Communication 11

Communication 11: Not A Killer

"Well...should we head home Tadano?" Najimi asked. They remained anxious while gathering their things and waiting for a response.

"..." Tadano offered and shakily grabbed his bag. The two walked outside and started their trek to Najimi's place, unknowingly being followed by Komi.

'They look super uncomfortable!' She mentally screamed whilst hiding in bush. And she was right from Najimi's perspective it seemed as if every word they said fell on uninterested ears.

"Sorry I said we can't be friends, I didn't mean it." They started

"..." Was Tadano's response.

"Hey! Hey! Do you remember meeting me?" Najimi tried again.

"..." Was Tadano's response.

"U-Uhmmm you're super popular now! What's your secret?" Najimi remained persistent.

"..." Was Tadano's response.

Komi shook her head as she watched the two stare at eachother and tremble. From her perspective Tadano's responses were due to nervousness and she could tell he could break down at any moment. Digging in her pockets she retrieved her phone and texted Najimi.

"R U OK?!" The message read. Najimi responded immediately with their own message.

"I GIVE UP!" Somehow Najimi managed to bolden the message.

'Even Najimi is having trouble!' Komi thought, slightly nervous. Then, all of a sudden.

"NAJIMIIIII" A voice shouted. Komi turned and saw two boys around her age dash right by her and stop at Najimi and Tadano.

"Heh heh! Found you Najimi!" The taller one said. He wore no shirt and towered above Najimi and Tadano. His midsection was wrapped in bandages and his school shirt was unbuttoned and in cohesion with the blonde hair gave off a look of nothing but trouble.

"Hm? Maa! And Shii! What's up?" The ever so friendly Najimi greeted the duo.

"You moved away without sayin nuttin to us!" The tall blonde, now known as Maa, said while fidgeting.

"Maa was lonely Najimi!" Shii said with faux anger. Shii was shorter and far thinner than his friend while wearing the uniform as intended along with a head of black hair.

'More old friends? Even those guys?!' Komi thought to herself, watching the exchange from a distance.

"So watcha need" Najimi asked with a tilted head.

"Oh Right! After you left.. I noticed how important you were to me and uh..." Maa struggled.

"YOU CAN DO IT MAA!" Shii supported his friend.

"Najimi be my gal!" Maa confessed.

"Can't I'm a guy" Najimi denied.

'That was fast...but is he really?' Komi and Tadano thought simultaneously.

"Najimi I made a decision" Maa started while gripping his school shirt. Najimi reeled back as Maa stalked forwards. Then, in Yakuza like fashion, Maa ripped his shirt off and clutched his fist.


'He's so girly!' Komi thought to herself, now standing next to Tadano. Maa grabbed Najimi's arm and pulled, licking his lips in tandem.

"Ow! Hey... let me go!" Najimi hissed out.

"I ain't lettin you get..." Maa trailed off as a hand grasped his shoulder. "Away" he finished and looked back to see Tadano's eyes boring into his soul.

'Oh it's just some boy' He thought and let out a sigh in relief. "Who is you?" He asked Tadano. The slightly shorter boy didn't respond and instead produced a key from his pocket and held it out. 'My house key?' Maa thought to himself confusedly.

"You...key...ocket" Tadano barely managed to utter.

'He's talking to a stranger! He's making progress' Komi thought excitedly while clutching her hands over her heart and nearly crying from joy. Maa on the other hand shivered in fear.

'W-Was that some kind of threat?! What was he sayin?!' Maa was scared. See he thought Tadano had said-

"YOU LEAVE NAJIMI ALONE... OR I'LL USE THIS KEY... TO RIP YOUR ARMS FROM THEIR SOCKETS!!" Tadano did not say this. Maa flinched under Tadano's gaze before deciding to turn tail and run.

"LET'S SCRAM SHII!" He yelled to his friend and the two sprinted away never to know that Tadano has actually said-

"Your key fell out of your pocket"

Maa had to get a new key made.

"It''s all right Tadano. I think they just misunderstood!" Komi said, trying her hardest to comfort her friend.

"I...I'll be your friend Tadano." Najimi said more so to themself if anything. The two turned to the pink haired person in shock and delight causing the person in question to burst out laughing. "You're funny Tadano... I had the wrong idea about you! I thought you were a blood sucker...or something!" They said in between laughs. Komi and Tadano turned to each other and smiled happy that Tadano gained a new friend.

"You just got... you're second friend" Komi said to an elated Tadano who jumped in the air and did a small dance. "But uhh... what should we do with the key?"

They turned it into the police. They turned it into the police after Maa had printed a new key.

Communication 11 — The End
