Communication 10

Communication 10: Dark Past

Komi turned towards her friend and waved her hands in front of his glazed over eyes.

"Tadano-Kun?!" She said with a twinge of fear in her voice. After a few unsuccessful tries her head snapped towards the cause of the issue, Najimi, and dashed towards them. "Come with me" she said while dragging Najimi out of the class and into the hallway. Once the two were safely out of earshot Komi stared down her friend who, in turn, started to wriggle under the fierce gaze. "What. The. Fuck" She hissed out. Najimi wiped away their sweat and loosened their collar before finally answering.

"It's just....I don't like him" They answered while casting a glance at the boy in question.

"IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" Komi shouted in shock. "WHY NOT?!" Komi half asked half demanded while gripping her friends shoulders and shaking them.

"Look Komi, I go way back with all the students here so I've met Tadano before. Back in second grade. He was the only one I couldn't be friends with because he ignored everything I said and tried to crush my soul with his eyes." Najimi said while shaking. "The shock was so bad it left me bedridden for a week. Now I'm an adult so I won't say I hate him but...when I look into his eyes....I tremble"

Komi sighed and released her friend from her grasp. "Tadano isn't like that at all. He wasn't ignoring you. Talk to him and you'll see exactly what I mean"

Najimi shook their head and looked at the ceiling. "I already tried remember? Besides he's popular and all that so he shou-" Najimis sentence was cut off be Komi who interjected with her own words.

"Trust me Najimi. What you think his life may be is far far from the truth" Komi said, looking her friend dead in the eyes.

Najimi only nodded before their eyes gained a mischievous glint. "You really seem to be rooting for him. Are you hot for him?" They asked with a small smile.

Komi face reddened slightly before raising her hand and shaking her head. "Sure he's cute and sweet and has a great smile...BUT WERE TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE YEAH 100% INCOMPATIBLE!" She yelled more so to herself. She soon calmed down and smiled with the blush remaining. "He's in trouble so I want to that weird?" She asked noticing her friends silence.

Najimi shook their head and responded. "Actually it's kinda cool...I'm getting moist" They added with a lustful gaze.

"Where" Komi deadpanned

"Fine. I'll talk to her. OH! This kinda reminds me of the time we told that one guy you liked him by writing it on the school track!"

"STOP DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT" Komi screamed clutching her chest.

"Ha! Ha! Make sure you don't do something like that with Tadano" Najimi said and walked off leaving a sputtering Komi behind.
