
"Ow!" I muttered walking into my apartment I tripped over my heels walking in and flopped onto the couch, I rolled my head to look at the alarm clock '2:00am' it read. Dang I need sleep I though. My phone rang and I practically jumped 10 feet

"Shit!" I muttered and grabbed the phone "Hello?" I asked

"Bloss your in way over your head!" I heard Mitch panting

"Mitch? What? It's like 2 in the morning where are you?"

"Look Scott Harper's money was stolen after the suicide which means-" his voice was muffled and I heard the phone crack as it hit the floor

"Mitch!" I squeaked after the suicide? That must mean it was planned which mean it wasn't suicide! my mind was pulling the pieces together but someone knew that Mitch had this information which means the public is not meant to know... what is going on?


I dropped the phone and snapped me head to the hallway, grabbing my bag and tiptoed over to my door as I reached out for the handle Bang! I flinched violently as as bullet blasted off the door knob. I looked behind me and saw a scrawny man re-loading a gun at me, pulling the side drawer open I found the gun that I stash their and fired back. However my aim is terrible and I hit the light, luckily it distracted him long enough as I raced out of my apartment block.

I stood outside panicking beyond belief, my heart thumped a thousand times. I knew that guy would be after me so I legged it down the street Stupid no powers! A bullet would have bounced off me before I frowned.

I had no idea where I was going and kept running until I rounded the corner, I looked around and saw the creepy guy who shot at me exit my block of apartments. I looked around again thinking of something to do and a stupid and pitifully (now that I look back at it) idea entered my head.

I pulled open the door of another block of apartments and raced up the stairs. My eyes widened when I looked out of window and I saw that man talking with other men holding guns. Why they hell where they after me? It must have to do with the Scott Harper story.

I stopped outside the door 14 and prayed he wasn't out on call, fear gripped my heart as I thought about the men following me. It began with me tapping on the door to full out banging. I had my eyes closed so I couldn't think about the pain I was inflicting on my arms until the door was pulled away from me

"WHAT THE HELL!" I opened my eyes to come face-to-face (literally) with the head of a gun, my legs collapsed underneath me and I fell to the floor with a squeak.

"Blossom?" I looked up and saw my ex-husband Brick Jojo stood in a white wife beater and dark blue jogging bottoms his blazing red eyes filled with confusion. Without a second thought I crawled into his apartment and kicked his door closed.

"What are you doing?" he yelled

"SSSSHH!" I hissed at him I stood and walked over to his window to find the men gone. I was scared I didn't know where they where but I felt a little safer.

"Why the hell do you have a gun?" I heard Brick yell I looked down and saw I still had my gun in my hands.

"You might want to sit down" I said

"I'll stand thanks" I rolled my eyes at him, now of all times he becomes difficult. I quickly filled him in on what happened but left out a little (okay big) part of the story about the suicide of Scott Harper.

"So they where shooting you for no reason?" He cocked an eyebrow at me sceptically I nodded as innocently as I could.

"Well what are you doing hear?" He asked

"Well you have to help me!" I said as if he even asked me that!

"Like hell I will! This is your problem! Not mine"

"Come on Brick!" I was moaning now

"Nope" he said popping the 'P' in nope, he gestured to the door for me to leave. I was furious does 2 years of marriage mean nothing to this man! Time to pull out the big guns!

I put a hand over my mouth and looked down whimpering

"Don't you dare start the water works!" Brick said his voice not as stern, he never liked it when woman (mainly me) cry it always freaked him out

"I'm- I'm really scared Brick" I sobbed, Ugh I can not believe I'm practically begging him! I swear if I had my powers it would be fine! But desperate times call for desperate measures. I saw Brick look down with his hands on his waist

"Bloss-" He began

"But if your just going to let you ex-wife of 2 years die..." I droned on dramatically covering my face with both of my hands. I peaked through my fingers for his reaction

"Blossom I was married to you..." he began Bingo! I thought

"So I know when your crying... and faking it" He said

"Ughh!" I moaned dropping me hands to my sides I stomped over to his face

"Fine! You selfish little bastard-"

I was suddenly cut off when bullets started flying around the room and gun shots blasted through the night. I felt Brick pull me down and cover me.

"DOOR!" he hissed and I didn't complain I scurried over to the door and out into the corridor. In blind fear I started shooting with my eyes closed

"WHOA WHOA!" I heard someone yell, Brick was coming out of his apartment with a bag in his hand

"Who are you shooting at you stupid woman? You have a pathetic aim!" He yelled at me

"Hear listen dickhead!-" He roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the building into his car, he pulled it into drive and floored it. He grabbed his gun and fired at two men who fell to the floor. Before I could scold him for simply shooting anyone I realised the two men had been wait for us with guns and Brick caught them.

It was then I realised that I was on the run with my ex-husband who looked at me with his burring red eyes.

"Now I don't believe a word of what you said back there... so what is going on?"

Boy was I in trouble.
