
It's been three days since I last spoke to Hyunjin and it was the last time he was in my house. I found out there's 12 hour time difference between us so I'm not expecting him to have some spare time for texting me. I was the one who broke the silence first.

have you arrived well?

There was no answer, but I found out they arrived well because my dad already talked to Christopher in the afternoon, so I didn't have to spend another day overthinking about the worst.

Today we had to go to an art gallery opening that my dad's best friend owns. I'm not really into these big events, where I have to smile all evening and talk to old men my dad knows. I know it's really rich person problems, but it gets annoying after three bad encounters.

We arrived at the art gallery where we had to listen to all of those speeches. Finally, after 20 minutes we were able to walk around, I had a plan to leave way earlier than my father, but my plans were ruined as always.

I was alone in a small room where all over were standing stone statues on wooden stools, it was just little statues of different mystical creatures, that were all different shades of grey, they were all placed very near each other so walking around them was difficult, especially for the clumsy person like me.

When I turned around to leave a room, I accidentally hit one of them and the stone fell to the ground, I broke one of the mystical creature's limbs that ended up a couple of meters away from me.

'Fuck' - I said to myself, this was the disaster that my dad would blame me for years.

A couple of seconds after it fell I saw a man come into the room, he pretty much rushed in. When I looked up to face him, it was probably a guy in his twenties, he had a notepad and a pen in his hand. I expected it to be some kind of reporter.
His deep brown skin seemed almost glowing under the gallery lights, he had very short curly hair and neat facial hair. I must say that after looking at him I totally forgot what problem I got myself into.

"Are you alright?" he asked first.

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone, my father will literally kill me if he finds out," I whispered.

He just chuckled and helped me pick up one of the limbs.
He didn't say another word he just kept staring at me, which was at first very weird but at the same time kind of nice feeling.

"Thank you, I don't know what to do now," I whispered again, looking for some kind of help in his eyes.

He placed his notepad and pen on the wooden stool and took the statue into his hands without any other word, he continued to examine every bit of it, but after a while, he put the broken stone limb into the pocket of his jacket.

"This never happened," he said right after, took his things from the stool, and placed the statue back in place.

"We can't leave it like that," I chuckled.

"Yes we can and we will, there are no cameras here," he looked at every corner of the room to check for cameras, "let's go," he said right after and left the room, I was quietly following him.

When we left the room I was still following him until he turned around.

"My name is Carter," he smiled and put his right hand in front of him to shake mine.

"I'm Jae," I said and grabbed his hand.

His smile made him look so friendly, it was actually refreshing to see a man that wasn't wearing a suit.

"This is your dad's gallery?" he asked.

"My dad is his best friend so basically if he finds out I'm done," I smiled.

"You're Wang right?" he asked and I had no idea from where he got it from.

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Almost everyone knows your father, and he spoke about the owner in one of those speeches so it isn't hard to guess," he smiled at me.

"That's right," I chuckled, "what's your name?"

"Rivera," he said quickly.

"Reporter?" I said looking down at his notepad.

"Nah, just a fan, I love art and I'm writing down all those artists, I love it more on paper than in my phone, especially in places like this," he said and broke eye contact to look at his watch, where he probably got a text message.

"Listen, thank you for helping me, it means a lot, maybe throw away that limb somewhere in the trash," I chuckled. His eyes were probably the nicest color of dark brown I've ever seen, I couldn't stop thinking about the icy blue one I was looking into a couple of days ago, but these ones didn't feel so intense.

"I will, take care, maybe I'll see you around again," he smiled.

"I hope so," I said, kind of hoping he would ask me for my number. I could always use a friend, especially in the month I won't be able to spend some of my evenings with Hyunjin.

I stayed in the gallery for another hour, I didn't enter the room I broke one of the pieces but I went through everything at least 3 times. I was trying to find my father for another 20 minutes until I found him in the bigger group of 50-year-old men.

"Hi," I smiled at everyone "I think I'm gonna get coffee and I'm going to my friend's house party," I whispered.

"Yes go darling," he smiled at me and I sighed in relief, I was sure he would make me stay for another 3 hours.

I got into my car and drove to the closest coffee shop I could find, it was very small and cozy, with only 5 tables inside and a small terrace outside, with mostly older people occupying them.
I got to the counter and ordered myself a cappuccino, when I turned around I could see a familiar face from outside the windows. It was Carter sitting on a terrace. I didn't hesitate and went to his table.

"Hi again," I said and he snapped his head back at me, he didn't see me and seemed very surprised.

"Oh, I haven't even seen you," he said after a longer pause.

"You're getting coffee?"

"I wanted to, but it's too many hours for coffee, so I just sat down," he said, not breaking eye contact.

"Want a company?" I offered and he just nodded so I sat down.

"This is such a coincidence," he said and smiled at me again, "I can't hide from you, but I like it" he chuckled, his smile was way too nice to stop looking at.

"I'm glad I see you again, you literally saved my life,"

"I'm glad I could, your father looks strict," he said, putting a hand in his pocket and putting a broken stone limb on the table in front of us.

"Why you didn't throw it away," I laughed and took it into my hands.

