Li Ruan knew too little about men and women, so he seemed to understand Lin Jianxue's words. He sent Lin Jianxue out of the cave in a daze, and the latter transformed into a white fox.

This white fox is the size of a normal adult fox, standing half a person tall, with fluffy and smooth fluff all over its body, and it seems to be shining in the sunshine after the snow.

Li Ruan was extremely envious.

Although Li Ruan thinks his appearance is also very good-looking, but the demon body cannot grow up, which has always been the part he is most dissatisfied with. A beautiful and majestic fox like Axue is what a fox demon should be.

The breeze blew the fluff on the white fox's body, and he turned around, revealing two fluffy and slender tails behind him.


Li Ruan's eyes darkened: "Axue, your tail...hasn't grown back yet?"

Except for Li Ruan, who has no change in body shape no matter how much he cultivates, normal fox monsters give birth to a tail every three hundred years. , Ah Xue has practiced for thousands of years, so she should be a three-tailed fox.

But since Li Ruan knew him, he only had two tails. Others didn't take it seriously when they asked about it, and only said that they accidentally lost it when they went to the world.

Li Ruan didn't understand, how could he accidentally lose his tail?

Moreover, even if it is lost, won't it be able to come back after another three hundred years of practice? But Li Ruan has known Ah Xue for more than three hundred years, and his tail has never grown back.

Lin Jianxue was stunned for a moment, then turned around: "You asked me once decades ago, and

you forgot again?

" Ah, I can’t remember anything except wanting to ascend.” Lin Jianxue’s tone was still casual, as if she didn’t feel offended, but she was a little helpless, “I’m at the bottleneck of my cultivation, and I haven’t improved for a long time. I'm not coming."

Li Ruan: "Then I'll help..."

"Then I'll help you, let's find a solution together, and we will definitely be able to solve it?" Lin Jianxue said before him, "That's what you said decades ago Yes, you really don't remember at all."

Li Ruan scratched her ears annoyedly: "No wonder people say I'm stupid, my brain..." "It's a

good thing not to take anything to heart."

Lin Jianxue said: "My cultivation base is sufficient now, I can I can't go any further, I don't care. But you, after recovering your cultivation this time, you can't be unprepared and run to cross the tribulation recklessly." "...

I can't catch up and save you every time."

Li Ruan shook her tail: "Got it."

Lin Jianxue raised her front paw and patted Li Ruan's head lightly: "Let's go."

Jiang Shen slept until nightfall and then woke up.

He slept for too long, and when he woke up, he felt his whole body was limp, his mouth was dry, and he couldn't lift his strength. Jiang Shen took a deep breath, but felt a dull tightness in his chest, and it was difficult to breathe.

Looking down, the little fox rolled himself into a ball, sleeping soundly with his tail on his chest.

... No wonder I can't breathe.

The corners of Jiang Shen's lips curled up, and he pinched the tip of the little fox's tail.

It was difficult for the little fox to be woken up after falling asleep, but it probably felt disturbed in his sleep. He hugged his tail with two front paws, leaned his head forward, and hid the tip of the tail under his head.

For a while the group became more round.

Jiang Shen would like to play with him for a while longer, but he is not feeling well right now, the little fox is really uncomfortable being pressed down like this. I could only pinch the back of the little fox's neck and call him in a low voice: "Little fox, wake up."

The first sound didn't wake him up, the little fox closed his eyes, stretched out his front paws and patted Jiang Shen's hand away.

He has a big temper.

"Little fox? Li Ruan? Li Xiaoruan?"

Under Jiang Shen's persistent interruption, Li Ruan finally woke up in a daze. He blinked blankly first, then moved his eyes up and saw Jiang Shen, and jumped up excitedly.

"Jiang Shen, you're finally awake!"

Jiang Shen coughed again after stepping on him.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Li Ruan got off him quickly and explained, "Your body is very cold during the day and you have been shivering all the time. I wanted to warm you up, but..." Jiang Shen pressed his chest and sat up: "

Cough ...and accidentally fell asleep on top of me?"

Li Ruan lowered her head guiltily.

"During the day..." Jiang Shen turned his head to look outside the cave, only to find that the moon was already hanging high outside. He frowned and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

"You're sick."

When Li Ruan mentioned this, his tone seemed hesitant, and even his tail curled up.

Jiang Shen saw that there was something unusual about him, and was about to ask, but the latter pushed him with water and medicine for him.

"Where did this medicine come from?" Jiang Shen asked.

"Ah Xue gave it to you." Li Ruan said, "Ah Xue said once in the morning and in the evening. I fed you once in the morning, and now you have to take it for the second time."

