
A/N before you read this I just want to apologise for the actions of Erwin Smith...Just kidding not really hope you all feel pain <3


Eren was asleep again, lying on the couch.We had been watching 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' and Eren had only lasted halfway through the film before he was out cold. I smirked softly as I covered him with a blanket. I had noticed how Eren tensed slightly whenever Dr Frank-N-Furter came on screen, I was now lazily brushing through his brown locks wondering if Eren was into that kind of thing. My phone rang and I quickly answered noticing the distressed look on Eren's face when the noise rang out.

"What? I'm not coming in today Hanji," I snapped and she giggled.

"Eren isn't listening is he?" She asked, making me frown slightly.

"No, he's sleeping," I sighed slightly, stroking the Eren's cheek gently. I heard Hanji's small squeak of excitement. "Why?..."

"You know its his birthday tomorrow, right?" I could hear the smirk in her voice, I had forgotten. Completely forgotten. And she knew it.

"Ehm...Yeah..." I lied and awkwardly glanced at the calendar. Today was Monday. I clenched my jaw trying to think of something I could get for him.

"I know what would be an excellent present!" She sang. I already knew where she was going with this and I felt my cheeks burn slightly.

"Hanji no," I said flatly but couldn't help imagining it. I got the feeling that Eren was always going to be too horny for his own good, and after his reaction the Dr Fank-N-Furter I was starting to think it wasn't such a bad idea.

"Oh come on Levi!" she begged and I slowly eased Eren's head off of my lap, standing up and walking to my room.

"I-I just haven't done it in so long...I'll mess up," I argued half-heartedly, already pulling my clothes out my drawers. Hanji must have heard because she laughed loudly.

"I'll meet you there Levi. I know you want to do this. Maybe I could reopen the bar?" She asked but I just hung up the phone. I stared at the clothes in my hands and tensed slightly. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea... I looked in the mirror and cursed, knowing I had fallen right into Hanji's trap. I grunted, pissed off with myself. Despite my annoyance, I shoved my clothes into my bag and grabbed my eyeliner before writing a note for Eren and then leaving to meet Hanji.


"Hmm? It's a little early if you want a private-" The man at the door started talking but I cut him off.

"No, I don't want that," I glanced at Hanji who was smirking softly. I sighed and looked back to the man. "Can I practice on one of your stages?"


I woke sleepily, rubbing my eyes and sitting up slowly. There was an insistent knocking on the door and I groaned. "Levi?!" I called. Maybe he was upstairs and didn't hear? I doubted that but I went to the door anyway, aware that I was only in a pair of boxers.

Erwin was standing there with a sheepish smile. He ran his eyes over me and didn't even bother to conceal the amount of lust that filled his eyes. I sighed softly and rose an eyebrow at him.

"I noticed Levi's car was gone...I didn't expect anyone to answer but I found who I was looking for..." He trailed off, his eyes lingering on the few hickeys Levi had left on my neck. I covered them self-consciously and glared at him.

"What do you want?" I asked but was pushed slightly to the side as he walked in. I was stunned for a moment but them I noticed how relaxed he seemed in Levi's home. He walked to the cupboards, making himself a drink, not even hesitating. I closed the door slowly and walked towards Erwin. Why did he know Levi's house so well? I didn't know but I did realise that I had made three mistakes so far;
One – I hadn't asked Erwin to leave
Two – I was being absent minded and wasn't really paying attention
Three – I walked towards him

I let out a small gasp of shock when I was suddenly pinned against a wall and Erwin rolled his hips against mine. I didn't mean to but I let out a whimper and turned my head away from him. Apparently that was exactly what he wanted me to do and he latched himself onto a hickey-free part of my neck. I shuddered underneath him. Feeling waves of dominance rolling off of him, waves that I never seemed to get from Levi. I forced my eyes open, Looking up when he pulled back. "Oh you are a treat aren't you Jaeger?" he hummed and I quivered under him. I was not in control of my body and I couldn't stop thinking about Levi yet as he kissed my stomach I found myself tangling my hands in his hair. "So sweet," he looked up at me and I was weak in the knees. He stood up before giving my ass a firm squeeze, making me gasp again.

"Y-you should g-go," I panted, wanting to curl up in bed now, I felt dirty and the hard erection I felt pressing against my own wasn't helping in the slightest.

"You are just full of surprises," he smirked, whispering into my ear and I whined softly, feeling him grab me through my boxers. "Don't you want help with that?" He licked the shell of my ear and I very nearly nodded my head. Nearly.

"Leave." I said flatly and tried to push him off. He chuckled lowly and bit into my neck, making me feel dizzy before he let go.

"Goodbye Eren," He smirked then glanced at my boxers. I felt my face burn at the realisation that I had almost came from just his touch.

"Leave," I repeated because it was the only word I could form at the moment. He waved slowly, eyeing my hungrily, then left. My head was pounding and I was so glad I was alone because I slipped upstairs to his bed and tried to sleep, I couldn't. I shivered slightly and carefully reached down, hesitantly touching myself. I couldn't do that either, though. It just made Levi and Erwin pop into my mind. Levi and I weren't a thing. Unofficial as far as I knew but that didn't stop me from feeling like I had betrayed him. I stared at myself. Not wanting to touch myself but needing it so badly. Then I heard the door open.

"Eren? I'm back!"
