
"Hello?" I said to the phone with Hwang Hyunjin on the other line. Since our little "date" which he happened to call business dinner passed almost two weeks.

"I've waited too long already. Have you decided already?"

"What happened to greeting?"

"I apologize for my not very polite behaviour. I just think you're taking a very long time to decide on something so simple. Can we meet at the bar?" he said slowly to the phone.

"I don't drink," I explained. I didn't want to be drunk in front of him.

"I won't put anything into your drink, are you crazy?" he said seriously first, but he laughed at the other half of the sentence.

"I don't really see myself drinking," I tried to convince him but I wasn't doing a good job.

"You owe me that. I've waited for so long already and I think it'll be a nice change of atmosphere rather than another dinner," he said seriously, "you can drink non-alcoholic drinks," he said and I could hear a smile in his voice.

"Will you pick me up in an hour?"

"Yes, be ready. Bye," he said and before I was able to react he already hung up on me.

I tried to look nice for our third meeting. I still felt a little bit embarrassed because he declined my invitation to my house. I put on a tight black dress, I only put on light makeup.

He came exactly at 8:12 pm exactly one hour after he get off from the call. He was really precise with this and I realised he's the man of principles and doing everything he says he will.

I ran to the gate where his black sports car was already waiting for me with an open door. When I was a couple of metres away from him, he got out of his car, wearing black pants and a white shirt with a couple of loose buttons on the top and black coat, with his hair precisely neat and adjusted.
I couldn't stop staring at him and his nicely decorated fingers with many rings.
When I got even closer to him I could already see a smile forming on his plump lips.

"Good evening," I said quietly.

"Good evening to you," he said with a wider smile.

I get in the car and we were driving very fast through the city without any word. It was only some slow music in the background which would make it very awkward but with him, the slow music in the silent car was very comfortable.

We still haven't spoken another word, I was just following him to the back of the bar we were in. The decor here was very modern and bright. I could feel the relaxed atmosphere and the pick of songs suited this place really well.

We sat in the darker corner of the bar with no one around. I'm sure he genuinely likes his privacy so he always chooses corners of rooms.

"Do you want to order?" he said after he put the drink menu back onto the table in front of us.

"Yeah, I already picked," I said after a couple of seconds and when I put it down on the table too I could see how he just raised his hand and started snapping his fingers on the waiter. All those little things make him unbelievable attractive.

When the waiter came to our table he looked at me so I can order first.

"I would like to have a Martini please," I spoke slowly and when I looked at him he raised his eyebrow.

"And for the gentleman?" the waiter asked and interrupted our eye contact.

"I'll have a virgin mojito," he spoked and look back at me, "please let it be quick," he said without giving a waiter another look. When the waiter left he spoke again.

"So alcohol, huh?" he asked and lean into his chair, forming a smirk on his lips.

"Any problem?" I asked playfully.

"No, but I'm glad you don't think I'll put something in it."

"I'll keep an eye on that," I said and he leaned closer to me and my heart skipped a beat.

"Have you thought about that contract at all? Or are we just losing our time? Or my time?" he said still very close to me. Only the table between us and two layers of clothes was keeping us apart, but I'm sure he didn't feel what I felt at that moment.

"Not really," I chuckled but he didn't look very happy.

"You were really thinking for two weeks about something that simple and then telling me you actually didn't even think about that? It costs me money to be here right now with you," he leaned back and said slowly for me to understand every single word. I was speechless.

When the waiter had already come with our drinks I asked for another Martini right away. He was just staring at me waiting for me to say something but I didn't.

I smiled widely at him and then drank both of the drinks one after one, he raised his eyebrow again, not really expecting me to drink both of them before he was even able to taste his.

"I don't have money at this moment and I'm not gonna ask my father. So just let me gather some of it and don't push me," I said.

"You don't have to pay right away, you can still owe me some and it will be in the contract. And money isn't the only thing you can pay with," he said seriously.

"Then what is?"

But I didn't get any answer back and this was the second time I asked this and he didn't respond.

"Let's be more professional now," he said and took a sip from his drink, his eyes still on me. I couldn't say it wasn't attractive.

"Then excuse me for a moment," I took my purse and headed to the restroom.

I fixed my makeup a little, adjusted my hair and fixed my dress a little. When I finally decided to leave the restroom, a tall man stopped in front of me.

"Can I order a drink for you?"

"No," I said and I wanted to move away but he stepped in front of me again.

"You're stunning and you are here all alone?" he said putting his wrist on my hand.

"I'm not alone. My - my boyfriend is here-" I lied, my voice was already trembling.

"Then why are you here alone?" I was scared but I chuckled to myself. It was a stupid thing to say when I was only a couple of metres away.

He then grabbed my purse and throw it on the floor, he opened the door into the restroom and pushed me inside. Blocking the door with his whole body. It didn't take long until I started crying.

And I don't know what happened when the door behind him flew open and he didn't have much strength to keep them closed. I don't know what happened and how he knew I'm in trouble. If it was telepathy or pure coincidence.

Hwang Hyunjin pushed the man away from me and grabbed his neck.

"What do you think you're doing?" he said slowly, he didn't look angry. In fact, he seemed very calm which made him even more dangerous.

"Don't touch me," the man growled.

"Oh so you don't like when someone is touching you without consent," he said, "get out as soon as I put my hand away if you don't want to have your brain all over this room," he said very quietly into his ear.

That man was even taller than him, but he was scared to even look into Hwang Hyunjin's eyes.

"Are you alright?" he asked the second that taller man left the restrooms.

"Yes," I said brave, trying to convince myself too.

"Let me take you home," he said and we slowly left the restrooms. He quickly threw money onto the waiter tray with drinks and thanked him for drinks, he even apologised to him for being rude that he didn't pay properly at the table.

The drive back home was quiet too. He didn't say a word and I only could see him when the traffic lights shined at his face, he was just looking in front of him without any interesting expression on his face.

"How did you know he was there?" I asked quietly when he stopped his car in front of our gate.

"When we already came into the bar, he was looking at you up and down and all the time when we were sitting at our table and when you got up he got up too. I knew he was going after you," he said, looking into my eyes.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

We were staring at each other for many seconds, he didn't even blink.

"I will call you tomorrow with my decision on what service I will need," I said.

"Good," he said, he unbuckled the belt and he opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I said when I got out of the car. I really wanted to invite him, but I knew he would say no immediately.

He didn't say a word to that and left with his car when I was already inside of the house, which made me feel protected a lot more. Especially after today.

If I said no to contract that would mean I won't see him ever again, and after tonight I knew I need to see him again.

It took me 30 minutes until I picked up the phone and called him.

"I'll take party planning and security. My birthday is in a week and I want to have it secured. We can talk it through tomorrow. Only this one service and I'm done. Good night," I said playfully. I didn't even let him speak before I hung up on him. He tried to call again but I didn't pick up. He was the one who wanted this professional.
