
It was 7 in the morning when I heard someone buzzing our front gate. I barely got 4 hours of sleep after a hard night of partying. When I unlocked my phone and looked at the camera on our gate, the slim man that was here just 5 hours ago was impatiently waiting in his car.

'Did he even get enough sleep?'

I quickly put on a sweater and adjusted my hair and let him through the gate. I was standing next to the main door watching his black car already parking in front of the stairs to our house. He was wearing the same thing as just a couple of hours before.

"What is that?" I asked when I saw the big basket of food in his hands when I opened the door for him.

"Basket," he said, a smile forming on his plump lips.

"For what?"

"For using our services," he said, almost questioning it, "I need to thank you for trusting us with your home and letting us in, also for your kindness."

"You didn't have to do it," I was still looking at his smile, "but come in," I said and let him through the door. He confidently went inside and put the basket on the coffee table and turned around to face me.

"You do this to every client? It must cost a lot," I chuckled but his smile faded.

"No. That's only for you. I think we're already more than business partners."

"Oh really? Why so suddenly?" I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Because if we were just business partners your money would be already in my bank account and I wouldn't give you this much time to decide something so simple," he said, playing with the rings on his fingers.

"But friends don't act like this," I said and he stepped in front of me just after I said the first word.

"Like what?" he said slowly scanning my face, not missing out my lips.

"Friends need to be more personal and not only talk about money and contracts," I said firmly and I was right.

"So dinner today? Non-professional," he offered, and refusing that would be very stupid of me. To begin with, I don't think I'll ever be able to say no to him, he has this confidence and charm that you can only agree with him with whatever he can offer.

"Yes," I said quietly, "but do you ever sleep?" I asked seriously. He was up on his feet all night keeping my house secured and came in the same clothes he left.

"I don't have time to sleep these days," he smiled hesitantly.

"Then instead of dinner, you'll promise me you'll go to sleep. You need it," I wanted to persuade him, but I learned it's almost impossible to do so. I think he's the type of person where everything has to be his way because it'll get very ugly or problematic.

"We're having dinner," he said firmly, "I'll pick you up at 6, don't be late," he said, and shortly then I realized he was already on his way out, "you better lock your door," he said quickly, looking me up and down, his eyes were very slow merging my whole body, but at the same time, he did it quickly, if I wasn't looking directly at his icy blue eyes, I wouldn't even notice it. After he said it he immediately left my house and went to his car.

The only thing left of him was a wooden basket with a blue ribbon on the top. I slowly unwrapped it to discover he put there different types of fruits, cookies, chocolates, and candies. It was usual things but when I realized what he brought me, that terrified me the most. All of them were my favorite of all time.
I never knew how to choose between the taste of banana or the taste of strawberries. I always knew chocolate chip cookies were the only sort of cookies I was able to eat whole or the fact those sweet candies were my favorite when I was 6 and they were the last thing my mom gave me before she passed away. All of it was odd and perfect at the same time, but the thing that pulled me most to this basket was the white envelope with red sealed wax to keep the envelope closed.

I picked it up and slowly opened it to reveal the beautiful handwriting.

Thank you for our services and for choosing me as the one who's arranging them for you. This basket is a special present for you and I hope you'll enjoy it to the fullest.

Hwang Hyunjin

I had a whole day in front of me until I'd see him again. I decided to go to sleep again and when I woke up I realized I slept for another 8 hours it was already 3 PM and that was a very short time for me to prepare for him. I didn't even know where he'll take me but I was wishing it won't be that restaurant he took me to last time because he said that place is only for business and if he meant it with that friendship he'll take me somewhere else.

For this occasion I found myself a dark blue tight dress, it was still cold outside so I chose a thick coat. We didn't plan to go anywhere else just from the car to the restaurant, so I was sure it'll be enough for it. I put light makeup on and when I looked at my phone it was already 6 pm and exactly at that moment someone buzzed on our gate. I knew I was already late.

I quickly ran down the stairs, I didn't even choose the shoes I'll wear. It took me another 3 minutes until I was able to open the door and started walking through the sandy road that was leading from our porch to the gate, just to see him already getting out of his car.

He was wearing the same coat in the morning but only his shirt was different, which just proved every color looks flawless on him.

"You're late," he said uninterested.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep," I apologized and he didn't even say anything to that. He acted like a completely different person than he was in the morning, he proceeded to open the door for me, and then he sat back in his seat too.

After a silence that was dominating in the car, he turned up the radio and we were driving in silence most of the time through the city until he decided to break the silence that felt like forever.

"I picked a different restaurant this time. It's my favorite one," he said with a soft smile in my direction.

"I'm sure it'll be lovely," I said but after that, it was absolute silence in the car.

We were driving for another couple of minutes until he stopped his car in the back of the modern building, in the dark alley, where I couldn't see any people or cars. My heart started to beat faster and my overthinking kicked in my head when the door opened and I had no more time to stress over something this unnecessary.

"I'm sorry for this view, but we won't go from the front. I hope you'll forgive me after that delicious meal," he smiled softly and I melted.

