
It was a day exactly on New Year's Eve and my father was invited to a lucrative party with a perfectly organised guest list.

We entered the huge mansion, I silently followed my father in. This wasn't new to me, my father was always taking me to the events like that, to meet new people and be able to live rich life after he won't be able to bring money into our family business.

The people in this mansion have their own social structure. Down in the corridors is security - poor, young but confident men waiting for the perfect moment to handle any situation. Above them are successful people - politicians, businessmen, journalists, models. Anyone who's anyone is here.

"I want you to meet someone," my dad whispered to my ear, I followed him into the corner of the huge hall full of people, only to see 8 men in black suits standing around the square table looking at different kinds of alcohol.

"Nice to meet you again," he spoke and 8 pairs of eyes centred on me, looking quietly.

"These men are founders of Stray Kids Organisation. They offer services concerning house security, car insurance, party organisers, they also provide security to people who can be hurt easily and even more than I just said. And this is my daughter Jae," my dad explained quickly, he looked very interested and was probably adoring them more than any other person in this house.

"My name is Christopher Bang and I'm the head director of the company," the blonde man stretched his hand in front of me, "I hope you are also intelligent enough, like your father, to be interested to become a part of our little society," he smiled and looked at the tall man standing next to him, my eyes followed his. The tall boy was easily the most attractive one in my eyes.

"Let me tell you details," the tall boy with short black hair spoke to me.

"I don't think I need any of this," I admitted and turned to my father, just to see that he wasn't around anymore, he was couple metres away from me talking with Christopher, leaving me in front of 7 unknown men.

"Let me tell you something," he said and moved away from the group.

"I really don't need anything right now," I repeated, but he didn't react to that at all.

"You see all those people?" he said with the glass of wine in his hand, "they all are people with high social rank, everyone knows them, no matter if you are poor or rich, every person heard their name at least once," he said, moving his eyes on the people in front of him, but then he looked back at me and his eyes mesmerized me.

"All of those people came to this house with private car, or rental car, not leaving it here. Let me ask you a question. How many cars did you see in front of the building?"

"Only white lamborghini," I said without hesitation.

"And do you see that man in the blue suit?" he said looking in front of him again, "he came in that lamborghini, you know why? Because he is not afraid of leaving his car in this, let's say, dangerous neighbourhood, you know why? Because I'm the one who offered him car insurance," he said and I was surprised.

"You see that woman in the red dress?" he asked another question and I don't know how he did that, but he make me listen to him.

"She's sleeping with the man with a blue suit and are you wondering why I know? Because another part of our little society is keeping his wife as far away as possible from the woman in a red dress, nobody knows anything, just us and him," he explained.

"It's so random to take care of car insurance and make sure he's cheating on her properly?" I scoffed.

"That's why 8 people are handling business," he smiled, "can I bring you a drink?" he said after a while.

"I don't drink."

"Oh sure. Then you want to take a walk? Only ten minutes until next year," he smirked, "I'm sure you don't want to spend it alone," he nodded in my father's direction. He was in a conversation with Christopher and some other men, not actually interested in me.

"Sure," I said and he was heading outside to the little garden I could already see from behind glass windows.

But he stopped in front of me suddenly and turned around with his hands in his pockets.
The view in front of me was ethereal.

"You're new here? I never saw you before," he said leaving me speechless.

"No, I'm living in Seoul my whole life," I said and he started walking again.

"It's nice to finally meet you. We've been working with your father for some time now."

He opened the huge glass door for me so we were already standing outside. We walked down the stairs headed to the garden and stopped in front of the small fountain.

"I'm sure one day you'll come back to me and would want my services," he said quietly.

"Why do you think that?"

"Look at you. Your father is quite known around. Everyone knows him in the business and soon you will be the one who will take a lead. Aren't you afraid?"

"Not really. I know a lot of people who can protect me, I don't need to pay anyone."

"You don't have to pay with money," he said quietly and I shivered by the thought of that.

"With what?"

"So are you interested?"

"No," I chuckled, I was still confused about what did he mean by that.

"We have only 20 seconds," he said looking at the watches on his wrist. I smiled at him and looked at the sky.

"Happy new year," he said quietly, but when I turned to say those words back to him, his eyes were still looking up the sky.

"Can you give me a chance and let me tell you more about our company? Over dinner?" he asked and then snapped his head to look directly into my eyes.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Here's my card. Anytime you're free, you can call me," he winked and pulled a card from his suit. It was just his name and number.

"It was really nice to meet you. I need to go," he said suddenly, kissing my hand and leaving me alone in the garden.

I never suspected that this day would change his and my life completely.
