"I'm Sorry,"

(Sorry for not updating my laptop broke and I had to wait for it to be fixed. BUT I'M BACK NOW HEHEHE)


I woke to the feeling of small touches on my face. I frowned a little and tried to push whoever it was away but then I realised they were kisses. I forced my eyes open to see a bright-eyed brunette above me. "Eren..." I looked away trying to conceal my smile. He made me feel happy, as dumb as it sounds I wanted to mean more to him than just sex. I felt a hand on my chin as my head was turned back to him.

"You're cute when you're tired, Levi," He smiled at me like I was the best thing he had ever seen. God, why did he have to do that? Those eyes could charm anyone. I frowned at him but we both knew it was fake. I pushed him onto his back, off of me.

"No I'm not." I huffed "Go back to sleep," I closed my eyes after glancing at my clock. It was only 1pm. "Wait what?" I glared at my clock. I was usually up by now AND had the entire house cleaned I turned back to Eren who was watching me with a smirk on his face. "Shut up," I scowled which only made him laugh. I kicked him out the bed and he landed with a thump and a groan. I ignored him and got to work, cleaning and scrubbing places that didn't even need to be cleaned or scrubbed. Eren still hadn't come down yet which I found strange, then it dawned on me. "oh shit... Eren!" I dropped the cleaning materials in my hands and ran up to him. He was curled in bed, watery eyed. "Eren..." I knelt beside him but then he shuffled away from me so I couldn't touch him.

"You're horrible," He muttered and I stared blankly, in shock.


I got a fright when Levi kicked me off the bed and I didn't mind that he had until I hit the ground. The ache in my back worsened from the blow and everything hurt ten times more than before. I was about to complain and tell him that it had actually hurt when I got a sick feeling in my stomach. There was a chance that he didn't even care, maybe he just wanted me here so he could have sex. I felt dirty, he had stolen my first and then hurt me afterwards. There's always a chance he didn't mean it but if that was the case then he shouldn't have just walked away... I slowly pulled myself into the bed, groaning quietly. Maybe it was just because that was my first time or maybe it was because if the way I fell but I didn't want to move, I doubted that I could even walk. I frowned to myself and pulled the covers close to my chin. I really liked Levi and it hurt to know that he didn't feel the same. I heard a clatter downstairs and then rushed footsteps coming towards me. He walked over to me but I shuffled away. "You're horrible," I said, he was, whether he had meant it or not he had just left me on the floor. There was a long silence and then I heard him walk away again. My eyes teared up and I curled up into a ball, I wanted to go home...but I couldn't. Maybe I could ask Hanji if I could stay with her. I heard him walk over again and I sank lower in the sheets.

I let out a yelp as the blankets were ripped away and the coldness of the house swam around my skin. I shivered and was about to start crying again and ask him why he was treating me so badly when I felt soothing hands on my back. I let out a soft groan as they worked out the knots in my back. I looked over my shoulder to see Levi watching me with guilt and regret written all over his face. I blinked a few times and looked on the bedside table. He had left the second time to get massage oil. I rested my head back on the bed and sighed gently, this was so relaxing. It also meant I was wrong. Levi did care. I let him rub my back but I felt something strange. My face burned brightly when I realised he was kissing my back.

"Eren...I'm so so so sorry..." he whispered against my skin. I twitched slightly at the feeling but it felt good. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I forgot it was your first time and I didn't realise you would be in so much pain." He kissed up my spine to my shoulder blades. "I'm so sorry," he whispered and I turned over to look at him. He has teary eyes and he looked at me in shock. I smiled softly and kissed him gently to tell him it was okay. I felt his arms wrap around me protectively and he pushed me back into the bed, hovering over me just how I liked. Our kiss was gentle and soft, his lips danced over mine and he kept me in his arms. He pulled back from the kiss and I nuzzled up to him.

"Thank you, Levi..." I whispered just before I felt asleep.
