
I looked down and saw that my skirt that originally came down to slightly above my knees now came dangerously close to the bottom of my underwear. Blushing deep red I looked at Brick who had the palm of his hand stuck in his mouth to keep himself from laughing.

"Keep- going Blossom-" He choked out trying his best not to laugh but I knew he would and as if on que

"HA HA HA HA HA!" I looked down again and saw Brick doubled over in fits of hysterics

"Ugh!" I moaned in annoyance and continued my climb I pulled the top half of my body onto the roof and wriggled around shifting my entire body onto the roof.

"Er Bloss you just like flashed the world" Brick yelled up to me, I stood up and looked off the roof putting my hands on my hips.

"Yeah right" I scoffed and turned around, I spotted a vine leading up the wall to my window it looked rather flimsy but strong enough to hopefully hold my weight. I struggled up the plant and reached out for my window when I got close enough, thanking the lords that I didn't lock it I pulled it open YES! I thought I pulled myself in again and thudded onto the floor. I stood up and looked down at myself.

The rip in my skirt was causing a huge problem so I grabbed a pair of scissors off my desk and cut across my skirt so it looked like a mini skirt with lose bits of fabric hanging off the ends. My blouse was beginning to itch as well and I decided that since I'm changing my 'skirt' might as well find a more suitable top. I rummage through my desk and praised myself when I spotted a small pink spaghetti strap top sitting in my draws (I am suddenly thankful for that blazing hot summers day when I swapped tops a work because the heat was unbearable). Looking round after changing I walked out of my office and down the hall I walked past an open door and I stopped and looked in. It was Sarah's office and the thing the made me stop was a pair of calf high boots sitting at her desk (why she had them I had no idea) but considering the situation I was in -and being around Brick- I decided to 'borrow' them. Slipping them on they fit nicely and I now didn't have to run round in my heels, I also spotted a cropped black jacket and decided to borrow that too. Adrenaline flooded my system once again an a smirk graced my face, I now knew why Brick loved his job. Running down the stairs I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and raced to the security desk. Everyone had clocked off so I flipped the switch and the locks on the door released. Smiling in satisfaction I open to the door to Brick who turned when he heard the door open.

I watched as Brick looked at me then his eyes suddenly widened and his jaw dropped, I though he might be going crazy, tilted my head at him.

"What?" I asked slowly

"Okay who are you and what did you do with my ex-wife?" He asked

"Huh?" Okay now he was acting so strange I turned around a caught a glimpse of myself in a reflection. I let out a small gasp. I looked like something out of tomb raider or something! My short skirt now exposed my gun strapped into the holder bits of my hair hung loosely around my face and my boots and cropped jacket definitely completed the look.

Brick walked pasted me and spoke in my ear "Nice pink panties by the way" He snickered and walked towards the elevator.

"WHAT!" I squeaked I twisted my torso back and forth trying to get a look behind me. Damn did I cut my skirt wrong? Shit shit shit! I screamed mentally.

"Calm down num-nuts I already told you, that you flashed" He said turning back to look at me.


He laughed when the elevator doors opened and I rushed to get inside.

"Where now?" He asked

"47th floor" I said the doors closed and needless to say it was rather uncomfortable.

"Sooo come hear often?" Brick asked, I looked at him to find him smirking at me.

"Jerk" I muttered.

"Good, I don't I only came hear cos I'm banging the boss" I look up at the ceiling with despair.

"Why Brick just why?" I ask defeated he started laughing.

"Oh lighten up you old git"

"Old? Me?" I questioned pointing to myself "Have you looked at me?" I said putting my hands on my hips Bricks eyes wandered up and down my body and seemed to rest on and particular body part.

"Eyes up Brick" I hissed pushing his chin up, he just shrugged "You asked"

"And your older than me if anything you'll me in a rest home in no time..." I said an idea came to mind to annoy him.

"Oh yeah?" Brick scoffed

"Yeah I mean after about a year in our marriage you lost your stamina and speed... if you know what I mean..." I let myself trail off a grin tugging sharply at the corner of my mouth but I fought to remain a poker face. I allowed myself to peek at Brick who looked as if someone had just wacked him in his 'pride and joy' as he called it. I pursed my lips when I was so sure I would laugh at his face.

"Take that back right now!" He yelled, I must have really wounded his ego but then again most men would react the same way.

"Sorry Brick you lost your 'touch'" Man I was on fire! I looked at Brick who was staring at me shocked.

"You have got to be kidding me! We broke a bed in half on our second honey-moon! So don't you dare tell me tha-"


"Where hear" I smiled interrupting his little rant and stepping out of the elevator and walking down the hall, I heard Brick mumbling something about me being 'hard to please' but I ignored him.