"Don't worry about it," I mumbled and he lead the way.

We were walking towards the back door of the building when he suddenly stopped in front of the blue iron door to let me through first, he then lead the way again through some kind of storage of the restaurant with many crates, iron shelves, or wooden pallets, we walked fast through this area and soon we were in the back of the kitchen. There were at least 10 people cooking meals that looked super busy, but when they all saw him coming through the door they stopped what they were doing only to greet him.

"Nice to see you here Hyunjin, your table is already prepared, here's the menu," the older man said, smiling widely, and then he looked directly at me and handed Hyunjin 2 menus.

"Good evening," Hyunjin said softly, "this is my friend Wang Jae," he said and I smiled at the man too.

"It's that one table you always sit at," the man smiled at us and Hyunjin lead the way once again. I was silently following his steps to the corner of the restaurant. The lights were dimmed down and the songs in the background were slow and peaceful. The restaurant was a little smaller than I expected, but it was way more private which suited the occasion.

"Here you have your menu. Pick whatever you want and please," he said moving his eyes onto me, "don't look at the price," he said, moving his eyes back to the menu in front of him.

When we both agreed we had already chosen our meals, I was looking around the restaurant until he interrupted me.

"Christopher's parents owned the place, they were best friends with my parents, that's why they all know me here," he explained even if I didn't ask and even if he didn't even have to.

"I thought it was something like this. So that means Christopher is the owner?" I said, but I already knew it was like that.

"No. His sister owns it."


"Oh right," I said, "but tell me, how did you know I love exactly those things you bought me in that basket?"

"I'm capable of everything," he chuckled.

"Tell me," I demanded.

"I called your father what you like the most and he was ranting for about 20 minutes about all of the sweet things you like to eat and about those candies your mom was buying for you," he said softly which made me feel very special knowing he did this only because of me and that nobody did something so simple for me for a long time already.

"Why did you do it?" I said on the verge of tears.

"I told you already. If we were just business partners we wouldn't be here right now. We know your father for a long time so the basket isn't even a big deal."

"It means a lot to me," I admitted. 

"I know," he smiled again and after he said it, it was a perfect time when a waiter brought us our dinner.

We were eating in silence but it wasn't that awkward type it was peaceful.
After we finished it all he also asked me if I wanted a dessert but only dessert I wanted was sitting in front of me.
He paid for our food and left a big amount of tip for the waiter. We went to the car the same way we went it with all the staff waving at us from the kitchen as we were walking through it.

We were driving fast through the city, we weren't talking during the ride, which was unusual but easy at the same time. I wanted him to talk endlessly and I would never get bored of his voice or the way he is explaining things.

"Thank you for your time," he broke the silence.

"I should thank you for everything really. It's nice to have a new friend," I smiled at him, but he was quiet for few seconds, not moving his eyes away from mine.

"I know you want to invite me in but I can't," he spoke slowly. I froze when I hear it coming from his mouth.

"Why not? I won't bite you," I chuckled.

"You wish you could," he said and I immediately looked at his lips without any other word. Only 4 layers of clothes were keeping us apart at the moment.
"I'm sorry if it's torture," he spoke again softly and I wish he was kissing me right now.

"You're torturing me," I said confidently but my mind couldn't move on from the things he just said to me.

"You don't even know what real torture is," he smirked.

"And you know?"

"You'd be surprised."

"But why you never want to come in?" I changed the topic because I wasn't brave enough to continue.

"But I was in last night."

"But there were other people. I want to make you a coffee or something."

"You just want to seduce me," he chuckled like it was the most clearest thing in the world.


"I think you're very attractive too, but we're new friends and that's alright to feel this attraction when you met someone new because it feels different, especially when someone is wearing tight dress and juicy lip balm, but that's very different story," he said smirking. I wanted him right now in his car. I craved for his touch but if he wanted we would be already in the back seat. It still didn't make me wanting him less than now.

"What are you doing?"

"Explaining to you very obvious facts."

"Right" I chuckled nervously.

"So you better go home," he said, got out of his car and opening the door for me. He waited until I was standing in front of my gate before he closed the door on the passenger's side.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Goodnight Jae."

"Bye Hyunjin," I smiled and I was slowly approaching the door. He left right after I closed the door behind me. I slowly leaned against the door and started smiling about all the things he said today and about all of the small things he's doing. I was being pulled to him, but I wanted to see if those words are just empty or he really meant it with that friendship. I will give him space to call me first without me making a next move.


"So now you date?" Changbin asked, sitting on my bed when I opened the door into my room after dinner with Jae. He's always pissed when I don't spend time with him during the day.

"It was not a date," I said and sat next to him on a bed, taking off my shoes.

"Oh really?"

"You know that I don't date, besides that, we agreed we will have sex without emotions, so don't bring this shit again. I spend time with you the same as with others."

"Don't fucking play with me," he said and grabbed my face into his hand and made me look at him, "we agreed to that but you owe me for all of those weeks. Get on your knees."
