
We walked the mile towards the warehouse, Bubbles and Boomer where behind all of us holding hands, smiling and talking quietly to each other. They truly where the cutest couple and only had eyes for each other. I remember the day when the boys where revived by HIM and Bubbles told us she thought Boomer was cute. At the time I was utterly repulsed by the idea of her finding a RowdyRuff cute, but hey looking back at my history I can't talk.

In front of them where Buttercup and Butch their relationship was quite difficult to understand one second Buttercup is in her 'dreamy' state the next all hell is about to break loose! They seem to be having another uhh... disagreement, their voices aren't raised and Buttercup hasn't threatened him... yet.

Then leading the way is Brick... and myself. We haven't spoken and I began rolling my hair in between my fingers, uncomfortable with the silence layered upon us. I saw Brick glance at me then he looked again. I noticed he had turned his hat forward. A very rare sight. If I can remember he only does that if he's really thinking about something and he doesn't want people looking at him. I smile at myself remembering that small fact.

"What's up?" I ask, he looks at me his eyebrows knitted together and an unreadily expression in his eyes. Usually I could read him so well I could almost read his mind but I'm floored by his expression now.

"Nuttin" He mumbles and looking at the floor stuffing his hands in his pockets. I sigh my horrible curiosity taking over as I ask him again.

"Yes there is, I can tell"

"Oh really how's that?" He snaps

"You have turned your hat forward, which means your thinking about something and it's really bothering you. Seriously Brick if you got rid of the hat no one would know that" I said smiling hopefully to lighten his sour mood. He looks at me surprised and slightly shocked.

"I had no idea you remembered that about me" He says really quietly I have strain my ears. Crappy normal hearing!

"Umm yeah..." I said, now if feel embarrassed and even more so when I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I heard Brick laugh I turn to look at him and he's grinning at me.

"Here then" He says he reached up and takes his hat off and dumps it on my head facing forwards. I'm completely taken by surprise that he has given me his hat. His hat! Brick laughs again.

"So now you won't bug me" he said shoving his hands back in his pockets and looking at the floor again and smile still on his face. I smile and reach up to his hat, I grab the top and spin it around so it's on backwards and grin.

"Much better" I say, Brick shifts his eyes to me and smirks then looking back at the floor.

"How much farther?" I hear Bubbles moan, I turn around and saw Butch tilt his head up.

"About 5 minuets- he nice hat Bloss" Butch says and I grin back.


We reach the warehouse and walked towards the huge sliding doors, Brick peeks inside.

"Fuck" He hissed but before anyone can ask what's up we all hear the roar of an engine, Brick grabs my arm and we all run and hide behind the other side of the building. I look round the side (as does everyone else) and saw a huge tanker come out of the doors and down the abandoned road. On first impressions anyone would have thought this huge place was abandoned just like the surroundings (talk about middle of nowhere!) Rust covered the walls and weeds, prickles and other plants grew wildly around the building and bits of trash was scattered around the area. Not the type of place I would expect Princess to be in, but if she wants to remain undetected then this place was perfect.

With the tanker gone everyone rushes towards the door and slide in before it closes, I follow them without a clue on what I'm doing and once inside we duck behind a huge metal box. I peek around and saw it looked like a garage, shelves of car parts, nuts, bolts, tools where all in rows and a big space on nothing-ness filled the centre (possibly where that tanker had been).

"Okay here" Brick said in a hushed whisper he had cut a hole in the metal box and inside where piles of guns and explosives. I felt my stomach drop I wasn't indestructible as I was before! One little tiny bullet now would kill me. This was not going to be good.

Brick handed Butch and Boomer two scar-h assault rifles, my jaw almost hit the floor but I remained my poker face.

"Sweet" Butch said in a low whisper and I saw Boomer grinning like a child on christmas morning. I saw Bubbles had a look of pure terror on her face.

"Bubbles you okay?" I asked putting my hand on hers she looked at me and gulped.

