Rule Breakers

God really has a funny way of working.
I thought to myself as I looked around my room.
The same room Jason had placed me in during the brief time I had lived with him.
I despised the room and couldn't bear to stay in it and now here I was, returning willingly.

"All done, Kate." Zoila told me as she emerged from my closet with a now empty suitcase in her hands which she slid under my bed.

I needed clothes if I was going to be spending an indefinite period of time with Jason.

I had suggested I ask Gio to bring my stuff over but Jason had said he was already in enough pain and having Gio over would only drive him crazy. So, since Zoila was cleaning up my apartment today, I figured she would be able to bring some stuff over for me.

"Thanks Zoila." I told her with a smile.

She returned it. "No problem. If you need anything, Miss Kate, just ask."

I nodded at her. I was going to remind her that she didn't have to call me 'Miss' but I figured it was just in her system. At least she was using my first name instead.

I looked at the time. "I was going to get dinner started actually. I... um want to surprise Jason. What's his favourite meal?"

As far as seduction goes, I was hopeless. Evidence of that could be found earlier today when I had finally been allowed into Jason's room. I was so nervous and flustered and I just ended up blabbing stupid things and embarrassing myself.

So, yeah, being flirty wasn't going to be my play...

But the one thing I was good at was cooking and they do say the key to a man's heart is through his stomach.

"One of the hotel's chef's usually prepares something for Senór Jason and sends it over." Zoila replied. "I don't really know what his favourite meal is."

I huffed. "I guess I'm just going to have to surprise him."

Being creative and experimental and making delicious and unique meals was what I did best. I used to do it all the time at  the restaurant I worked for in Seattle. Especially for... Alex...


He seemed like a lifetime ago. I hadn't had time to think about him lately. I didn't realise that as the days passed by, he frequented in my head less and less.

Sure I remembered what he did.
How could I forget?
But something else had been taking up my thoughts... someone else actually.

I felt a sensation that I could only describe as guilt for allowing myself to even feel the way I had been feeling about Jason. Like wanting him to stay and kiss me back at the hotel.

I had said it plenty of times, Alex was the reason I had chosen to stay. But in all honesty, that changed the minute I found out about him and Isabella. Our breakup is irreversible now.

Then why am I still here playing Dean's game?

I wondered if Zoila would in any way help me get out of here.
I wouldn't ask her to put herself in danger like that but my point was, I could leave if I really wanted to.
I was living in an apartment alone for goodness sake!
Was I really that determined to babysit Jason? I mean what would I get from it?
Jason was never going to fall for me.
Another thought nagged at me. How much I had seen of Jason and how I had seen how alone he seemed. I felt like he had no confidant. Sure there was Anthony but I didn't mean like a brother like him.

Jason is a very closed off person and I know that he probably has no one to really talk to. I wasn't saying I would become that person, I just wanted him to know that he wasn't alone.
Also I felt like I had taken away his closest confidants. Alex and Isabella.

I felt responsible for him in a strange way.
And for some strange reason, I have a feeling that I'm the only thing standing between him and whatever maniacal plan Dean might have for him.

Let me not also forget Mrs Callahan's threats.

How would it look if I just disappeared after what had happened. Wouldn't she just send blood hounds after me and hunt me down?

I tried to shake all these worries and thoughts out of my mind. Cooking alway helped me remain calm.

"I should probably get started before Jason wakes up." I told Zoila.

I was planning a three course meal.

I racked my mind for the most delicious recipes I could think of.

I only hoped Jason had the ingredients. Last I checked, he was incredibly under stocked.

"Um... Miss Kate. Jason isn't asleep."

I spun around at her, eyebrows raised. "Then what is he doing?"

"He's in the gym." She answered.

I groaned. What was I going to do with this boy?

"Where's the gym?" I asked stiffly.

"Third floor, second door on the left." I could tell she felt bad for ratting out her boss.

I marched out of my room and turned left, reaching the end of the hall way and finding the staircase that led to the third floor.

I followed Zoila's instructions and was about to turn into the open doorway but I stopped short in my steps.

Oh sweet mother of pearl.

Jason was in clear view, facing the huge windows which took up the whole wall, leading to a balcony.

He was doing chin ups and I couldn't look away as I watched sweat pour down his body as his bare back muscles contracted and relaxed.

Focus Kate!

I told myself, snapping out of my creepy staring.

I cleared my throat, making my presence known as I walked into the room.

Jason released the poll he was using to hoist himself up and landed on the floor.

I saw his hand go to his bandage that covered his stitched wound.

He spun around, giving me a good view of the front side of his toned body. His basket ball shorts hang low on his hips.

I never thought I would find that so attractive...

Focus Kate.

I folded my arms across my chest. "You're supposed to be resting." I told him, trying to sound stern but my voice failed me and came out softer.

"I've rested enough." He grumbled. "Could you hand me a towel?"

I looked behind me at where he was pointing, a treadmill that had a white towel hanging on it.

I grabbed it and walked towards him. "The doctor said you should get plenty of rest." I reminded him as I handed him the towel. His hands brushed mine as he took it and I felt an instant chill run down my spine. I quickly pulled back my hand.

He gave me a questioning look but seemed to brush whatever inquiry was on his lips.

He wiped the sweat off his face with the towel.

