A Robot Conflict

(After Events of Tekken 7)
Alisa was walking around a park because Xiaoyu told her to walk around the city to recharge after getting rebooted andalmost killing Panda.
She was walking as Sakura leaves fell on the ground, before she felt a presence of something.
Jack 7 was there, she know it worked for the G Corp, so immediately throwing her chainsaws at him as it was against the larger robot's "body".
The robot dropped dead as some wires could be heard destroying inside the robot.
"Alisa...? He wasn't a threat, me and Lee were testing something to go spy on the G Corp..." Lars said behind her, as she turned around, chainsaws still armed. "Oh, my mistake. Apologies." She disarmed her chainsaws as both looked at the robot..
"Also... There was a person inside..." Lars muttered as white hair was seen. "Uhhh..... EX... CEELENT!" Lee gave a thumbs up before crashing to the ground, paralyzed. "I told you, Lee. Bad ideas get you into bad situations. Lars face palmed, Alisa gave a weak smile to both of the boys as she made her way back to Xiaoyu as she went back.