"Yeah just you know it's a bit scary going against bad guys again without powers" She said, I gave her small hand a reassuring squeeze and she smiled back at me.

"Here Buttercup you can have this" Brick said he handed Buttercup a rather large gun, It wasn't was big as Butch or Boomers but I was still shocked at the size of it, I saw Buttercup's eyes sparkle.

"Right Bubbles will you be okay with these two?" He handed Bubbles two small shot guns and she nodded her head meekly.

"Erm I didn't want to do this but here Blossom..." I smiled imagining a massive gun as big as the one's the guy's had but Brick flicked a tiny piece of metal in my direction and I picked it up. In between my fingers I held a gun the size of my palm that wouldn't do any damage to anyone. Why the hell would Brick give me this... TOY?

"What the hell is this!" I hissed he looked fairly surprised as if he had just given me the most expensive present ever and I had thrown in back in his face.

"A gun?" He said, I rolled my eyes.

"Why can't I have one like that?" I snapped pointing to the one Buttercup held.

"Bloss you can't shoot, you know you have a bad aim!" He said back.

"Oh come on! If i have this little piece of shit then I won't do any damage at all and it's most likely that someone will shoot me instead! Would you want that Brick? Well would you?" I said sneaking in a bit of emotional blackmail. I saw Brick's eyes soften but he still made no attempt on giving me a different gun.

"Well you could stay hear-"

"Come on Brick just trust me!" I said I leaned forward a bit I was well aware that my cleavage dipped and I put on my best puppy dog eyes that (in my opinion) I had ever done in my life.

"Please" I said, I watched at Brick slumped his shoulders and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"I know I'm going to regret this..." he said, I grinned victoriously and sat back a bit watching as Brick shuffled around to find me a gun.

"Whipped" I heard Butch mutter to Boomer who was trying to stifle a laugh, Brick then without turning and his head still in the box flipped them the finger and I smirked.

"Here then" Brick said handing me a gun with was almost as big as Buttercup's rather then push it still feeling that he didn't trust me. I smiled still not satisfied with what he had given me. Brick was holding a gun similar to his brothers and he told his to gather round.

"Okay where gonna need a distraction so what is going to happen is Butch, Buttercup, Boomer and Bubbles I want you guys to take of any people that might be lurking around, me and Bloss will head up them stairs on to find Princess okay?" It seemed simple enough and everyone nodded. I saw the stairs Brick had referred too and saw that they where at the other side of the warehouse.

"Here" I said, giving Brick his cap back he grinned and switched it backwards. I took a deep breath and faced so I was looking out towards the room.

"Right on the count of 3 where going to go okay?" Brick said, I wasn't listening my nerves where shot and I had a huge knot in my stomach as I took in the scale of the situations on my hands. I heard the others get into position behind me, bodies shifting, guns clicking, adrenaline rushing. I took deep breaths and I felt someone's hand rubbing soothing circles on my back, I turned slightly and saw Brick crouched behind me with his hand on my back he had his head turned however to everyone else. I smiled and turned back round.


My eyes widened and my stomach lurched I gripped the gun more tightly and squeezed my eyes shut. I did stupid things when I panicked.


Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Yes I stupidly jumped away from out hiding place and started madly shooting, but the shot's I kept hearing (which where my own) made me shoot more out of blind fear. I then began screaming my eyes still tightly shut and I was swinging my gun round aimlessly. Then reality gripped me and I ran back behind the box sitting on the floor panting quickly. I saw Blue, Green and Red eyes all staring at me furious and some worried.

I fearfully looked at Brick who looked a cross between furious, shocked and concerned? But his anger seemed to overshadow the others.

"Wha- Wha- What did you not understand about 3?" He hissed.

"I panicked" I said fear lacing my words.

"Well our element of surprise has been blown... ready?" Buttercup said looking over the box, I craned my neck and saw men all dressed in back carring huge machine guns positioned everywhere!

Then the chaos began.
