Knowing your place

"Qu'allons nous faire?"

"Je n'ai aucune idée! Nous venons."

I was awoken by the sound of people bickering.
It only took a few seconds for me to figure out that it was Isa and Alex.

I sat up in bed trying to hear what they were saying but I found myself not understanding a word. They were speaking another language that sounded a lot like French.

It was still dark out so I assumed it was really early in the morning,

Everything that happened yesterday suddenly came back in a rush.
I ran a hand down my face. What I would give to have all that turn out to just have been a horrible nightmare.

But looking down at my clothes and knowing I had been wearing them yesterday only popped my little fantasy bubble.

I remembered everything. Jason Callahan showing up... him pointing a gun at me. I shuddered. All that had really happened just some hours ago. Not even a whole day ago. I could have died.

How was I supposed to live like this especially with what Alex had told me about his family... was that real? Was the famous billionaire family a group of dangerous people?

And is so, how could I get myself involved in all that.

The ultimatum that Jason gave Alex rang in my head. He said something about a jet and leaving...

I looked around the room and there was no suitcase in sight or even a sign that we were leaving.

The images from yesterday kept coming back in flashes.
I put my forehead to my palms. A man had a gun to my head but not just any man, Jason Callahan, the same guy who is number three on People's magazine's hottest eligible bachelor's list.

Yesterday, my life took a sudden turn, I learnt that two people who I thought I knew are different people all together and that the Callahans, one of the most influential and trusted families in the country are actually dirty and bad people.

I swung my legs off the bed into my slippers.

The argument was still as heated as before. I stomped up to the door not able to take the yelling anymore. The minute it swung open, both Alex and Isabella shut up.

They both just stared at me for a moment before Isabella spoke.

"Morning." She greeted.

"Morning." I muttered. I still didn't completely forgive her. I get that she had no choice but the way she played me...

Alex might have lied to me about his family but Isa made up a whole story recreating her background trying to gain empathy from me by playing the 'orphan' card.

Alex walked up to me, he put his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead.
He does this all the time but for some reason, it felt different this morning.

"The jet leaves in about two hours. Jason is sending someone to pick us up." He told me.
The words sounded so weird coming from his mouth. They are not words a simple girl like me would ever think she'd hear in her life.
Jason Callahan.
Private jet

"I should probably start packing then." I said avoiding eye contact with Isa.

"No need. We're actually leaving a majority of our stuff behind. Jason is going to come over and get rid of them. It's better to get new clothes in new areas so that people don't recognise you easily."

I don't know why he thought I wouldn't want to be recognised. What's the worst that could happen. Besides it's not like you would run into anyone from Florence out of Florence.

I knew for a fact that majority of the people here hardly ever left the town. I guess it made sense that Alex chose to move here. It was so small, almost non existent. No one would even think to look for anyone here.

I wanted to point out to Alex that I wasn't from a billionaire's family like he was and I would need the clothes and few possessions I had but he seemed to read my mind.

"I'll get you new clothes once we get there."

"I can't ask you to do that-"

"I insist." He replied cutting me short.

I frowned. I didn't want to believe that Alex was the type of man who thought he could throw money at something and make a problem disappear but that's what it felt like right now.

"Why don't you just go look in the other rooms for things you might have left lying around. I'll grab some of your necessities." He told me.

I nodded, he disappeared back into our room leaving Isa and I to stare at each other in an awkward silence.


"Save it." I snapped before storming away.

I considered Isa a sister because of how much we related to each other. Now the whole base of our relationship is shattered and everything has just come crushing down. It's going to take a very long time to fix something like this.

I made my way to the living room hoping Isa wouldn't follow.

I can't say there were any necessities here. The only things I would want to take with me were my photographs.
All the picture frames that contained the memories of a better time. A time before all of this happened.

There were mostly pictures of Isa, Alex and I and in some, other friends we met along the way.
I sighed as I picked up my favourite. It was a simple photograph of Alex smiling at the camera in front of an old building.

It was the first time we visited Florence. For some reason he was so excited to be here. I don't know why a small and ancient town brought out that hyper kid in him but it did and he was so happy and that made me happy.

"Αυτό σημαίνει παίρνουμε φ?τογραφίες ?ς εισιτήριο μετ 'επιστροφής σε μια στιγμή αλλιώς πάει."

I jumped and turned around to see Jason Callahan himself leaning against the door frame.

