy One, don't say that he found it out.

The current crown prince should still be recuperating in the palace.

Jiang Shen thought for a while, and replied: "Well, let's go back to the palace."

The village is some distance away from the palace, and it's almost dark today, so they didn't delay any longer, got dressed and went out.

Yu Xiu stayed outside the door.

Seeing the two people coming out, Yu Xiu stepped forward: "Your Highness..."

Jiang Shen took Li Ruan and strode out of the courtyard, and while walking, he ordered: "Prepare the horse, my son and I will go back now—

" After speaking, he raised his eyes and saw the man standing outside the yard.

It turned out to be Eunuch Chang.

Jiang Shen: "..."

Eunuch Chang followed a carriage, saw Jiang Shen coming out, and greeted him with a smile: "His Royal Highness, don't come here without any harm."

heard that there was a strange illness in Rongxia Village, and His Highness personally investigated deeply. , I was deeply worried, and I specially ordered this old slave to come and have a look. Since His Highness has recovered, let this old slave go home."

Jiang Shen looked at him for a moment, then turned to look at Li Ruan, who was still in a daze.

Made a look.

The next moment, His Royal Highness, who was still walking like flying, suddenly tilted his head and coughed violently: "Cough, cough——"

Eunuch Chang: "..."

He coughed so hard that he couldn't even stand up. Steady, the body is crumbling.

Li Ruan quickly supported him, and shouted worriedly: "Jiang Shen, are you feeling unwell again, are you dizzy and want to vomit, and you can't ride in the carriage at all? Well, we won't leave tonight, I'll help you Go back to your room and rest!"

Eunuch Chang: "..."
