Nosy Neighbours


After the Ethan incident, Bella wouldn't talk to me. In fact the last time she had said anything to me is when I told her the news and she practically tried to claw my eyes out while yelling very unpleasant ways I should die.

Seeing how much she hated me broke me. Just the day before, we had been looking at houses we would live in after we got married. She told me that she would only have one child and no more. And she threatened my life if I ever put another one in her.

But for the next week, I think the only time she said my name was when she was praying for God to give me an untimely end to my life.

She hated me and wanted nothing to do with me.

I couldn't blame her. I hated myself too.

So naturally, the Boss decided to make it his business and intervene.

To try to make us talk and bond, he assigned us on a job together.

Bella had me play the lookout while she took care of business. Mostly because she didn't want to have to look at me or talk to me.

So I stood in an empty hallway, watching the door she had gone in.

After a total of five minutes, I got bored and impatient.
My mind started working over time and I couldn't help but wonder if things would go twice as fast if I was in the room with Bella. I wondered if it was normal for her to take this long.
I remembered how I hadn't even given a second thought to the building I had sent Ethan in while I was safely outside. I couldn't lose her too.

I ended up bursting into the room and realized Bella wasn't even halfway through. I tripped an alarm and ruined the mission and needless to say, that didn't earn me any popularity points in her books.

My point is. I've never been good at just sitting around while the action happened somewhere else.

I was taught to always be extremely alert in any situation and place because you never knew where danger was lurking.

And even though I was probably in the safest place imaginable, I worried that I could be doing more.

Lazying around and staring at a television screen all day definitely wasn't for me.
I changed into running clothes and made my way out of the room.

After creeping around the club, I finally found Kate in the kitchen. She was laughing as she stirred something in a pot.

I watched as one of the chefs handed her some spice as they continued talking. The Gary guy sat not too far away looking at her like a father happy to have his daughter back home.

Would this have been her life if the Boss hadn't ordered that hit on her family?
Was Anthony right?

Was I holding Kate away from a different life? A life where she could be safe and actually live the way she wanted to.

My chest filled with guilt as I considered all this. I was going to go into the room and surprise her but I decided against it.

She deserved a normal day back home.

I backed away from the door and turned down another hallway. There was a map of the place in the guest house so I knew there was another service exit in the back. I broke off into a light job until I was out of the gate. Then I broke off into a full on sprint.

I had only been to Seattle twice and the second time was when I was looking for Harry and Bella. A source had told me that they had been spotted here.

Of course the first place I thought to look was the Lancaster household.

I remember how I had thought nothing of it at the time. How it was just another job for me.
I didn't even think that Kate once ran in that backyard or swung on that porch swing but now I did.

But now as I looked at the typical suburban family house, I did care. A lot.

She once lived here and had a life here.

A life that was taken away by my family.

"Hey." I heard a male's voice call.

I turned around and saw a guy about my age walking down the side walk towards me.

"Hey." I muttered, quickly looking away so that he wouldn't see my face.

I was about to turn around and walk away but he kept talking.

"Are you interested in the house?"

I nodded stiffly figuring he might think I was a creepy stalker otherwise.

"Well there's a couple renting it right now but I'm sure they'll be moving in the next six months or so."

"It's okay, I'll look somewhere else." I spoke. I turned to leave again but he kept talking.

"I knew the family who owned and lived in this house." He continued. "They were nice folks. It's a shame what happened to them."

"What happened?" I asked knowing that suspicion would rise if I didn't.

This guy was probably a neighbourhood guy who didn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

"Car accident." He shook his head sadly. "They all died, except their daughter."

"Tragic." I spoke.

I could picture Harry crouched down somewhere, aiming his gun at Kate's father's car. How scared she must have been...

"Yeah. It is. Why would someone do something like that to such nice people?"

I tensed up. "I thought you said it was an accident."

I risked looking at the guy. He looked like any other ordinary guy but I could have sworn his eyes held this knowing look.

"Oh right, yeah." He spoke then shrugged. "I guess it's always easier to have someone to blame in situations like this."

Or maybe I was just imagining it. Maybe years of being taught to suspect everyone and everything was finally getting to me.

I started backing away now. "I have to go."

He nodded and gave me a toothy smile.

"Of course. Enjoy your run and be careful. You never know where danger might be lurking these days."

Now that was suspicious.
I kept stealing glances back at the guy. He just stood there and waved as if we were friendly neighbours.

I shook my head.

Stop being paranoid. It was nothing. Just a nosy stranger.