I furrowed my brows not recognising the language.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards me. I tried to fight the urge to cower away from the intimidating human being who had a gun to my head yesterday

"It means we take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone." He stood beside me picking up a picture frame containing a photograph of Isa and I at the beach. We were making funny faces at the camera.

Frown lines appeared on his forehead as he studied it.

"They really drove this one into the ground, didn't they?" He asked.

I didn't know what he meant but before I could ask he spoke again.
"I assume this means you're coming with us."
I could tell that he was less than happy about that.
He let out a scoff. "I give it four days." He muttered before walking away.

Four days? What did that mean? Four days until someone noticed that I didn't belong there?
I remembered what Alex said about me not having a choice.
What if they were going to kill me either way, if I decided to go or if I decided to stay.

No, Alex wouldn't let that happen, would he?
Jason walked past me undoubtedly looking for Alex but before he disappeared from my view, he turned back and said.
"Just know, you're not the first one."
First what? First girl to be with Alex?

Of course I wasn't, I couldn't, with Alex's looks I bet girls knocked down his door everyday.
Before Jason disappeared from my view, it took all my courage to call his name.

He turned around and seemed amazed by the fact that I had the nerve to call his name.
I did too.

Whenever I would say his name it was usually because I was talking about one of his controversies that I had heard on the news.

"I love him." I spoke and I didn't have to force any courage into the words because I already knew that they were true. I had no doubt in my mind.

I gulped trying not to cower under his scrutinising glare.

"Callahans don't love girls like you." He spoke. Those words alone really hurt me. And I took so much offence in them.
Before I could say anything else, Alex walked in.

He immediately noticed my expression.
"Is something wrong?" He asked.

Jason looked at me no doubt expecting me to tell on him but to avoid any drama I just forced a smile and shook my head.

"No, nothing's wrong."
I knew that I wasn't fooling him but he knew not to push it or I would start crying and God knows I didn't want that.

Isa appeared behind Alex.

A scowl grew on her face when she saw Jason.
"Bella!" He exclaimed, a smile growing on his face. "How are you?"

Isa just rolled her eyes. "What's the plan Jason?"

I saw his face drop a little at the rejection.
If I were to guess, I'd say Jason has a little thing for Isabella but Isa has never really been into boyfriends.

Well I don't know if that was an act or not but she's the flirtatious type who only strings along guys for so long before cutting them loose.

"Well I wasn't planning on the.... extra company." It was obvious that he was talking about me but he looked at Alex instead who only stood in front of me protectively. Jason clapped his hands together in a 'nevertheless' fashion. "I've got Sandy bringing in a few people to take care of the apartment and as for us, our body guards are outside waiting to take us to the airport."

"Us?" Isabella asked in obvious irritation. "I thought you were staying behind too."

"Change of plans. The boss wants you hand delivered by me. You know just in case you try to run again...." He walked closer to Isa. "So I guess you'll be right next to me the whole flight back to New York."

Isa shoved him away. "Last time I checked, I was Harry's bodyguard, not yours."

"Bodyguard?" I asked in shock.

I couldn't imagine tiny Isa taking care of Alex, no matter how tough she is, I always saw it the other way around.

Alex has always played the protective older brother role to her.

Alex turned around to look at me and shrugged. "Remember when I said Isa's family is really close to ours?"

I nodded

"That's because her family have protected ours for years."

"Oh." Was all I said in response not really having any more questions to ask.

Jason let out a scoff. "Wow, brother. Did you tell her anything? She's gonna be dead in the first few seconds upon arrival if you keep her this ignorant." Jason spoke casually but there was a certain truth to his voice.

Alex clenched his fists.

"Say that again-"

"Just kidding, just kidding." Jason spoke raising his hands in defence. "Geez, did you lose your sense of humour or something?"
He started heading towards the door.

"Jackass." Isa muttered.

I couldn't help but notice that she was lingering close behind me as if afraid something would happen.

Alex did the same, he was holding my hand but walked a foot ahead of me protecting me from any threats that would come from the front.

Before we all exited the house, Jason spun around and took a gun out of his waistline.
I stopped abruptly causing him to smirk. He however didn't attempt to hurt me in any way. He just tossed it at Alex who caught it with lightning fast reflexes.

"Consider that your welcome back present. I assume you still know how to use it."

Alex's jaw tightened but he didn't say anything. I couldn't help but feel frightened at how natural he was with the weapon and I had a feeling that's what Jason wanted, to remind me that Alex or rather Harry was in fact one of them.