"Maybe because I want to remember what made me meet such a beautiful girl," he said and took a stone from my hands, slightly brushing his fingers against mine, and put it back into his jacket.

"Stop," I laughed. At that moment, which was a couple of seconds I completely forgot about Hyunjin, but when I got back into reality I remembered he was the one who said those words to me a couple of days ago.

But a little flirting can't ruin a starting friendship maybe I and Carter could have. I'm not gonna let him be more when all I can think of is his flowery cologne and plump lips I tasted a couple of days ago.

"Listen I know we don't know each other, you could still be some psycho, well I hope not," I laughed, "I don't do this at all but, but would you..would you like to go to my friend's house party with me?

"Sure," he said, and as soon as I stood up from a chair, he did too.

I drove us to my friend's house which was just a couple of blocks away, he told me some fun facts about the song that was playing on the radio and I finally felt like I could talk to someone.

When we got inside a small house, there were many people but not too many to blend in. My friends immediately circled me, asking about Carter. All I wanted to talk about was Hyunjin, but I know I couldn't, because he wouldn't want that.

"Hi," Carter said behind me to my friends, handing me a glass of wine.

"How you know?" I said looking at him, my friends were already gone.

"You seem like the type to like wine," he said and softly hit my glass with his.

"But I came here with a car," I said looking down at the glass I had in my hand.

"We will figure something out," he chuckled and I realized I didn't even have a problem taking a glass of alcohol from a stranger. But I think his smile did all the tricks in my head to just trust him.

I introduced him to all my closest friends and after that, we sat down in the corner of the living room into the 2-place couch. I could already feel the wine hitting me deep in my head.
Just as I sat down my phone vibrated in my purse.

where are you?

My head started to race because I didn't want Carter to see into my phone. I answered immediately so as he.

at my friend's house, where were you?

working jae :) have fun, i miss your lips

don't you miss me whole?

you know I do, especially what I didn't finish

me? :D

are you drunk?

a little

After that, he didn't answer, but at the same time, Carter was getting probably the same amount of messages as I did. I felt a little embarrassed that we did sit next to each other but didn't talk at all.

"I'm sorry, it's just work things," he said and put his phone back into his jacket.

"So late in the evening?" I asked curiously.

"My boss is really persistent, but I'm free now," he smiled at me right after.

"And what job do you have?"

"I work in real estate, we have this house that needs selling very quickly and it isn't quite working out," he said and put his hand on the back of the couch, so it was right behind my neck. I wanted to keep my distance from him, but I didn't move away.

"That makes sense," I said.

"Thank you for inviting me over, I really love the music and this wine is magical," he said looking around the room.

"Well you helped me today, like, A LOT," I emphasized, "so at least I can pay you back with a drink."

"Maybe you can pay me back by giving me your number?"

"We can do that too," I chuckled. He took a phone from his pocket and let me tell him my number.

"Maybe we can get that coffee together sometimes, or a glass of wine again. I would really love to see you again," he whispered close to my ear.

I suddenly kept having mixed feelings. All I really could think about was Hyunjin. There's a difference between them yes. Hyunjin is sometimes very cold and so mysterious, but Carter isn't at all. But on the other hand, Hyunjin was so caring that he found out from my father about my favorite candies - yes bare minimum, but he gave me the ones my mom was buying for me. Hyunjin made me feel something deep inside me but Carter is giving me all these mixed feelings. Just maybe all I can think about is a tall boy with blue eyes.

"Listen I think I'm gonna head home, I just wanted to show up and see my friends for a little while," I decided to go home. Today was a lot for me already. It's not like I was creeped out because of Carter, I just wanted to get my thoughts together.

"Sure," he said and put his arm away from the couch and from behind my head.

I said goodbye to my friends and we both headed to my car.

"Do you want me to give you a ride home?" I asked, after all, I drove him all the way here.

"Nah I'll be good, I think I'm gonna head to my friend's house for a while and then I'll go home, don't worry," he said and smiled at me again. His smile was a very pretty view, "and those glasses of wine will fade away anyway,"

"I'm sure it will," I chuckled, "thank you again," I said and gave me a quick hug. When I was getting into my car I could see him going opposite direction, he soon turned to the corner and I started my car and drove home.

I was curious if he would ever text me again, or forget I even gave him my number. I really wanted to have a new friend, but at the same time, it was enough with Hyunjin even if we had to hide from his colleagues.

I want to solve every mystery Hyunjin was hiding within himself, I want to know every little corner of his whole being. Already knowing every millimeter of his lips wasn't enough for me, there will always be something in him that is pulling my whole self towards him, and I can't stop looking for it, no matter how much time it takes.


I decided to check with the security I paid for her after Christopher made sure he could be 100% professional and she wouldn't notice he was keeping an eye on her. Today it's the new gallery opening and she is supposed to be there.

are you checking on her? is she home?

Carter Rivera - security
Already left a gallery. She went into some house. I'm pretty sure it's a party. I'm waiting in my car till she leaves

was she alone? make sure no one follows her home

Carter Rivera - security
She was alone. Will do.
