The Plan

"What the heck was that Jason?" Alex yelled as he stormed in through the double doors with Anthony following him. I immediately perked up at the sight of him but he wasn't focused on me at all, his eyes were on Jason.

"I assume you heard." Jason muttered as he put his glass of champagne down just in time for Alex to grab him by his shirt and shove him against the wall.

"Ofcourse I heard! It's all over the freaking news! 'Who's Jason Callahan's new mystery girl?"

"Okay, we all need to relax." Anthony spoke as he separated his brothers. Alex still had Jason trapped in a death glare.

All the while Isabella just sat next to me looking unfazed by the whole ordeal.

"It's not like anyone but us knows the truth about Kate, well other than Maxy."

"Max saw me kiss Alex, what if he says something to your parents." I asked in worry. I honestly didn't mind that Alex wasn't paying attention to me. I honestly didn't think I could face him after kissing Jason.

I have never once cheated on Alex and this, although it technically wasn't my fault, still counted as cheating.

"Relax I bribed him with the new X-box, we're good." Anthony shrugged as he picked up the glass of champagne that Jason had been sipping on earlier. "This could actually be a good thing." Anthony added.

"How the heck could this be a good thing?" Alex yelled. Fury burnt in his eyes and it was terrifying. "The plan was for Kate to live with Jason until the time was right to tell the boss! How the hell am I going to do that if everyone thinks she's dating him?" A vein popped out on his forehead.

"Harry! The paparazzi were asking too many questions. And you know once they sense a potential story, they never give up until they find some answers." Jason told his cousin.

Alex let out a humourless laugh. "Now you expect me to believe that you kissed my girlfriend to protect her?"

"Dam right I did!" Jason snapped. "I don't even know why I keep protecting her."

"What do you mean you 'keep protecting her'? You haven't done anything but cause more problems."

I thought at that moment that he would tell Alex the truth about yesterday when he covered for me.

"Okay enough!" Anthony spoke calmly. "Harry, what Jason did was stupid but it was also smart."

"What?" Isabella and Alex asked simultaneously.

Jason looked as confused as both of them and so did I.

"He gave the paparazzi an answer and that's enough to get both them and our family off our backs. No one will ask any more questions about who Kate is."

"But everyone will think she's my girlfriend." Jason spoke as if it was the most disgusting thing in the world.

"Then let them." Anthony shrugged. "No, in fact make people think that she's your girlfriend."

"You want us to pretend to be a couple?" I asked. I don't know if I was more afraid or nervous.

"I am seriously this close to punching you in the face, Anthony." Alex warned.

"I'm with Alex, I don't like this plan." Isabella added.

"Well too bad because it's a good plan because it's my plan and my plans always work."

"Oh yeah? Like the plan to keep Alex and I hidden for instance?" Isabella snapped.

"The only reason that plan failed is because someone went astray. I'm not mentioning any names but it kind of rhymes with Carry."
Anthony spoke in a sing song voice. "Now if you all listen to me this time. We can actually pull this off"

"I am not letting anyone who's not me touch Kate." Alex spoke up.

"And no one is going to touch her. Jason won't have to, other than the occasional peck on the cheek and some innocent hand holding to convince the public."

"You're forgetting that this is Jason Callahan, the world knows him as a jackass, a jerk, a good for nothing player-" Isabella said not bothering to sugar coat it.

"Thank you for that very detailed description Bella." Jason muttered.

Isabella shot him a sarcastic smile in response. "Oh you're welcome."

"But she's right. You are a dick." Alex added.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Does anyone else want to throw another insult at me?"

"It is all true." Anthony said thoughtfully. "But there is one thing.... Jason, what is it you never do for the girls you're seen with?"

"Call them back the next morning?" Jason shrugged.

Isabella rolled her eyes.

"No, the other thing." Anthony said.

"Take them out on dates?" Jason asked.

"Bingo!" Anthony yelled as if he had just answered the hardest question in the world.

"Yeah I never take my girls out on proper dates. If I could do that with Kate, everyone, including our parents would believe that she's my girlfriend." Jason spoke in realisation.

"Now you're using your brain!" Anthony told him proudly.

"Are you really going along with this? Alex asked in disbelief. "It will never work."

"Okay Harry, we all know the real reason you aren't on board is because you're using your penis and not your brain. This is a solid plan and you and Bella should be able to get over your petty jealousy and see that!" Anthony told them.

Damn. I see why he's the oldest.

Isabella just glared at him then at Jason, she got up and stormed out.

"Bella." Jason called but she didn't turn around.

Anthony set his cup down and sighed. "I'll go talk some sense into her." He pointed at me. "Try to keep your real boyfriend and your fake boyfriend from murdering each other."

I wanted to yell 'how am I supposed to do that?' They were both much bigger and not to mention stronger than me.

Alex walked over to sit besides me.

He took my hands in his.

"I don't like this plan."

I looked behind him at Jason who had his eyes glued on us.

"Me neither." I whispered. "But.... but it seems.... like the best option we have right now."

Alex looked at me, his face expressionless. I hated that I couldn't tell what he was feeling.
That only led me to believe that he felt the same way I felt, conflicted. He didn't know what to feel about this either.

I lifted my hand and tucked back his platinum blonde hair before letting it rest on his cheek.

"You told me that you trust him, doesn't that mean that I should trust him too?" I asked.

Alex nodded before moving closer to me and planting his lips on mine. A soft kiss was shared between us. A kiss of comfort.

He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.

I barely heard him whisper. "I just don't trust him with you."
