Communication 8

Communication 8: Scary

The story thus far. Komi has decided that her high school goal is to help Tadano reach his goal of making 100 friends.

'Nearly everyone admires him so it couldn't be THAT hard' Komi thought to herself as she cast a glance towards the boy in question. 'I'll tell our classmates that Tadano wants friends and they'll jump at the chance. I've visualized my success!' Komi thought as her eyes burned with resolve. She put her plan into motion and walked towards the nearest person of interest that being Yamai. "Hey, Yamai?" She started while tapping the girls shoulder to gain her attention. The girl turned towards the purple haired goddess and visibly brightened.

"Hm? Yes Komi-Sama?" Yamai responded with a deep bow.

"Um, have-" Komi couldn't even finish her sentence as Yamai nodded her head vigorously and walked over to the communicationally(?) challenged boy and whispering something in his ear. Komi initially smiled as she presumed Yamai had understood her but that smile and subsequent thought were wiped away and Tadano gave a shaky nod and before trudging to his seat and quietly sobbing. Before she could comfort him, Yamai appeared back at Komi's side and gave a bright smile.

"I took care of the trash just like you asked Komi-Sama" she beamed. "Anything else my lord?" Komi could only shake her head in response and go off to comfort her friend.

'I so wanna punch her in the mouth'

Communication 8 — The End

Kinda. So it's the author here and first off I just wanna thank all of you who read this because I thought that I'd just write it on my iPhone 8 while trying to beat DMC5 on DMD and a couple of you would giggle and move on and well. I WAS FUCKING WRONG. So I just want to thank you guys because I can't fit the amount of people who read this in my backyard much less my room and if I could I'd invite you all to a party but I'm hella broke so... yeah. Secondly I just wanna let y'all know that I'm gonna be changing some things because as you've noticed by now Tadano is far more sensitive than Komi was in the original story and I made it as such because being alone for your whole life really fucking sucks and getting belittled for it too would make a lot of people cry myself included. I also wanna change some things about Tadanos past times because Komi in the original story was very good at sports and was athletic and I'd like to give Tadano something like that to so I'm kinda torn between having him use either martial arts as a means to vent his frustration when crying isn't enough or music because I play like three instruments and practice TKD because well I have no social life 🙂. So lmk what you guys want or give some suggestions different from those because I value everything you guys have to say.