I opened Robins door and stepped inside the first thing I though was damn this is messy and It was. Paper scattered everywhere, books flung across the room half opened, pens, empty coffee cups and files littered the floor and her desk. Brick walked through the mess and started digging though it, while I checked the things on the floor.

"You know I've still got it, maybe it was you who-"

"Brick that convocation ended where searching now" I said tried of him complaining after the fun I poked at his bedroom skills.

Brick scoffed "And what exactly are we looking for?"

"Something... strange" was the best way I could phrase it, I began to think.

"Okay what would I do with information which will probably contain something about me being killed?" I asked out loud

"I don't know about you but I'd hit the bar" Brick said, That's it!

"Alcohol!" I yelled happily, my eyes scanned the roof and fell on a glass cupboard that held what seemed to be drink.

"I'd love some" Brick said, I really did pity him. How could a man so clueless end up as an undercover cop?

"Jackass" I muttered, I rushed to the cupboard and yanked it open, a file was laying flat underneath a bottle a whisky and I gently pulled it away. My eyes sparkled and Brick looked over my shoulder.

"Looks like you found something strange" He said

"Oh yeah!" I grinned just as I was about to open the file I heard the elevator ping. My heart sank and Brick lead me over to the door, he shoved me to one side of it while he stood at the other side. I shoved the file under my arm and copied Brick when he pulled out his gun, I saw his eyes widen in horror when he saw the gun in my hands.

"Don't shoot anyone I don't want to die today" He whispered, I glared at him when the footsteps got louder.

"So you saw them come in here?" a deep voice asked

"Yeah man I saw them and Donny, Del and Dan where all shot in a ally" another voice said

I looked at Brick with panic in my eyes and my breathing became deeper, I was so scared. I saw Brick put a finger to his lips and shook his head telling me I was being too loud, I squeezed my eyes shut and clutched my gun. I looked at Brick again for confidence and he seemed to be itching towards me, just when he was about to get to me the door sung open and Brick was hidden behind it. Unfortunately for me I wasn't and I came face-to-face with a huge guy with a scar stretching the side of his face and he grinned at me. I saw a smaller guy behind him looking through the crack of the door, suddenly he shoved the door with force and and heard Brick fall to the floor the bigger guy pulled the door and I saw Brick knocked out cold on the floor.

Oh shit.

"Pretty little thing you are" The guy with the scar said looking back at me, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I tried to remember what Brick had taught me when we married and he was scared some of the convicts that got out of jail might come for me, so he taught me how to defend myself. I pulled my arm up and elbowed him in the chest knocking the wind out of him, he stumbled back trying to catch his breath when the little guy (who was smaller than me) jumped in front of him. I dropped the file and tried to remember my fighting skills.

He swung a punch and me and I countered it again, and again and again. I went to kick him but he grabbed my foot flinging it back so I fell to the floor. He stood over me with his arm pulled back ready to swing I rolled out of the way when his fist connected with the ground. I got to my feet and punched him in the face he swung his fist back at me and I caught it. I looked under him when I was the big man grunted and cock a gun at me. Remaining calm I grabbed my gun, kneed the smaller guy in the stomach and when he doubled over in agony fired at the other. I heard him yell in pain and looked to see I had shot his shoulder, he clutched it in pain and his smouldering brown eyes locked with my pink ones.

Suddenly my feet where knocked from underneath me and my head smashed off the corner of Robins desk, I felt blood trickle off the front of my forehead down my face as my head throbbed painfully. The small guy pinned me down with by shoulders while the guy with the scar walked over to me, gun in hand while I screamed.

"Shame I'm going to have to kill you... your hot-" but he didn't finish his sentence glass shattered around him and he fell to the floor unconscious. Me and the smaller guy looked and saw Brick standing with a huge gun poised in both hands pointing at the guy sitting on me.

"Get off her or I'll blow your head off" Brick said, I smiled slightly relief flooding through me. The man got off me slowly holding his hands up in surrender looking at Brick scared.

"L-Look m-man I-I-I'm sor-" But Brick wacked him on his neck knocking him out too. I caught my breath and stood up, I felt Brick help me.

"Bloody Hell Blossom what did you do" He asked looking at my cut, I shrugged him off

"I battered some guys... just like you showed me" I smirked when I saw his face 'click' when he remember what I was talking about. I looked around and found the file I dropped and picked it up.

"Right we need to get out of here I'm guessing people will start coming when dumb and dumber don't respond and we need to be gone when they come okay?" Brick said I nodded my head and we headed out of Robins office and out of the building.