Jiang Shen held the medicine bottle, not rushing to take the medicine: " Axue has been here?"

"Yes." Li Ruan nodded and stopped talking.

What's going on here?

Jiang Shen was suspicious, and raised his hand to touch the little fox's head, but he avoided it before touching it.

"Don't let me touch it?" Jiang Shen asked him, "Why did I make you unhappy?" "

No, no..." The little fox looked hesitant, but he looked up as if he had made up his mind quickly. Looking at Jiang Shen, "It's my problem, I want to apologize to you." Jiang

Shen was taken aback: "Apology?


Explain what happened last night from the beginning to the end: "...I apologize to you. I clearly promised that I would never harm you, but I broke my promise last night and almost killed you. I'm sorry.

" think.

After a while, he chuckled slightly: "Just because of this, why don't you even let me touch it?" "

This is very important." Li Ruan said, "To be a monster, you must keep your promises. If you can't talk, you don't count."

The serious look of the little fox is really cute, but seeing that he is a little stubborn on this matter, Jiang Shen lowered his eyes and smiled, and comforted him: "But I don't think this matter is your fault." Huh


"You didn't do this kind of thing intentionally, so it can't be regarded as harming me."

Jiang Shen said: "Besides, I didn't put you back in the nest last night, so it should be my lack of caution that caused today's accident." Accident."

Li Ruan's eyes lit up: "So... you are not angry with me?" "

I didn't intend to be angry with you." Jiang Shen laughed, "On the contrary, it is you, if you don't talk to me well, you will not be angry with me." Don't let me touch it... If you want to coax me, shouldn't you let me touch it?" There was

a breeze in the cave, and the little fox jumped into Jiang Shen's arms.

"Touch, touch, touch whatever you want." After finishing speaking, he felt that he was no different from those pets who behaved like a baby in the world, Li Ruan emphasized, "It can be done tonight, Mr. Fox Demon will allow it." Jiang Shen

almost He is so cute to death.

After rubbing for a while, Li Ruan reminded him to take medicine again. Jiang Shen knew that he would not harm him, so he took the medicine as promised, and asked again: "Didn't you say that Axue never leaves the cave, and you invited him specially?" "No,

he came to look for you." Li Ruan wanted to explain but couldn't explain clearly, so she jumped off Jiang Shen's lap, "Follow me!"

The little fox ran out of the cave.

Jiang Shen had been chilling during the day, and the little fox had burned the fire in the cave, and was worried that the corpses would smell bad after a long time, so he dragged the two corpses out of the cave.

There was a snowfall during the day, and the two corpses were completely covered by the snow. The little fox dug all four paws together for a while before digging them out.

"These two people..."

"A Xue discovered it." Li Ruan hesitated when explaining, hiding the part about A Xue's murder. He carefully observed Jiang Shen's expression, and tentatively asked, "Are these two people... are you here? Are they related to you?"

He didn't dare to tell Jiang Shen that these two people were killed by Ashue.

Although Ah Xue said that most of these people were Jiang Shen's enemies, Li Ruan was not sure. In case Ashe's judgment is wrong, and these two are actually Jiang Shen's friends, they came to look for him, then...

then he doesn't know what to do next.

Every time this happened, Li Ruan felt that his mind was really not so bright. He watched the corpse and thought about it all day, but he couldn't come up with a solution.

Jiang Shen sat on the snowy ground, leaned over to examine the corpse, and didn't notice Li Ruan's entangled thoughts.

After a while, he said: "These two people are probably looking for me."

Li Ruan was so nervous that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"These two people are here to kill me," Jiang Shen paused, "or in other words, they're here to make sure I'm not dead."

The two corpses were all dressed up by villagers, but there were marks of year-round martial arts practice on the fingers and the tiger's mouth , it must not be an ordinary villager. There is nothing on them that can indicate their identities, but it is not difficult to guess where they come from.

The matter of Jiang Shen's return to Beijing is a secret, and now only half a month has passed, and the news of the disappearance of the crown prince will not spread so quickly. Even if it was reported, no one would know that he disappeared in Changming Mountain.

Therefore, no one of his own will come here to look for him.

Those who come here can only be enemies and not friends.

It seems that the group who intercepted and killed him at Changming Mountain are still alive, and someone passed the news of his life and death after falling off the cliff to the real culprit behind the scenes, so the other party keeps sending people to Changming Mountain to search .

If it were Jiang Shen, he would do the same.

