Life update because why the hell not

What the fuUCKK is up KyLEE
NO whaDYu Say Dude
What tHe fUccccK dddude

Btw i always get so mushy inside when i read you guys' comments and when i get notified that you guys voted and added this to your reading list โค๏ธ๐Ÿค—

And oof we're so close to 1k im like hella excited^^ not to mention i kinda said that i would talk to this dude if i get 1k reads oof

Hahaha if I actually do that you never i have to tell the people that motivated me to talk to him ;) but then again i dont even know his name, i just saw him during an interview for school and he just looked attractive lolol

Btw how are you guys doing?? Like id youre sad u can talk to me^^ even if youre happy u can still talk to me because i like talking to people who don't talk shit but even if u do talk shit ill forgive u so basicaLLY U CAN TALK TO ME lol
Just making sure u guys are alright hehe~

If we get 1k reads im going to create my own mishima zaibatsu, except I will name it mika zaibatsu hahaha

Also im late to the party, but i still didnt expect episode 3 of season 8 of game of thrones tbh that was unexpected because every theory i have heard never mentioned that whole 'no one kills the nk' plus any swifties or sinners out there, STREAM ME! PLEASE, STREAM PASTEL TAYLOR AND MARY FOKING BRENDON URIE POPPINS their live performance was amazing tbh

Also.... endgame ;( i have no words because i dont want to give spoilers but lets just say i love it 3000x... **cries**

Okie so im done ranting and i dont know how to end this but heres a pic of moon bin being cute

(That goddamn water bottle haunts me so much -.-)

Edit: ya know i feel so sorry for other people who tries to make serious books like with story and with actual dialogue and an actual schedule and it bother me that this slightly funny meme book has more viewsย  :( yo guys read some books that are underrated yall and share some to help the writers!!! (Make people aware of their talent ya know because THEY DO NOR DESERVE TO BE SLEPT ON!!)
