Wut is Tekken

Soooooo update rn
If you want to know whenever I update, uh, idk usually on days where I feel bored. I HAVENT FORGOTTEN YOU YET MY CHILDREN.
*internal screaming*

"My ears are bleeding so bad I needed to buy pads." Hwoarang said.

"Can I drink it?" Eliza's head perked up.

"Ugh, can't you just drink tea like everyone else???" Lili facepalmed, looking at her 'sister'.

"Issheevenyoursisterthough" Lee pouted.

"Is this a new format?" Heihachi sarcastically asked. "Haha, if you're trying to be professional you should stop and get some help." The old man added.

Boy, I haven't played nor read nor watched anything Tekken since October and it's December 2.

Kazuya scoffed.

So, in honor of you all, humans,
(Glances at Miguel, Lars, Josie, etc)
(Fist pumps Azazel as I die)
(Smiles at Angel)
And weebs..

Lucky Chloe jumps. "Nico Nico Nii!!"

"Jesus Jose Christ.." Eddy groans as he lowers his head.

Speaking of Jesus Wade Christ, we will be doing a 6 days of Tekken in honor of Christmas, and all those holidays!!!

"Why 6? And like it's not even 6 days before Christmas yet." Lars said in his native language as MC-Author stared at him blankly.

(Lol 6 cuz it rhymes with mix and mix because this book is a mix)

MC-Author looks at Devil Jin as she walks over to him.
(Takes one of DJ's horns)
(Pulls of his head as he groans in pain and as his laser eyes hits everyone except his mom, aww)

(Stabs Lars in the heart with horn)

Sorry, don't understand Italian.

"It's Swedish!" Leo yelled with a concerned face, looking at Lars collapsing to the round.

MC-Author rolled her eyes as she threw the bloody horn at Bob.

"What did I do?!" Bob screams as he tries to get rid of any dirt the horn got on him.

Because who gets upset when they lose weight.

Anyway, I'll tell you the schedule right now.

Julia Chang, Xiayou, Alisa and Miharu smile as they jump in sync.

December 13 - Tekken 7 characters welcome
December 14 - Family Day
December 15 - Love (wink wink)
December 16 - MC forces enemies to be friends
December 17 - Meet SANTA CLAUS?!
December 18 - meet new friends

So hooray! I'll update eventually. If you're looking forward we'll okie then. If not, haha SUCK IT!

Love you bois and girls, MC-Author out!

(Jin leans to Katrina)
"This is a load of barnaaaaclllllleeeeezz."

What did you guys think of the Detective Pikachu trailer?? Lololol, so cute and I am actually wanting to see it~ Laterz
