
Xiaoyu was gripping her pillow hard, her dream was quite intense, she was camping with a few friends, along with Alisa, Miharu and Panda. She was sharing a tent with Miharu, but she went with Panda and Alisa because she couldn't handle Xiaoyu's intense dream.

She was about drool, she's a teenage girl, it was not a surprise if she dreamed about her crush.

"Jin..." She muttered in her deep sleep.
Meanwhile, Miharu was aware of Xiaoyu's dream, very aware. She decided to get Alisa and Panda in the game. The three watched Xiaoyu in dreamland, "Hey, who's hot?" Miharu teased as Xiaoyu answered, muttering while being still asleep. "Jin..." Alisa giggled a little as Miharu tried her best not to laugh. Xiaoyu continued muttering Jin's name, before opening her eyes, to find a shadow hovering over. That was all the evidence she needed to find out they were messing with her. "Gah!" She screamed, while the three laughed. "Not funny!" Xiaoyu said in embarrassment, covering her red cheeks. "I didn't heard his name?" Miharu teased. "So, you think Jin's hot?" Miharu asked with a smirk, Alisa smiled at their goofiness. "Nuh-uh! Well, I think the drink Gin is hot.." She tried covering up, but the three weren't that dumb to not notice. "It's fine, it's just all fun and games." Alisa spoke, giving the two humans a discreet smile.
