
The next day I awoke to find another face in my own, my eyes snapped open and as if I was shocked and I flinched away. Shaking my head my memory came back to me and I remembered what was happening

Being shot at, going to my ex-husband, nearly drowning in the lake, coming to this hotel, that snotty receptionist, drinking, arguing with Brick... that note on my necklace...

Enjoying the silence without Brick complaining I decided to look over the note that conveniently got stuck to my necklace. I grabbed it off the table and sat down.

'Influence the Robin TE'

Hmm okay let me think does this link to the Scott Harper story? Well Mitch told me the money was stolen after he killed himself? (Even though he did deny it afterwards but I don't believe him) But also the story I was given to report on said that the money was stolen before the 'suicide'? This made no sense. Okay think again Blossom... right what does Robin mean? If by some chance Mitch was right and my suspicions are correct as well, and Scott was in fact murdered then someone will have had to spread the word that it was the other way round. Theft then suicide, rather than Murder then theft. In that case someone was influenced to believe this 'cover up' story.

Okay that makes sense so far, right back to Robin and TE, if the world was to be influenced how would someone do that? Think Blossom use your god damn brain!

My eyes scanned around the room me and Brick where staying in, my pink eyes landed on a newspaper that had been slipped under our door, probably by the hotel service. I really couldn't think so I grabbed the paper and sat down, Oh! It was the Townsville Edits I wonder if any of my stories have made it in this issue? I began flicking through the paper when I saw something I rushed back and spread the paper flat on the table.

The Director of Townsville Edits Robin Thomas has broke records in the number of sales of the newspaper in the past 15 years...

The article continued on but my eyes remained glued to 3 certain words

'Townsville Edits Robin'

'Robin... TE'

I made sense! To influence the world people would use the media! Someone has influence my boss Robin Thomas the Director of the newspaper Townsville Edits... TE! If I want to find out who is behind everything my best bet is to go talk to Robin! Oh My God I had to go! I had to-

I looked over to the bed where my Ex-Husband slept, Ugh he was so lazy! But with my new discovery I was too giddy

"BRICK! wake up!" I yelled skipping over to him, I shook his shoulders and looked at him; he peeked an eye open and looked at me. A goofy smile creped over his face he swung an arm around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Eepp!" I squeaked when I fell onto him, I put my hands on his chest and tried to pull away from him but his grip was too strong and I felt heat rapidly rise to my face.

"Hey Baby" His voice was layered with sleep and was husky but before I could yell at him to let me go, to my utter horror our hotel door opened and a small maid walked in. She stopped and gasped when she saw me on Brick and her dainty hand flew to her mouth.

"Oh my goodness I'm sorry Ms" She mumbled and left

"No-" But before I could explain she slammed the door, Brick jerked and released his grip on me as fell to the floor. Brick sat up and shook his head.

"What you doing down there?" He asked I rubbed me head and stood up I shot him an angry glare

"Never mind" I growled I saw him roll his eyes but I ignored him and turned and sat back at the table. He swung he legs off the bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"I figured it out" I muttered flicking through the paper casually

"Huh?" He grunted

"The note on my necklace... I figured it out" I said again, his nodded his head understanding then a smirk appeared on his face

"Oh you mean when you fell over last night cause' you got wasted?" He scoffed I narrowed my eyes and glared at him

"Shut up" I said, Geez Bloss was that really your best come back?

"I'm sure them dancers would love to hire you considering your dancing style" He said the last word with emphasis

"What?" I squeaked he laughed and stood up he was still in his joggers and wife-beater.

"So what does the note mean?" He asked me shaking my head I explained my findings, so of course after that I had to explain the 'Scott Harper' story to him. Of course he freaked out when he found out what really was happening.

"BLOSSOM! Your getting involved with police work! You could get arrested for that, you know nothing on this so called 'case' Heck I could arrest you!" he screamed at me, I rolled my eyes he was so overreacting.

"Yes but your not, your going to help me" I said smiling at him and gathering my things -or what little things I grabbed when I was attacked in my apartment-.

"Oh yeah what makes you think that?" He scoffed

"Brick... when someone commits suicide, do they dive?" I asked innocently, I have to keep him on my side (for now.)

"No they go feet first every cop knows that" He said, I stare at him until he understands the link to the case. He sighs and looks around the room

"Okay Bloss one point you happen to claim but that proves nothing and it doesn't mean I'm going to help you!" He yells again I resist the urge to roll my eyes

"Of course it does because... I have your car keys!" I yell snatching the keys from the table and legging it to the door.