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

Li Ruan half understood Jiang Shen's analysis, he asked: "Do you know who is going to kill you?" "

I don't know." Jiang Shen said, "Manchu civil and military, royal family, anyone is possible. "

These words are too far away from Li Ruan, he actually doesn't know who they refer to, but he can hear that there are really many, many people.

Li Ruan sighed, "What have you done? You are so hated."

Jiang Shen smiled, not paying attention to the little fox's words.

After getting along for such a long time, this little fox is no different from a child in his eyes, with a pure mind and childlike words.

He rubbed the little fox's head and stood up with his cane.

The sky is full of stars tonight, Jiang Shen looked up for a moment, then said softly: "I am afraid that I was born in the emperor's family because of my wrong doings."

Back to the cave.

Before Jiang Shen woke up, Li Ruan had already buried a few sweet potatoes under the fire, which happened to be roasted and ready to eat.

Li Ruan gnawed on sweet potatoes and asked Jiang Shen: "What should I do now? Axue doesn't like mortals entering Changming Mountain. Do you have a way to stop them from coming?" Jiang Shen thought for a while: "Yes."


eating , Jiang Shen took out the pen and ink from the bag.

He quickly wrote a letter, then rummaged through the baggage for a while, found a pendant with a white jade clasp, and tied it to the letter.

"You said before that you come to look for your little tit from time to time, and occasionally go to the capital to look for food." Jiang Shendao, "Can you ask him to deliver a letter for me?"

Li Ruan asked: "Send it to your home? " ?”

“No, send it to a pawnshop.”

Li Ruan blinked suspiciously.

Jiang Shen thought about it, and explained to the little fox in a more understandable way: "The pawnshop owner is my friend, and after he receives the letter, he will pass it on to my other friends and ask them to help reveal my whereabouts in other places. The person who wanted to kill me found out that I was not in Changming Mountain, so naturally he would not send people into the mountain again."

Jiang Shen has his own eyeliner and contact network in the capital, and the pawnshop owner is just a link in the network. .

He sent the letter to the past, first to report his safety and calm people's hearts, and second, to let a few of his subordinates pretend to be him, pretend to go south, and divert the attention of the real murderer behind the scenes.

Li Ruan asked: "Is this useful?"

Jiang Shen: "It is useful, but it can only be controlled for a while."

The fake will be exposed sooner or later, and Jiang Shen knows that this method will not last long. In fact, the best way now is for Jiang Shen to return to the capital, appear openly in front of people, and everything will be solved easily.

But now that his injury has not healed, and the enemy is in the dark, he will only be in a dangerous situation if he goes back hastily.


Jiang Shen glanced at the little fox squatting beside him, and smiled.

He doesn't really want to go back now.

But Li Ruan said: "Actually, I have a better way."

He shook his ears, and said excitedly: "You and I will practice double cultivation now. After the end, I will cast spells to heal your injuries and send you back."

Jiang Shen: "..."

Jiang Shen: "No."

"Why?" Li Ruan didn't understand, "Aren't you worried that what happened last night will happen again?"

He stuck to it, rubbing his head on Jiang Shen's leg Liao Ceng: "Don't worry, I've asked you all. Dual cultivation is a way of cultivation. As long as you know how to control it, it won't damage your essence, and it will be very comfortable. You are not interested at all, don't you want to try it? Jiang

Shen said silently: "...I'm not interested."

Although he likes this little fox very much, it is impossible for him to be interested in a fox.


The little fox propped up his front paws and pushed hard directly. Jiang Shen had just recovered from a serious illness and had no strength and defenselessness, so he was thrown onto the bed by the little fox.

The little fox pressed him hard and rubbed against his neck.

The soft fluff made him itchy, Jiang Shen asked: "What are you doing?"

Li Ruan said fiercely: "Seduce you, can't you see it?"

"..." Jiang Shen gave up resisting and sighed.

Where is this little fox's mind pure, his mind is clearly full of filth.

Li Ruan relentlessly rubbed against him, stepping on him with one deep foot and one light foot. After a while, Jiang Shen's expression gradually changed.

Li Ruan also stopped.

He touched the strange place with his little paw: "What's wrong here..."

It seemed to be swollen.


Never had it before.

Li Ruan tilted his head and touched it again.

Jiang Shen's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He turned over and sat up, hugged the little fox away from his body, his ears turned red, "Don't get me wrong, I never—"

Jiang Shen's voice stopped abruptly.

He glanced at the medicine bottle lying aside.

The little fox suddenly hung in the air, as if he hadn't reacted yet, his little paws scratched blankly in the void, looking at Jiang Shen with innocent eyes.

Jiang Shen took a deep breath: "What kind of medicine did you give me?"
