
"Come on in," I said when I opened the door for 4 men wearing black shirts.
Today was my birthday and my dad let me have a birthday party with all my friends from high school, friends from childhood and friends of my friends. It was supposed to be a big thing and I decided to have it secured, even if I'm pretty sure I don't need any of this, but seeing a tall boy once again and in my house was a pretty fair reason. It was only us in the beginning.

"Hi," Hyunjin said firstly, "let me introduce you," he smiled and moved his eyes onto his accomplices. 

"This is Seo Changbin," he said and the shorter black-haired man moved his hand in front of him to shake mine. He was wearing a tight black shirt which was perfectly pointing out his muscular body. He appeared the most intimidating among them.

"Han Jisung," he continued and I had another hand in front of me. The icy blue eyes on the man were very strongly emphasised because of his blonde hair. With a smile on his face, we shook hands and Hyunjin introduced me to another man standing next to Han Jisung.

"Yang Jeongin," he continued. The last one looked way younger than the rest of them. His face looked soft and delicate, but he didn't show any emotion from the second they came in, which made him a little intimidating when his black eyes were looking right into mine.

I couldn't believe their ethereal look. Their facial features were so perfectly aligned that a single person could never find any imperfection. Those were the faces people will see on the covers of expensive magazines or in perfect movies. Even if I saw them before, but right here, right now in my house, they looked even more unreal than before, standing there only because of me, and only because of my secret attraction to Hwang Hyunjin.

"So you can make yourself comfortable and you can tell me what drinks you're drinking or what pizza you like the most, everything is ready," I said quickly, looking between them and the ground, because of my nervousness standing in front of the silent men.

"We won't drink, this is our job so we will just enjoy it without alcohol," Seo Changbin said slowly with a deep voice, the voice that was perfectly fitting on him. 

"Oh yeah sure," I said, giving a last glance on Hyunjin before I moved into the living room, they followed quietly.

"So what will you secure on this party? You will just stand there?" I asked when they all sat on the couch.

"Have you not read the contract?" Hyunjin asked seriously.

"I did but that was more generally written," I said quietly.

"Yes, we will probably be just standing or sitting here, walking around the house or checking up on rooms you didn't lock so no one will steal, broke or do anything to your and your father stuff," Hyunjin explained, all eyes were right on me.

"Good then," I smiled at them, "I need to prepare stuff for the party so make yourself comfortable, people will come in very soon," I said and disappeared into the kitchen, which was just behind the corner.

"If you need anything just call my name and I'm sure I'll be somewhere near you," Hyunjin said slowly, leaning against the kitchen table.

"I will," I smiled softly, but he didn't return a smile back, because a knock on the door interrupted us.

When I opened the door the living room and kitchen was already empty, they were already standing outside and watching into the pool and I don't even know when they were able to leave without my notice.

The party started and I wasn't really paying attention to any of them, I sometimes saw them outside, or near stairs, near the entrance. They were talking to some people for a little time, but they probably didn't want to seem suspicious.

It was fun and alright - until it wasn't.

I wasn't as drunk as I expected to be and there were a lot of reasons why, so when I saw my friend being yelled outside next to the pool, everyone was too intoxicated to care about our friend, so I knew the first thing to do was to look for Hwang Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin?" I said out loud, couple of people looked at me but didn't even care enough to do something about it. 


I haven't seen any of them inside. It was a lot of people in my living room and I didn't have a chance to spot a black shirt and angelic face.

"Seo Changbin?" I said louder than calling Hyunjin. I was getting scared a lot and when I didn't have a chance to find them I went out to my friend, I pulled her away from the very drunk looking man, he started yelling at me too, for why I have the audacity to even talk to him.

But when he raised his voice again on me, I could feel the hand on mine, pushing me away, but when his scent hit my face, I know I will be alright immediately.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hyunjin said when he grabbed the drunk man around the throat.

The man was quiet. He looked down and didn't say anything. Which was strange, he looked taller and way more masculine than Hyunjin.

"Hm? Talk," Hyunjin said quietly, which made me shiver.

"I don't want to have problems, she didn't want to-"

"What? She didn't want to, so what are you trying to do?" he was still talking calmly, quietly, which made him even scarier than in the bar.

"Alright, a-alright, I'm s-sorry I'll go," he said stuttering.

"That's what I thought," he said and pushed him away from his grip.

When he decided to go away, we were looking after him that's where I saw Seo Changbin, Han Jisung and Yang Jeongin standing in front of the door to our garden, not letting anyone outside.

"Thank you so much," Yuna, my high school friend, said towards me and Hyunjin, "I'll probably go home now," she said quietly.

"My friend will take you home," Hyunjin said and point his hand at his friends waiting for us at the door.

"Really?" she said happily.

"Jeongin," Hyunjin said out loud and he was very quick to come to us.

"You'll take her home," he ordered and give younger keys from his sports car.

Sooner than I expected we were back in the living room, some people already left, some people were even more intoxicated, but I didn't want anything else but to just lay in my bed with a smile on my face, and enjoy that I'm finally 20. It was also 2 am and it was really time for them to go their way.

And like in the afternoon, me and 3 of his friends were still in my living room.

"I think our contract ends here," Seo Changbin said, slowly approaching the door.

"Thank you really," I said, I really wanted them to stay until morning, but I knew it was impossible.

When they were leaving they took their coats, but Han Jisung's hands weren't empty as others. He was holding onto a brown, relatively full, paper bag. I wasn't making it big deal out of it, but when we made eye contact, he just smiled and rushed through the door.

"Can I help you clean?" Hwang Hyunjin's voice broke my thoughts, right after this accomplices closed the door behind them.

"Y-you don't have to really. We have a maid that will do it in the morning," I smiled nervously.

"You know," he smiled at me too, "I'm not really happy, that you only chose this thing. The easiest thing," he said more seriously and his fast change of impression on his face was appealing.

"But I don't know how I will pay you back for this one, my father can't be my source of money," I shrugged my shoulders.

"You don't have to do it now," he came closer, "we can be business partners, which we already are when you signed that contract," he said and sat on the couch.

"I'll think about it," I chuckled.

"Are you really alright after that man yelling at you?" he asked suddenly. Which never happened before with asking personal questions.

"You saved me at the right moment so yes," I chuckled again and he just smiled again.

"Do you want to stay the night? Is already late and -"

"I know you want to be friends," he stood up, "but that isn't a good idea, I need to go I have work to do," he said, looking out of the window.

"Of course," I said quietly. Second time - refused.

"But when you want to make friendship from our business partner thing - we can be more than business partners," he said and it was the first real time I could feel butterflies in my stomach, craving him even more.

"We will see," I chuckled, "thank you."

"You have my number, I'm offering more services. Good night," he winked at me and left my house. I was looking at him from the window slowly approaching his car and his friends waiting for him.

I was afraid to ask for more when I knew it will cost money, but being friends with someone like him, was worth it.
