Communication 1

Communication 1: Totally Normal

Itan Private High School is an elite prep school filled with students of all backgrounds. However, what many students don't know is that the academic test is only for appearances and the real test is an interview with the student in which their personality is judged based on uniqueness. It is in this high school in which the ever stunning Shouko Komi attends. With large almond eyes, deep purple hair, an athletic build and the intellect to match, it's no mystery as to why she's adored by all she crosses. As Komi walks to her shoe locker the jumbled crowd of students part for her and whisper in awe causing her face to flush in embarrassment. She continues walking and arrives at her locker and opens it. As she changes her shoes she once again hears the whispers start to form however this time it's not about her.

"He's cute yet handsome at the same time." Female student A (Single) whispers to her friend.

"I know. His eyes are so intense" Female student B (Single) sighs dreamily in response.

"I wanna feel his abs" Male student A (single) chimes in causing both female students to turn towards him and stare before vigorously nodding in agreement.

Komi shook her head with a small smile and turned towards the boy in question who conveniently had a locker next to hers. She expected a plain looking boy with black eyes but was pleasantly, although she'll never admit that part, surprised when she saw a 5'8 relatively built teen standing at his shoe locker. After finishing changing her shoes she stands and taps the teen on his shoulder causing him to turn and stare at her threateningly...well to her at least. The boys black eyes bore into her soul for a few more seconds before he ran off.

"Did I do something wrong?" Komi asked herself and turned towards the boys locker. "His name is Tadano,Huh?"

Komi still hasn't noticed......that Tadano can't communicate.

Communication 1 - The End
