
My mind regained consciousness but I felt that my eyes where still closed, I had a dull numbing pain in my shoulder and I could hear my surroundings and I quickly found out I was not alone.

"She's fine for the 10th TIME!"


"Shut up!"

"Boomer when will she wake up?"

"I'm not sure"

"But what if something went wro-"

"She. Is. FINE!"

Silence. I heard footsteps moving back and forth. Pacing? I heard people shuffling and someone typing on a phone. Someone sighed in frustration.

"Why is she taking so long! I swear she's doing this on purpose she always knows exactly how to piss me off and shoot my nerves!"

I resist the urge to knit my eyebrows together in confusion I was too curious to blow my cover and kept on listening.

"Dude she'll wake up when she's ready!"

"Yeah calm down! God anyone would think you guys where still married!"

I gasped. Shoot cover blown. I heard everyone in-take a breath and the started rushing round, I suddenly felt very claustrophobic. I cracked and eye open and I was met with a burning bright light in which I instinctively squeezed my eyes shut again. I felt someone grab my hand and squeeze it gently.

"Blossy? Open your eyes" I knew who the voice belonged to, only one person calls me 'Blossy' and I was instantly clamed. Slowly I opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust to the light. Blinking a couple of times they focused and around me where my sisters, Boomer and Butch. I looked to my left and the face closest to me belonged to my ex-husband.

"Hey" Bubbles said quietly

"How ya feelin'?" Buttercup asked, I shifted a bit and a shot of pain rushed through my right shoulder, I winced a bit and saw it all bandaged up and a circle of blood visible beneath the dressing.

"A little sore" I croaked, I tried to clear my throat and Bubbles passed me a glass of water which I sipped.

"Thanks" I said my voice sounding more clear "So what happened?" I asked, Bubbles walked around and sat on the edge of my bed.

"You had to go into surgery to get the bullet out, so that will explain the soreness and the dressing" She explained.

"What about Princess?" I asked

"She was taken into custody and is facing a 10 year sentence, it would have been 20 but having money gets you somewhere" Buttercup said

"Mitch rang and told us to tell you he's fine, Princess had caught him snitching around and planned on killing him too but luckily when we got their and the fighting began he managed to get away" Boomer said, I sighed in relief that Mitch was okay I would have to thank him later.

"He also told us to tell you, next time you have a story leave him out of it" Butch smirked, I laughed slightly but winced again in pain that was gradually subsiding.

Brick suddenly stood up and was looking furious.

"Guys would you mind if I speak to Blossom alone?" He said in a low voice. Everyone looked slightly unsure and I suddenly didn't want to be left alone with him.

"Please?" Brick spat, Butch looked angry and Buttercup looked pissed off and stormed over to him.

"5 minuets, no shouting, no touching and no pinning the blame or her got it?" She said, Brick just nodded his head and they all walked out of my hospital room. I shifted uncomfortably in my bed and began playing with the sheets, Brick had his back to me his hands on his waist.

"Brick-" I began but he cut me off turning to face me.

"You fucking dumbass!" He hissed, my eyes widened in shock and my mouth formed a thin line, did he even know who he was speaking to!

"What the-"

"You do know your the reason your in hear in the first place!" He snapped, I closed my mouth baffled my his accusation.

"What are you talking about? I was shot! I didn't shoot myself jerk!" I said viciously, He looked ready to explode.

"Okay let me break this down for you" He said in such a patronizing voice, I folded my arms and looked and him expectantly he sat down on the bench across from my bed his fingers laced together resting on his knees.

"First of all if you had NOT acted like a twat and started shooting NOT on my mark we would have still of had the element of surprise and second if you had NOT of been stood there doing NOTHING! then he wouldn't have shot you! Jesus Chris Blossom do you not think of anyone else but yourself?" His voice rose towards the end of his rant and I was speechless.

He looked at me furiously then looked down at the floor his hair falling in front of his eyes. He then twisted his cap forward.

"You have no idea what you put me through when I heard that gunshot and watch you fall, I though- I thought-" He did not finish that sentence, I tilted my head down and saw him staring emotionless at the floor not an expression readable on his face. I looked around the room and a unfamiliar lump lodged itself in my throat.

I understood slightly how he was feeling, I switched the situation around and thought about how I would feel if it was me that saw Brick get shot, knowing that he's not indestructible anymore. I knew I loved him and because of that the situation would have been unbearable but I had no clue on how Brick felt. Something touched my hand and I jumped at the sudden contact, I looked and saw Brick had moved to the seat at the side of my bed and held my hand. I looked into his crimson eyes that still caused butterflies in my stomach, his jaw was set and he looked serious.

"Blossom when I thought you was going to die" His voiced cracked on die and he took a breath "It made me realise that I need to tell you something"

Their was a silence that I felt dragged on for far too long, Brick slouched his position and sighed defeated.

"I still love you" He said. Words could not describe how I was feeling and I beamed and laughed slightly.

"Oh god" I giggled putting my free hand over my mouth, Brick looked quiet worried.

"What?" He asked slowly, I felt tears brimming in my eyes and I laughed again this time at his expression. Thinking actions speak louder than words I grabbed his collar with my good arm and pulled him forward crashing my lips onto his. He was shocked first and his lips didn't move, but when he re-gained his senses he began kissing me back. I missed this feeling so much and my body tingled when he put his hand behind my head and deepened the kiss.

Tap, Bang, Tap, Bang

We broke apart (on my part reluctantly) and looked over to my room window where our siblings stood. Boomer gave a thumbs up, Bubbles had an hand over her mouth in 'awe' Buttercup and her arms crossed and looked very smug and smirk on her face while Butch was portraying more R-rated signals.

Brick grinned and looked back at me.

"Knew we couldn't keep that a secret long" He said. I smiled

"Oh well" I pulled him closer and kissed him again.


I turned around and looked at myself in the full length mirror. My hair was loosely curled and up in a messy bun with strands of hair falling from it, my fringe had been pulled back and bumped up and diamonds studded (Bubbles idea). (link to picture of Blossom's hair further down) I looked at my beautiful wedding dress.

Yes if you hadn't guess by now I'm getting married once again. My dress was slim fitting and hung nicely off my curves it had a diamond halter neck that accented my cleavage perfectly. (link to picture of Blossom's dress further down) My shoes where simple white heels but where covered by the end of my dress. I wanted something simple this time and I felt I achieved it.

My make-up was natural with a soft blush stretching across each cheek and a pink diamond necklace that Brick bought me hung around my neck.

I turned and saw both my sisters dressed in blue and green bridesmaid dresses waiting for me at the door. I looked in my reflection and smiled.

"Yeah" I breathed. I turned and walked towards them and walked out of the small cabin, I walked out into a beautiful garden and in the middle of it was a white arch with three people stood there.

"Looking good Bloss" Butch said, he was going to give me away. The professor couldn't make it so Butch had kindly said he would walk me down the aisle (or in our case path) the location for our wedding is a small luxurious garden off the coast of the florida secluded around trees and hills, it was quiet well know here for beautiful rather than extravagant weddings. You could hear the ocean and because we where keeping it simple it was strictly family only so in our case it was just the six of us.

I hugged Butch and Buttercup and Bubbles took their places when the song 'I Finally Found Someone - By Barbra Streisand and Bryan Adams' began to play. I looped my arm through Butch's and he grinned at me.

"Welcome back lil sis" he said when we started walking I beamed at him then looked at Brick who was looking so handsome. I reached the top and grabbed Brick's hands.

"Hear we go again" I said

He grinned at me and I was no longer his crazy ex-wife. -