"I feel fine." He spoke.

I cocked my head to the side. "Is that so?" I sarcastically.

"Yes." He replied impatiently. "I barely even feel it anymore."

I took a step closer to him and before he could react, I poked his side, ever so lightly but hard enough to make my point heard.

He immediately flinched and reacted with his cat like reflexes, grabbing my hand to stop any potential further attacks.

I gasped at the sudden movement.

He quickly let go of my arm and a hand flew to the back of his head to scratch it nervously.

"Sorry, reflexes."

I nodded slowly. Even though his hand had only been around my wrist for a few seconds. It still hurt like hell.

"Where'd you learn how to do that?" I asked still in shock at his reaction time.

"Training." He simply responded as if that was enough explanation.

I understood that the Callahans needed to know how to fight but who the hell taught them to be like flipping super soldiers?

"Could you teach me?" I blurted out after I had completely recovered from the shock.

I had been feeling so helpless the past few days. And not to mention, scared. Learning even one self defence skill might make me feel a little bit empowered.

Jason seemed amused by my question. A small smile formed on his lips.

"You want to learn how to fight?"

I frowned. "Why is that so funny?"

"It's just that when Tony asked you to punch him back at the polo match, you said you'd cause more pain to yourself than to him."

I couldn't believe he remembered that so precisely.

"Well I've never had to resort to violence."

What I didn't tell him is that even the thought of physical confrontation made me nervous.
Which is weird because both my brother and Dixon were on our high school's wrestling team when they were in high school.

Jason nodded seemed to understand.

I couldn't imagine how experienced he was.

His hands were rough and you could see tiny scars on various parts of his body.

"You don't have to worry about being in any danger here." He spoke.

I did believe him.
Four more guards had been posted to Jason. Two to stand guard at the gate, keeping pesky paparazzi at bay.

And Two more to guard the exterior of the house.
Not to mention, some electricians had been here to tweak up the security system.

But of course Jason didn't know how I felt about my altercations with Dean. And he couldn't know. I had been feeling unsafe and insecure.  Even if I learnt one move, I would feel in control.

"I know but better safe than sorry, right?" I spoke with a nervous laugh.

Jason didn't any anything for a while. For a minute I thought he wouldn't. Then finally he spoke.

"I don't feel comfortable doing it."

I frowned feeling disappointed. "Because I'm a girl?"

"What?" He asked sounding offended by my allegations. "No. I used to spar with Bella all the time. It's just that..." he trailed off. He took in a deep breath before speaking again. "I was trained very thoroughly and intensely."

I was confused wondering what he was implying.

"I.." he seemed to be struggling to get the words out. "I'm basically a.... um... I just don't feel comfortable fighting someone who isn't experienced... I don't want to hurt you."

"Oh." I spoke. "But you won't have to. I mean we won't actually be fighting. I just want to learn some self defence skills."

"You don't get it." He insisted. "I'm not the most gentle person. When my reflexes kick in, I-"

He really seemed to be struggling with explaining himself.

"I just don't want to hurt you." He repeated instead.

"You don't have to."

Fighting was in his nature, I guess.
Defending his family name. Staying alive...

"We don't have to do anything too extreme, we could take it slow, just show me some basic stuff."

Jason still seemed uncomfortable. He shifted from foot to foot.

"Tell you what. If you hurt me, I get to kick you in the nuts."

This made him burst out in an unexpected laugh. I had never heard him laugh.

And I loved how happy he actually looked, his eyes crinkled, his mouth wide, displaying his pearly whites.

His laughter died down and I wanted to complain.

He hang his towel around his neck and rubbed his arms.

"Fine. That sounds fair, let's do this."

I raised a finger at him. "What? Not now. I meant what I said, you need to take it easy. Doctor's orders."

He rolled his eyes. "I can't just not do anything. It's driving me crazy. The Boss has already taken away most of my jobs and won't give me any more."

I frowned wondering what these 'jobs' were and what they entailed.

He looked so disappointed.

"If you want a job, I have the perfect one for you." I suggested with a smile.

He rose his brows in curiosity.

"You're going to be my sous chef today." I spoke with a huge smile.

"After that incident with the cupcakes, I think it's safe to say that my experience in the kitchen is lacking."

I couldn't fight the smile on my face that came naturally as I remember our little food fight.

"Well all you need is a little practice and in no time, I'll have you cooking gourmet meals in your sleep. So tell me whatever you want to eat and I'll teach you how."

He seemed to be considering it until he finally made his decision.

"That pizza stuff was pretty good."

I couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh yeah? Well then pizza we shall have. I just need to grab some ingredients. Where's the neatest store?"

"You really don't want to go out right now." He advised me. "The paparazzi will hound you the minute they spot you. You could just write down what you need and have Zoila call one of the hotels to raid their kitchens."

I forgot I was dealing with a billionaire and things like  going to the grocery store just weren't normal for him.

"I'll go take a shower and meet you in the kitchen later." He told me.

I nodded and smiled after him as he left the room.

I caught my reflection in one of the mirrors and realised I was still smiling long after he had left.

I felt my phone buzz and picked it up.

Dean's name flashed on the screen and also the words,

'how's it going?'

I quickly pressed a button that made the screen go black. Guilt ate at me and I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

What was I doing?
