Day 2: Meet SANTA CLAUS?!?

So, Christmas is so close that we might as well do something special!
So you may have notice me sneaking in some other characters that are not Tekken characters but this is the real deal.

Lemme introduce you to the guy who sees all, knows all, is the main reason of joy for Christmas and the person I wished was there for me during my depressing phases and-- (Panda smacks me)


Ah! Right.. Anyway, the Holly and jolly man is here, SANTA CLAUS!!

ST: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas motherfuckers!

(Stares wide-eyed at Santa)

ST: uh. I mean, merry Christmas!!

Okiiiie so Santa! I would like you to meet all my friends and foes here at Tekkenverse so-- (Asuka pushes me out of the way as I slide to the curb) OOF!!

Asuka: SANTA!!!!! MY HERRROOO!!!! (Asuka hugs him tightly by the neck)

ST: OOF! Uh, little girl, you might want to calm down...

Asuka: HEHE! Sorry, imjustsoexcitedyourehereandyourerealandyourenotabodypillowandyourbeardisrealashell

Lili: MY TURN! (Shoves Asuka)
So, Santa Claus.

ST: Why hello there!

Lili: Ya ya, so anyways, I want to destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu and like idk kill Jin Kazama for Christmas? Daddy said that's too much and that he would just get me some Gucci bags but I want a Gucci knife to strangle that bitch--

Lars: Yaay! Santa! (Lars's armor hits Lili as she drops to the floor and Lars sits on Santa's lap)

Lars: (hugs Santa)

ST: uuuuuuuhhhh... (pats Lars's head awkwardly.

Lars: hey ya know... you smell like... HEIHACHI MISHIMA!!!
(Chased 'Santa' or Heihachi onto a busy road as Lars sprints)

Connor: Stop right there Deviant-- (Sees Lars run after Heihachi who was still dressed in a Santa costume) uh, Hank? Are they deviants?

Hank: Nope Connor. I just wanna have what they're on.

