Communication 3

Communication 3: A Suspicious Individual

"Make a note so you know what to bring tomorrow." The teacher was trying to help her class but was promptly ignored in favor of admiring the two picture perfect students in the class. As Tadano and Komi wrote down what the teacher instructed the rest of the class were taking pictures and mumbling to themselves and each other.

"Komi-San is so graceful even when she writes" Male student F swooned. His friend, Male student N snapped pictures of the pair before nodding in agreement.

"Tadano-Kun's so cool. I love it when he stares at me" Female student G said dreamily which caused the boy in question to start shaking in his seat.

'I knew it. My high school life will be nothing near normal' Komi thought to herself before turning towards her fellow class idol. 'Despite being so rigid he still has some form of grace' as she watched the boy scribble on his paper she failed to notice her eraser fall off her desk. However Tadano did and picked it up to hand to her. As he reached out to give the eraser back a pinwheel shot between the gap his fingers created and nearly took one of them off. Tadano slammed the eraser back on the owners desk and returned to his work pretending the whole thing didn't happen. Komi uttered a 'thank you' before doing the same.

Communication 3 - The End
