

Eren twisted around in his sheets trying to block out the annoying beeping. Wait. Beeping?! Eren sat up straight and looked at the time. He was screwed. That was his second alarm and it was 8:45 am; he only had 15 minutes to get ready and get to his new job. He ran around his apartment swearing at himself.

So far he had taken three bites of dry toast, brushed his teeth, thrown on his smart black trousers and was looking for his white shirt. "Agh! Where's my tie?" he growled as he buttoned it as fast as he could. He tripped over a few things then felt his cell go off in his pocket. He fished it out while he pulled on a smart blazer.

Hanji: Where r u?

Eren sighed at the screen. He told her he was running late and that he would be there soon. He went to his car and tried to start the engine. There was a small click then silence...

"No no no! Please, not today!" He yelled and tried again. It was no use, the car wouldn't start and he was going to be late for this stupid job that he didn't even want. He climbed out and slammed the door shut. "crap, I'll be lucky if I don't get fired." He sighed. He was supposed to be working for Hanji and her co-worker, be their secretary but at the rate his day was going he doubted he would get there on time. He looked at his watch, two minutes left to get there. He cursed in his head and ran.

Eren made it there at 10 am. He walked inside and fixed his hair, he moved to smooth his tie but realised he never found it. "This day can't get any worse can it?" He grumbled looking down at his watch. He walked into something and looked up in shock. Papers fell on the ground and Eren had locked eyes with a short raven haired male.

"You spilt my coffee...and now its all over my shirt," He said blankly and Eren felt his jaw loosen. He glanced then man up and down then knelt to lift his papers.

"I...uh...Sorry," He mumbled feeling defeated. Another delay. He handed the papers back to the man and was about to walk away when he heard a shrill voice.

"Errrreeeeennnnn! Is that you!" Hanji yelled. He looked up and saw Hanji skipping towards him.

"Hi, Hanji...sorry, I'm late my morning-"

"This is Eren," Hanji interrupted him and turned to the other male who was glaring at his empty coffee cup. He looked up at Hanji and Eren and mumbled something before turning away and walking the way Hanji had come. "Don't worry about him, Eren, he's always grumpy," Hanji smiled and started pulling Eren towards the elevator. "His names Levi, he's the other person you'll be working for." She stated and Eren tensed a little. He was wrong...This day could get worse.