"BLOSSOM-" I hear him yell I giggle slightly at what I just did and dive into the elevator as it started closing I saw Brick running down the corridor and just before the door closed I saw him starting wide-eyed at me, and being the wonderful person I was towards my ex-husband I flipped him the finger and the doors fully closed. I started to laugh uncontrollably clutching the keys tightly in my hand. Whoa what a rush! I felt adrenaline burst through my system as I watched the hand on the floor level decrease to the ground floor.

I heard a ping and the doors opened to the lobby looking around carefully I tiptoed so my heels wouldn't 'clack' against the marble floor. When I reached carpet I dashed over to the receptionist who thankfully wasn't the same person who was eyeing up my husband- Damn it EX-husband last night.

"Thank you!" I yelled at the considerably elderly lady and tossed her the keys running towards the door

"BLOSSOM!" I turned and saw Brick skipping the steps two-by-two.

"EEPP!" I giggled running through the doors, I heard him catching up on me and then my heels started to dig into the grass. Bloody Hell I mentally screamed I pulled my heels of quickly and started running again on the grass. I started fiddling with his keys when...

"Ak!" I yelled when a body rammed into mine flattening me to the floor with a HUGE weight resting on me then rolling off to lay at the side of me.

I looked from under my hair which was now sprawled out everywhere to the red eyes of Brick

"What the hell was that for?" I cried I couldn't help it I burst out laughing on the floor rolling onto my back.

"Your- your laughing?" Brick asked me, I rolled to look at him, he propped himself up on his elbows and was looking at me as if I was crazy -which I probably was-.

"Just this whole thing! I mean this whole situation is so amusing! That little chase we just had was one of the biggest adrenaline rushes I've had in a long time, really and I know it's hard to believe but I don't have this kind of fun anymore" I said controlling my laughter a bit.

And It was true as much as I would like to deny it, ever since I split from Brick my life has had no more... excitement left in it. Me and Brick used to go on long road trips all the time! We would go into small diners then leave without paying! Doesn't sound like me at all but jumping into a car with Brick 'wooting' and me laughing with the wind in our hair, was the best times of my life and I truly missed that- this.

"Yeah... well you know Blossy we didn't pay for that room..." He said I detected a smile/smirk on his face and when I looked at him he was grinning and I grinned back.


We turned around and I saw the receptionist and the maid that burst in on me and Brick this morning where marching over to us on the floor.

"Ahhh!" I started laughing, Brick pulled me up and grabbed his keys

"Go go!" He laughed and I did, I ran round his car throwing my shoes and bag into the backseat before hopping into the passenger side. Brick slid into his convertible without even opening the door and hit the gas. The car screeched and he whizzed out of the parking lot.

"WOOOOH!" He cheered while I put my head back and laughed again.

This was the life I loved!

This was the life I missed.

"Ahh good times" Brick smiled before calming himself down, I rolled my head to the side and looked out of the window a smile still on my face. Unconsciously I reached for the radio and switch on the station.

'And now a classic here's Starship - 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now'...
'Looking in your eyes I see a paradise..'

I took a sharp in take of breath when the song started playing, It was 'our' song or more importantly the song we first danced to on our Wedding night. So many memorise came flooding back and tears pooled my eyes I took a shaky breath and reached for the radio again and turn the station over

"No" Brick said I looked at him and he was staring out the window with a far off look in his eyes "Leave it on" he said, I looked at him stunned and shocked before retreating my hand and placing in my lap

"Standing here beside you, want so much to give you, this love in my heart that I'm feeling for you..." Brick muttered the words to ou- I mean the song. I stared at him unable to comprehend that he still knew the words (but so did I)

"Let em' say where crazy, I don't care about that..." I sang (I know I couldn't believe myself either) but I just did. He looked at me as shocked as when I looked at him when he started singing I smiled really tiny and continued a little louder this time

"Put your hand in my hand baby don't ever look back!" I decided right then and their just to let go and be free. I understood this was the only time I would get to be with him like this again and I wasn't going to miss out. Yes I still loved him, I figured that out when he was chasing me. And if he didn't feel the same then I was I sure as hell wasn't going to be jumped out of this moment. We began singing louder when the chorus came I looked over to Brick who had a tiny smile dancing on his face as we sang.

The song ended and I sighed happily.

"Well that was interesting" He said

"Yeah it was" I said barley above a whisper, I looked around and saw we where nearing Townsville. I remembered then that I still had a story to solve, could my life get anymore dramatic?
